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Objectives: The student will. Describe how to answer an explanatory/informative on-demand question. List the parts of a “good” explanatory on-demand response. Develop some tools for teaching on-demand. Be exposed to the scoring rubric for on-demand. KYEDHH, July 15, 2012
Objectives: The student will • Describe how to answer an explanatory/informative on-demand question. • List the parts of a “good” explanatory on-demand response. • Develop some tools for teaching on-demand. • Be exposed to the scoring rubric for on-demand.
KYEDHH, July 15, 2012 Beth Wren, HS English On Demand Writing A process approach. Please complete the brief surveys.
KCAS standards (KDE site) • Writing 2. • Write informational/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas. • Introduce topic. • Develop the topic • Etc. according to the English standards adopted by the state in 2011-2012.
Guide to Testing in Kentucky (KDE) http://www.education.ky.gov/nr/rdonlyres/5d355152-b48d-4f13-b8f5-7c200babbd79/0/parentsguidetesting032612.pdf
What to Expect (KDE) http://www.education.ky.gov/kde/administrative+resources/testing+and+reporting+/district+support/link+to+released+items/sample+assessment+items+for+k-prep.htm
Specific instruction is needed for this type of question. • Informative Writing = writing that teaches us about a specific topic by providing both sides of the argument using an objective tone
So, what ARE the steps to deliberate instruction for these?Read the prompt. MODELED AND GUIDED! Use your reading strategies. Do this as a whole group. What is the main idea? Important words? Stand-alone (without a passage, or “naked”), or passage-based.
2nd, Read the “Task” What is the question asking you to do? (reading strategies again). Identify. Explain. Argue. We found that we really had to PULL kids away from persuasive writing, or, they just sort of tuned us out, because they assumed they already knew what to do. Students should NOT choose a side or attempt to persuade. They are simply explaining the two sides
Now, ready to start writing. • We explained it in this basic, 4-paragraph format: • Introduction – contextual information and thesis • CEA paragraph • CEA paragraph (s) • Conclusion – importance of topic I mean….PRE-writing!
One good way to help folks with writer’s block is brainstorming together.
I found it helpful to introduce a basic graphic organizer at the beginning, and keep referring back to it.It sort of helped the students to stay focused throughout the process. Basic Graphic Organizer
The Introductory Paragraph A. Contextual information , and…. B. THESIS– a thesis statement should have these parts: • Topic– given in prompt • Claims – the reasons or examples you plan to discuss • Universal idea – why the claims you make are important We spent weeks on the introductory paragraph!!!
Now, we expand to a 2nd graphic organizer for the introductory paragraph.
Just remember: you will probably continue to edit the thesis statement after you finish writing! In fact, a student might not even have a finalized thesis statement until later in the process!!! You’ll just have to experiment with this. Don’t let a student feel like a failure if they can’t produce this at first!
introductory paragraph: Thesis: claim? Need lots of instruction on that. Give examples, non=examples, have them create claims based on topics, etc… (graphic organizer, handout) organizer worked best for me. • Need lots of guided instruction on how to write a good paragraph, lots of examples, lots of practice (scaffolding writing instruction). • Claims connect reasons or examples to the universal idea.
Claim. Examples: Topic: football Claim: Tim Tebow is one of the best quarterbacks in the NFL. Topic: guns Claim: Guns should not be owned by anyone younger than age 18. Now, YOU write some: Topic: Driving age is 16 Claim:_________________________________________ Topic: pets Claim: ________________________________________
Introductory paragraph: thesis: universal idea? • What is a universal idea? It’s kind of like “Who cares?”. Why is this information even important? • You might teach it this way. Ask students, “What is important to you?” Brainstorm. After a little while, you can introduce universal idea as something that is important in every culture.
Universal Idea. For example: If students are having a difficult time with this concept, chose some examples from recent texts you have used. This is similar to THEME, if you have already taught this.
Introductory paragraph:put it all together • It is difficult to consume a grilled chicken salad within 10 minutes. In order to fit everything in a school day that needs to be included, administrators must keep lunches short. However, students always feel rushed during lunch time and need enough time to use the restroom and socialize. The length of school lunches is a topic that continues to be debated.
More examples of thesis statements. • Though people argue that examinations cause too much of stress and tension in students, they are important in evaluating the student's knowledge.
What comes after the introductory paragraph? • At this point, I find it helpful to work through an example. • Let’s look at one.
CEA paragraph: Claims • A good paragraph NEEDS to have • Claim, Evidence, Analysis. (CEA)
CEA paragraph: Evidence • Evidence: On Demand writing requires the use of evidence to support the claim. For a passage-based prompt, the evidence will come from the passage. For a stand-alone prompt, evidence must come from the student. • Are you describing these reasons or examples with specific details?
CEA paragraph: analysis • Analysis: Explain/Argue how your arguments or examples are supported by the evidence and connected to the universal idea. • Make sure you use words from your universal idea in your analysis so that there is a clear connection demonstrating how your evidence supports your claim and thesis. • Analysis typically has two sentences:1. Connect the evidence to the claim. Why/how does this evidence support the claim.2. Connect the claim back to to the universal idea. How does this claim support the UI?
Students need to take at least 2-3 practice tests, AFTER thorough instruction on how to answer these writing prompts. • Students need to be familiar with what the test looks like. According to the English standards adopted by the state in 2011-2012…. Beth.wren@jefferson.kyschools.us
Resources • Buzzle.com • Examples of thesis statements: what IS and what ISN’T: http://leo.stcloudstate.edu/acadwrite/thesistatement.html • http://word-crafter.net/CompI/index.html some good information • http://faculty.lagcc.cuny.edu/ctl/dfl/sampler/activities/fluk.htm “Brainstorming a Research Topic” (brainstorm web picture) • http://www.kde.state.ky.us/KDE/ state department of education • http://www.dailyteachingtools.com/ graphic organizers • www.readwritethink.org
Photo Credits • http://www.thecatsite.com/t/157262/tug-o-war-dakota-and-jake • http://www.thecatsite.com/t/157262/tug-o-war-dakota-and-jake • http://www.cpcu.co/report_coverage.html • http://www.teachingtreasures.com.au/educational-links/universe.htm • http://aulibmedia.blogspot.com/2011/03/interactive-media-iphone-app_7126.html • http://www.faniq.com/blog/Tim-Tebow-Hero-in-the-making-Blog-46092 • http://www.mainememory.net/artifact/67527/