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CKC LTAD Guiding Principles and Competition

CKC LTAD Guiding Principles and Competition . LTAD DISCUSSION CanoeKayak Canada AGM November 2011. OBJECTIVES. Consultation and presentation of LTAD competition review guiding principles

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CKC LTAD Guiding Principles and Competition

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  1. CKC LTAD Guiding Principles and Competition LTAD DISCUSSION CanoeKayak Canada AGM November 2011

  2. OBJECTIVES Consultation and presentation of LTAD competition review guiding principles YOUR opportunity to provide feedback and generate ideas in certain guiding principles to take back to committee to help further develop competition review

  3. PROCESS TODAY Introduction, review of LTAD Competition review guiding principles (5 – 10 min) 2, 10 minute facilitated discussion sessions at your “new” table (20 min) Presentation of table discussion ideas to the entire group 25 – 30 min Next steps (5 min)




  7. Age at Which National Team Athletes First Started Paddling 68% 10 & Under / 79% 12 & under 71% of the team specialized in CanoeKayak by age 15, 91% by 16.

  8. National Junior Development Team LTAD Meeting, Jan 2011 37.2% Jan - Mar 78.4% Jan - June 41.2% Apr-Jun N= 51

  9. Midget Singles Finalists LTAD Meeting, Jan 2011 N=59

  10. 1994 Finalists Month of Birth LTAD Meeting, Jan 2011 76% Jan - Jun N=38

  11. 1995-1996 Finalists Month of Birth LTAD Meeting, Jan 2011 79% Jan - Jun

  12. Train 2 Train T2T: Ages: Males 12 – 16; Females 11 – 15 years Age Groups: Peewee (11 – 12) Bantam (13 - 14) Midget (15 - 16) most athletes will hit their PHV, and some may be past their PHV during this stage Many windows of optimal trainability Wide range of skill and developmental levels How does this affect how an athlete learns a skill? How does this affect your planning??? Social-affective needs change or are varied

  13. 14 13 14 13 Same level on the Podium! 13 yr old swimmers

  14. PROVIDE MULTIPLE ATHLETE PATHWAY “S” Nationals, Provincials International Excellence Late Entry athletes / Talent ID Untapped Potential L2C Bantam / midget Late Maturers / Lost Leaders Peewee / bantam

  15. IN YOUR GROUPS Multiple athlete pathways Tables Alternate entry points (Talent ID, older entry points) Tables Athlete pathways Retention of athletes Tables Ages 10 – 14 Tables Ages 15 - 18

  16. ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS Questions 1: (10 min) After presentations, and reflecting on your experiences at your club, or in your province or division, discuss the Issues that you see in this area. Are you sharing the same problems? What are they? Question 2: (10 min) What are some solutions that you would bring forward?


  18. Developmentally Appropriate Equipment Competition: Athletes race in developmentally appropriate equipment in FUN / FOUN and T2T (mandated by CKC) Technique: Equipment should be appropriate to the age group in order to facilitate proper technical development (e.g. – more stable kayaks and canoes at initial stages)

  19. Questions?

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