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Pro Networking Tips at APHA: Expand Contacts & Career Success

Learn how to network effectively at the APHA Annual Meeting to expand your contacts, gain mentorship, explore career paths, and succeed professionally. Get insightful tips and strategies for making the most of networking opportunities. Plan your approach, attend key sessions, and connect with industry professionals. Elevate your networking game with proven techniques and make lasting connections.

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Pro Networking Tips at APHA: Expand Contacts & Career Success

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  1. Networking tips for everybody:expanding your contacts at APHA & Beyond CEMCH Conference Series Tulane Center for Excellence in Maternal and Child Health and Tulane SPHTM Career Services present:

  2. How comfortable are you with networking? • Very–I’mjustheretopickupsomelastminutetipsandlearnmoreaboutAPHA! • Prettyconfident–Ihaven’tdonealotofnetworking,butIlovemeetingnewpeople. • OK–I’vedonesomeinthepast,butitreallydidn’tgoanywhere. • Sorta–I’vedonealittlebutIdon’tfeelcomfortableyet. • Notatall-anditsoundsterrible!!! • Idon’teventthinknetworkingisimportant-I’min the wrong room!

  3. What is networking & why do we do it? • The “who you know” not “what you know” • Awaytogainprofessionaladviceandmentorship. • Explorecareerpaths. • Learnaboutdevelopmentsinyourfield. • Discoverandconnectwithemployersinyourfield. • Helpyourjobsearchbylearningaboutopportunitiesanddevelopinginternaladvocatedwithinemployers. • Developanetworkofprofessionalconnectionsforfutureresearch,publications,conferencepresentations,andothercollaborations. • Meetpeoplewhocanprovidethesethingstoyourclassmates.

  4. Your Plan • Remember, you will have a plan for the conference! • Use this plan strategically in who you want to meet, how you meet people, and how composed you are when you meet them. • Expo: • Tulane SPHTM Booths: #1027-1029 • Virtual Expo • Speed Networking Session (MCH) – Sunday, Nov 11 @ 1:30 pm • *233.1 MCH Networking & Membership Meeting – Sunday, Nov 11 @ 3:30 pm *267.0 • https://apha.confex.com/apha/2018/meetingapp.cgi/Program/1774

  5. #APHA2018 Sunset tweetup • Tuesday, Nov 13 @ 5:00 pm • https://www.eventbrite.com/e/apha-2018-sunset-tweetup-tickets-50969486105?platform=hootsuite • Voice your opinion and share your thoughts on social media using #APHA2018 and #APHAHealthEquity • Connect with the APHA Annual Meeting on Twitter @APHAAnnualMtg. Chat with someone digitally and then connect with them in person!

  6. MIX AND Mingle Lounge Need a break? Stop by to relax, recharge, and connect with other attendees

  7. Poster & Scientific Sessions • Liketalkingshop/tech? • Don’tlikeaskingquestionsinfrontofalargeaudience? • Smallgrouporone-on-oneinteraction. • Talk to the person next to you. • AskaquestionduringQ&A(andidentifyyourself). • Askaquestionofthespeakerafterthepresentation. • Follow-upwithaquestiontothespeakeraftertheconference.

  8. Set up your own meetings • You will be in San Diego, in addition to just being at APHA. Who do you want to meet? • Reach out to professionals – find them on LinkedIn, TulaneConnect, or through the conference materials. • “Informational Interview”

  9. Public Health CareerMart Career Guidance Center • Meet employers face-to-face and take advantage of on-site interviews, resume critiques and one-on-one career coaching sessions.  • Post resumes before the conference and note your availability for interviews at the top of the resume.   • Here's your opportunity to be advised and counseled by expert career coach and career advisors for FREE. Please direct all questions to careers@apha.org.  • http://careers.apha.org/jobs/

  10. Alumni reception • https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tulane-sphtm-at-apha-cocktail-reception-tickets-50451277128?fbclid=IwAR1CQTvhMhxNDLLKIgHemzyna8h0c3UrqDgpln0ZYzakPyfFEULVHL_PG8c

  11. Working the room • Don’t latch onto your friends. • Introduce yourself and even if you’ve met them before, offer a reference to the person of how you have been acquainted. • Prepare a short list of questions that you can ask ANYONE in ANY SITUATION. • Prepare your “elevator speech” as it relates to your career goals • Appear comfortable. • Be a responsible adult in regard to adult beverages.

  12. Understand that you may not “click” with each person you interact with at an event, just as in life. • Always be courteous and polite. • Understand yourself and comfort levels with networking; know how to comfortably remove yourself from a conversation • Use your friends as connectors, but don’t kill conversations!

  13. I found my person – now what?! • Your goalisjusttoestablish rapport: • Askabouttheirwork,careerpath,andprofessionalinterests.Peopleliketotalkaboutthemselves. • Askwhytheyareattheparticulareventyouareattending. • Askwhatthemostinterestingprogramtheyhaveattendedhasbeen. • .AskwhatiftheyhavehadtimetoexploreSan Diego. • Reviewlistsof“informationalinterview”questionsformanymoreideas. • Askfora cardorifyoucanconnectintheapp. • Trytodevelop(or fake)agenuinecuriosityaboutpeopleandtheir work,andyou willbefine.

  14. And now what… • YouMUST followupwithyourcontacts.Otherwise, what was the point?! • Rarelydoesa singleconversationleadtothekindoflong-termrelationshipthatbenefitsyouprofessionally. • ThisisGOODnews:itmeansthatyoudon’thavetoputpressureonyourselftomeetsomeoneandin10minutesconvincethemtobeyour life-longcareeradvocateandmentor.Youjustneedtomaketheimpressionthatyouareanengagingbuddingprofessionalworthyof possiblefuturecommunication. • How:personal/professionalupdates,articles,events,askforadvice,a notetosay“hello,”etc.…

  15. LinkedIn & EmaiLs • Do you have a LinkedIn? YES  Do you have a picture? Is your information up to date, including having Tulane SPHTM? Are you connected with other people already? Great. NOW- Search and connect. Send a message when “connect”ing. If you can find an email address, connect this way as well. NO  Linkedin.com It’s free. It’s necessary. You need one! A picture that looks like you & your resume will get you started. Try to find the email especially in this scenario.

  16. Example Shokufeh, It was great to meet you Sunday at the MCH Section Social Hour at APHA. I appreciate your insights on the teen pregnancy prevention programs that the New Mexico Department of Health has recently implemented. As I am back in New Orleans for the final weeks of my MPH program, I look forward to staying in touch with you. Thank you again for your time, and best of luck with the project implementation this month. Sincerely/Best/Thank you/- Catherine

  17. Example Dear Dr. Pugh, Thank you for taking the time to meet with me on Monday during the APHA conference. I appreciate your efforts to connect with me during the busy conference schedule. I am looking forward to the opportunity to learn more about Public Health Institute’s new initiatives as they launch in the new few months. My work in maternal and child health as a research assistant with the _____project will allow me to stay updated on the policies that PHI is using to implement the program. Thank you again for your time and sharing your expertise, and I hope to stay in touch in the future. Best, Catherine

  18. MORE: VOLUNTEER : • For other/future conferences • Sharing a job task instantly gives you something in common with who you are working with • Student Assembly BUSINESS CARDS: • Tulane logos: https://communications.tulane.edu/branding/logos-licensing • VistaPrint: 100 for $16 (but there are promo codes!!) 5 biz days, Nov 5: $7 shipping • Biz Card Guide: https://tulane.joinhandshake.com/articles/9641

  19. Network through dancing

  20. Before you go… • Download the app – • Search APHA 2018! • https://apha.confex.com/apha/2018/meetingapp.cgi/Session/56350

  21. See you there! Catherine Pugh cpugh1@Tulane.edu

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