Mazmuruntukkorbansyukur. Bersorak-soraklahbagi TUHAN, haiseluruhbumi! 2 Beribadahlahkepada TUHAN dengansukacita, datanglahkehadapan-Nyadengansorak-sorai! 3 Ketahuilah, bahwaTuhanlah Allah; Dialah yang menjadikankitadanpunyaDialahkita, umat-Nyadankawanandombagembalaan-Nya. 4 Masuklahmelaluipintugerbang-Nyadengannyanyiansyukur, kedalampelataran-Nyadenganpuji-pujian, bersyukurlahkepada-Nyadanpujilahnama-Nya! 5 Sebab TUHAN itubaik, kasihsetia-Nyauntukselama-lamanya, dankesetiaan-Nyatetapturun-temurun.
1. THANKSGIVING IS ABOUT EXUBERANCE Bersorak-soraklahbagi TUHAN, haiseluruhbumi! A. Exuberance is acknowledging what God has done1. Remember the “Healed Samaritan Leper?” 2. He came back “Praising God in a loud voice (Luke 17: 15)!”
1. THANKSGIVING IS ABOUT EXUBERANCE B. Exuberance is being real with God (Praising the Lord)!1. The Psalmist begins his call to worship be stating, “Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth (v. 1).”2. This hymn writer knew that coming into the Sanctuary should lead to joy and celebration, “EXUBERANCE.” 3. He still calls us today to “Get all excited and tell everybody that Jesus Christ is King, Jesus Christ is Still the King of Kings!”
II. THANKSGIVING IS ABOUT WORSHIP (VERSE 2) Beribadahlahkepada TUHAN dengansukacitaA. Worship is about being “GLAD”1. The Hebrew word for worship (Abad), can be translated, “SERVE.”2. Thanks giving is not just about lip service, it is about whole service!3. Thank giving is not just about service, it is about being GLAD in service!! 4. If you are not Glad, you are not worshiping as our Lord wants!!
III. THANKSGIVING IS ABOUT KNOWING (VERSE 3) “Ketahuilah, bahwaTuhanlah Allah”1. The Psalmist knows that we cannot rightly give thanks unless we know who God is.2. Therefore he calls us to “Know that the Lord is God.”3. It is an acknowledgement of God for who HE is!!
III. THANKSGIVING IS ABOUT KNOWING (VERSE 3) KNOWING IS ABOUT “INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS”1. Why should we know God? Why should we acknowledge that He is the Lord? 2. Dialah yang menjadikankitadanpunyaDialahkita3. It is not really about us knowing Him but about knowing that He knows us!! How does He know us? HE MADE US and we Belong to HIM!!4. The truth of this verse is that HE CLAIMS US!!5. “umat-Nyadankawanandombagembalaan-Nya”
IV. THANKSGIVING IS GIVING THANKS (V 4-5) Thanks Giving is just that, giving thanks!1. Just to make sure we get it, the Psalmist tells us twice, Masuklahmelaluipintugerbang-Nyadengannyanyiansyukur, kedalampelataran-Nyadenganpuji-pujian, bersyukurlahkepada-Nyadanpujilahnama-Nya! 2. This is all about coming to church!!3. This is all about not showing up wanting to get something to take home. 4. This is all about showing up with something to say!!5. This is all about sharing what God has done!! 6. This is all about being the ONE instead of being ONE OF THE NINE!!
IV. THANKSGIVING IS GIVING THANKS (V 4-5) B. Thanks Giving is about Praise! • Dua kali kitadiperintahkanuntuk “memuji” • Kembalipada v. 1: “Bersorak-soraklahbagi TUHAN, haiseluruhbumi!” • This is about making it public!! This is about getting happy about our God. • ApakahadadasaruntukbersyukurdanmemujiNya? • “Sebab TUHAN itubaik, kasihsetia-Nyauntukselama-lamanya, dankesetiaan-Nyatetapturun-temurun”