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American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). Readiness Review. Topics. What is ARRA? OSAE Readiness Review Findings Other issues Recent developments What you can do now Group discussion: Risks, challenges and recommendations Online resources. What is ARRA?.
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Readiness Review OSAE sets the PACE: Premier Auditing Consulting and Evaluations!
Topics • What is ARRA? • OSAE Readiness Review • Findings • Other issues • Recent developments • What you can do now • Group discussion: Risks, challenges and recommendations • Online resources OSAE sets the PACE: Premier Auditing Consulting and Evaluations!
What is ARRA? • Public Law 111-5 authorized $787 billion in expenditures. • Signed in to law February 17, 2009 • Purpose: • Preserve and create jobs • Assist those most impacted by the recession • Invest in science and health-care technology • Invest in infrastructure • Stabilize state and local government budgets OSAE sets the PACE: Premier Auditing Consulting and Evaluations!
What is ARRA? OSAE sets the PACE: Premier Auditing Consulting and Evaluations!
OSAE Readiness Review • Reviewed 6 departments that have received ARRA funding. • Criteria developed from OMB guidance M-09-15 dated 3 April 2009. • Core readiness areas included: • Oversight and Fraud Prevention • Grants Management and Accountability • Reporting Requirements • Transparency OSAE sets the PACE: Premier Auditing Consulting and Evaluations!
Findings • Departments need to self-assess their risks on an ongoing basis and implement corrective action on prior audit findings. • Departments need to identify high risk sub-recipients (grantees) and provide them with additional training and increase monitoring. • Contracts/grant agreements need ARRA specific language. OSAE sets the PACE: Premier Auditing Consulting and Evaluations!
Findings • Development statewide standards for the form and content of reporting ARRA information on departmental websites is needed. • Development of a statewide plan to coordinate and communicate data collection efforts among the various ARRA funded departments is needed. • Coordination between federal, state and local auditors is needed to minimize overlap. OSAE sets the PACE: Premier Auditing Consulting and Evaluations!
Other issues • Lack of federal oversight agency guidance on contract/grant agreement language, reporting requirements, and performance measures (e.g. jobs created) • Lack of funding for administrative and audit costs. OSAE sets the PACE: Premier Auditing Consulting and Evaluations!
Recent developments • OMB A-133 Single Audit Requirements • Changes proposed to increase accountability of ARRA funds. • Audit and administrative costs • Proposed bill would provide funding for audit and administrative costs. • Gov. Schwarzenegger appointed Laura Chick as the State Inspector General to oversee ARRA funding and ensure accountability is maintained. OSAE sets the PACE: Premier Auditing Consulting and Evaluations!
What you can do now • Clear prior audit findings • Conduct a departmental risk assessment focused on ARRA funding. Document findings and corrective action taken. • Conduct a risk assessment of sub-recipients. • Encourage sub-recipients to clear their prior audit findings and conduct their own self assessment of ARRA related risks. • Provide additional training and increase monitoring of high risk sub-recipients. OSAE sets the PACE: Premier Auditing Consulting and Evaluations!
What you can do now • Develop contract/grant agreement language. • Coordinate with other departments that have overlapping responsibilities. • Establish a departmental task force and meet regularly. • Read OMB guidance and GAO reports related to ARRA. • Obtain clear written guidance from your federal oversight agency on your role and responsibilities. • Focus on preventive controls. OSAE sets the PACE: Premier Auditing Consulting and Evaluations!
Group Discussion: • What risks have you identified? • What new controls are you implementing? • What challenges will your department need to overcome? • Have you found any useful resources that other departments could use? • What recommendations would you make to other departments that are receiving ARRA funding? OSAE sets the PACE: Premier Auditing Consulting and Evaluations!
Online resources http://www.recovery.gov/sites/default/files/m09-15.pdf http://www.recovery.gov/ http://www.gao.gov/recovery/ http://www.nasbo.org/ http://www.agacgfm.org/intergovernmental/recovery.aspx http://www.federalreporting.gov/ http://www.naspo.org/content.cfm/id/stimulus http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d09631t.pdf OSAE sets the PACE: Premier Auditing Consulting and Evaluations!