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The use of the Personal pronoun “it” as a formal subject in impersonal statements in literary English. Prepared by Mariana Oliynyk Eph-13(1). The aim.
The use of the Personal pronoun “it” as a formal subject in impersonal statements in literary English Prepared by Mariana Oliynyk Eph-13(1)
The aim Our research paper is devoted by exploring such phenomenon as using pronoun “it” .It’s very important to know in what case we can use this pronoun.It’ll helps us to use it in our speaking and to be good in it.The aim of our research paper is: to investigate different points of using pronoun “it”.
Examples: The baby had its first apple. They are taking their dog to the vet, they said it looked ill My examples: She has it’s own bracelet. p.34 In English, words such as it and its genitive form its have been used to refer to human babies and pets, although with the passage of time this usage has come to be considered too impersonal in the case of babies, with many usage critics arguing that it demeans a conscious being to the status of a mere object. This use of "it" also got bad press when various regimes used it as a rhetorical device to dehumanize their enemies, implying that they were little more in authority than other animals. The word remains in common use however, and its use increases with how impersonal whatever the speaker is referring is to them. For example someone else's dog is often referred to as it, especially if the dog isn't known by the speaker. A person would rarely though, say it when referring to their own cat or dog
We often use it to introduce a remark: Examples: It is nice to have a holiday sometimes. It is important to dress well. It's difficult to find a job. My examples: Theory • It didn't take long to walk here. p.223
The formal it as subject is also found in senteces in which the predicate is modified by an infinitive phrase (a) or an ing-form phrase(b) or clause (c).We usually find nominal predicates in this kind of sentences: E.g. a)It is stupid to fall asleep like that. b)It’s no use hoping he’ll ever change his mind. c)|It was clear that he was going to give in. The formal it may be used not only as the subject of the sentence but also as an object followed by an adjective or a noun which is modified by an infinitive phrase,an ing-form phrase or a clause. E.g. I found it difficult to explain to him what had happened.
The pronoun it is also used in the so-called emphatic construction,special sentence pattern that serves to emphasize some word or phrase in the sentence. e.g. It was my question that made him angry.
The personal pronoun “ it “ has a variety of functions: 1. anaphorical 2. anticipatory 3. deictic 4. exclamative 5. prop
1.The anaphorical it refers to a preceding noun denoting an inanimate entity or a not personalized animal, or it refers to a preceding clause or its part. The anaphorical it is assigned a functor according to its syntactic and semantic function in the clause. I bought a new hat but my husband did not like it. 2.The anticipatory it can occur in subject as well as in object position: <It> is no good bothering.About it. (=Bothering about it is no good.) <It> is feared that the ship was wrecked. (=People feared that the ship was wrecked.)
4.The prop it has little or no semantic content. It occurs in clauses which do not require any subject. It is typically clauses signifying time, atmospheric conditions and distance where the copula verb to be is regarded as (There is no smoke without fire.) ”): <It> is not far to New York. <It> is 5 o'clock. <It> is our wedding anniversary next month. <It> is Sunday. <It> is just one more stop to Toronto. 3.The deictic pronoun as well as the copula verb must be in morphological agreement with the entity it refers to:Are they/these/thoseyour parents? The need of number agreement is typical of the deictic it. The exclamative it is also used in deictic contexts but it refers to a situation implicitly known in the discourse rather than immediately to the given entity: (Knock knock knock...) "It' s me, open the door"! The exclamative it is to be annotated in the same way.
The use of it As has been said ,the pronoun it is generally used for concrete things,abstract notions and animals. • E.g I tried the door.It was locked. Yet the pronoun it may be used to identify an unknown person.Then,once it has been done ,he or she must be used. • E.g There was a knock at the door.I thought it was the postman.He usually came at that time. When the waiter came up to his table he did not at once realize it was Paul.He was as handsome as ever.
It may also refer to an idea expressed in a preceding word-group (a),clause(b),sentence(c) or even context(d). E.g. • A) He tried to break the lock.It was not easy either.There was some mutual hesitation about snaking hands,with both deciding against it. • B)He knew that his father was dying but didn’t want to speak with anyone about it. • C)The music had stopped.He didn’t notice it. • D) He studied her,then shook his head.He waited a moment and then decided not to say what he might have been going to say.
It is very often used as a formal subject in impersonal statements about weather conditions,time,distance and all kinds of measurements. e.g. It is raining heavily. • It was very cold in the room. • It is half past three now. • It is six miles to the nearest hospital from here. • It is three feet deep here.
In literary English we often use the Personal pronoun “it” as a formal subject in impersonal statements.It helps to use the language with no efforts and easy to communicate. Conclusion
Resources : Алєксєва І.О. Курс теоретичної граматики сучасної англійської мови:навчальний посібник.-Вінниця:Нова книга,2007.-64-65с. Гордон Е.М., Крылова И.П. Граматика современного английского языка:Учеб. для ин-тов и фак. иностр. Яз.-3-е изд.,испр. И доп.-М.:Высш.шк.,1986-335-336с. Паращук В. Ю., Грицюк Л. Ф. Практикум з граматики англійської мови: Навчальний посібник для студентів іноземних мов,спец. “англійська мова”. – Вінниця: Нова книга, 2002