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Philippine Mango Industry Roadmap 2017-2022

Philippine Mango Industry Roadmap 2017-2022. Outline of Presentation. 1. VISION Regaining position in innovation on production technology, post-harvest, product development, and export marketing in order to supply consistently safe and high-quality products. MISSION

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Philippine Mango Industry Roadmap 2017-2022

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  1. PhilippineMangoIndustryRoadmap2017-2022 Tropical Horticulture - Texas A&M University

  2. Outline of Presentation

  3. 1. VISIONRegaining position in innovation on production technology, post-harvest, product development, and export marketing in order to supply consistently safe and high-quality products. MISSION Enhancing global competitive levels in production, processing and marketing by integrating industry efforts and providing stakeholders with safe environment and opportunities. Tropical Horticulture - Texas A&M University

  4. 2. • State of the • Philippine Mango Industry

  5. Philippine Mango IndustryWhere we are… 2018 Preliminary data: 571,437 metric tons, 145, 225 ha. with average yield of 3.94 mt/ha Source: countrystat (PSA) Tropical Horticulture - Texas A&M University

  6. Philippine Mango IndustryWhere we are… 2018 Preliminary data: all varieties : 9,472,423|carabao mangoes: 7,117,463 Source: countrystat (PSA) Tropical Horticulture - Texas A&M University

  7. Philippine Mango IndustryWhere we are in SOCCSKSARGEN REGION Percentage distribution of Carabao Mango Producing Region in 2017 Tropical Horticulture - Texas A&M University


  9. Philippine Mango IndustryWhere we are in the world market? Tropical Horticulture - Texas A&M University

  10. Philippine Mango IndustryWhere we are in the world market Tropical Horticulture - Texas A&M University

  11. 3. Industry ChallengesHow we got here Low yielding/ Unproductive mango trees Infestation and Diseases Post Harvest Losses High Cost of Input/Limited access to resources and direct market Tropical Horticulture - Texas A&M University

  12. Reduce post harvest losses from 40% down to 14% 4. 2022 Goals and TargetsWhere we want to be Increase export volume of mango processed product and export value of fresh mango Increased productivity/yield Increased Export Volume (Fresh and Processed) Increased consumption Tropical Horticulture - Texas A&M University

  13. By 2022 2018-2022 Goals and TargetsWhat we want to achieve Yield 5.50 metric ton/ha Area planted 177,127 ha Per Capita Consumption 8.82 kg/yr GAP Accredited farms (atleast 40 farms) Mango production 974,198 MT Tropical Horticulture - Texas A&M University

  14. By 2022 2018-2022 Goals and TargetsWhat we want to achieve Yield 5.50 metric ton/ha Area planted 177,127 ha Per Capita Consumption 8.82 kg/yr GAP Accredited farms (atleast 40 farms) Mango production 974,198 MT Tropical Horticulture - Texas A&M University

  15. 2022 Goals and TargetsWhere we want to be Mango production 920,845 MT Area planted 167,426 ha By 2022 Per Capita Consumption 8.76 kg/yr Yield 5.50 metric ton/ha GAP Accredited farms (atleast 40 farms Or 10 farms/year) Tropical Horticulture - Texas A&M University

  16. Interventions across the supply chain Planting materials for new varieties Accreditation/Certification RDE on New varieties, BCA Techno demo on rehabilitation to increase yield Trainings Pest/disease Forecasting and Quick Response Post-harvest Facilities Support to reduce post harvest losses Product Processing and Market Support Promotion to increase consumption Export market development Strengthening of Regulatory and Enforcement Laboratories Increase per capita consumption Increase export by 3%/year Increase Production by 3%/year Strategies and Programs

  17. Programs and Action Plan1. Increase Production Tropical Horticulture - Texas A&M University

  18. Programs and Action Plan1. Increase Production Tropical Horticulture - Texas A&M University

  19. Programs and Action Plan2. Increase Export with new and better products Tropical Horticulture - Texas A&M University

  20. Programs and Action Plan3. Increase mango consumption for better health Tropical Horticulture - Texas A&M University

  21. PHILIPPINE MANGO INDUSTRY ROADMAP MAJOR PROJECTS…. • Mango Rehabilitation • Establishment of Mango Learning Center Tropical Horticulture - Texas A&M University

  22. MANGO REHABILITATION PROGRAM (2018-2022) Rehabilitation of mango trees by pruning and fertilization has been one of the priority interventions that must be made to increase productivity and yield of mango trees. This process requires pruning, chipping or rotavating, composting and fertilization which costs from Php 570-820 per tree based on calculations. The Department of Agriculture approved a budget of Php 600.00 per tree as a support for the rehabilitation program which can be availed thru loan from the Agricultural Credit and Policy Council. A limit of Php 60,000 per borrower can be availed from ACPC- PLEA program thru its conduits/accredited cooperatives. (No one has availed this program as of the moment.)

  23. MANGO REHABILITATION DA-RFOs support to mango farmers thru rehabilitation of unproductive/less productive mango trees.

  24. MANGO LEARNING SITE (2020-2022) • Techno-demo site where new technologies and farm production management for mango will be demonstrated. • A total of 50 mango learning sites are targeted to be established by the end of 2022. Tropical Horticulture - Texas A&M University

  25. BUDGETARY REQUIREMENT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF MANGO LEARNING CENTER (2020-2022) As per estimates made by ATI, one mango learnig site costs Php 26,500,00.00

  26. BUDGETARY REQUIREMENT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF MANGO LEARNING CENTER (2020-2022) As per estimates made by ATI, one mango learnig site costs Php 26,500,00.00


  28. In addition, • The Agricultural Training Institute – High Value Crops Development Program will conduct 5-year nationwide and region wide training for Insecticide Resistance Management (IRM) as a control measure for cecid fly and demonstrate proper application of pesticides. • This was supported thru a resolution passed in the PCAF-CFV-National Mango Action Team requesting ATI to institutionalize training for mango growers and contractors.

  29. Implementation and Monitoring

  30. Primary Roles and Responsibilities National Mango Technical Working Group (NMAT-TWG) • Assist the HVCDP-PMO implement the Mango Industry Road Map • Validate and consolidate national and regional plans on mango • Monitor the developments and implementation the Mango Industry Strategic Plan • Update from time to time the Mango Industry Road Map based on national and international developments • Liaison with the national policy makers, Bureaus, and other stakeholders of the mango industry

  31. Primary Roles and Responsibilities Regional Mango Technical Working Group (RMAT-TWG) • Develop the regional mango action plans to include municipal and provincial targets and programs • Implement the regional plans developed from the national plan through the provincial and municipal counterparts of the Regional HVCDP • Conduct regional mango congresses and field days in coordination with the regional/provincial stakeholders and relevant agencies. • Promote GAP in mango production • Ensure reliability of data and information access on production, prices, consumption and trade • Report and represent the region in the NMO-TWG • Regional Mango Action Teams shall create a regionalized mango roadmap , AFCs active participation will be requested.

  32. Proposed Mango Road Map Implementation Structure National Mango Industry TWG NMAT, DA: Planning, HVCDP, BPI, BAR,ATI; GFI; DENR;DAR; DTI;DOST;PADCC; Mango Producers’ Association, Traders, PSIA MangoIndustry TWG (PCAF-Secretariat) Regional Mango TWG-RMAT (Regional HVCDP Coordinator, Representative of Mango Producers Association, Representative of Mango Trader Association, Head of RFU’s) Provincial Mango Teams-PMAT (PA, MAO, mango producers, traders)

  33. Plan Monitoring The NM-TWG in collaboration with the National Mango Action Team (NMAT) and the Federation of Mango Producers would be responsible for monitoring implementation of the programs and component activities.

  34. Tropical Horticulture - Texas A&M University

  35. Thank you! LET’S HELP EACH OTHER BRING BACK THE GLORY OF THE PHILIPPINE MANGO INDUSTRY! Tropical Horticulture - Texas A&M University

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