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Results of the Turkish National Tuberculosis Surveillance Network, 2006

Republic of Turkey MINISTRY OF HEALTH Tuberculosis Control Department. Results of the Turkish National Tuberculosis Surveillance Network, 2006. Dr. Feyzullah GÜMÜŞLÜ. Agenda. Activities of TB Dispensaries Epidemiological summary Results from 2006.

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Results of the Turkish National Tuberculosis Surveillance Network, 2006

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  1. Republic of Turkey MINISTRY OF HEALTH Tuberculosis Control Department Results of the Turkish National Tuberculosis Surveillance Network, 2006 Dr. Feyzullah GÜMÜŞLÜ

  2. Agenda • Activities of TB Dispensaries • Epidemiological summary • Results from 2006

  3. Examination and Laboratory Testing Activities 3.500.000 160.000 Examination Radiological examination 140.000 3.000.000 Direct microscopy Referral to laboratory 120.000 2.500.000 100.000 2.000.000 Number Sayı 80.000 1.500.000 60.000 1.000.000 40.000 500.000 20.000 0 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Years

  4. CENTRAL CASE-LINKED ELECTRONIN DATA-BASE (2005) URL: http://www.eurotb.org/country_profiles/turkey.pdf

  5. Turkey in 2007-2008 Euro-TB Reports

  6. MINISTRY OF HEALTHTuberculosis Control Department Epidemiological summary

  7. New TB Cases, Notification Rates(1996-2006), Total TB Cases, Notification Rates (2005-2006) 50 New cases 45 Total cases 44 43,7 40 39,8 39,1 35 36 28,5 33,7 28,1 30 32,6 32 Notification rate (per 100.000) 28,3 25 26 25,6 25,5 25,4 25,3 24,6 23,5 20 15 10 5 0 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Years

  8. Total TB Notification Rate

  9. New TB Case Notification Rates according to Age Groups (1996-2006) 60 50 40 0-4 Case notification rate (per 100.000) 5--14 30 15-24 25-44 45-64 20 65+ 10 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Years

  10. New Pulmonary and Extra Pulmonary TB Case Notification Rates (1996-2006)

  11. Results of Microscopic Examinations in New Pulmonary TB Cases (1996-2006) 100% smear (?) 90% smear(-) 80% smear (+) 70% 60% 50% New Pulmonary TB (%) 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Years

  12. Treatment Outcomes of New Pulmonary Smear (+) TB Cases (1999-2005)

  13. Treatment Outcomes of 2005 cohort diagnosed in Turkey 100 88,9 87,5 90 New TB cases 80 72,4 Previously treated TB cases 70 Percentage (%) All cases 60 50 40 30 20 13,4 9,3 6,9 6,3 10 4,9 2,9 2,5 2,7 2,3 0 Success Deafult/Transfer out/ Unknown Still on treatment / Failure Death Treatment outcome

  14. 2006 DATA The Turkish National Surveillance of Tuberculosis Network (TNSTN) Case-linked registration and analysis of TB cases

  15. All Pulmonary TB Cases (n=14.740) Sex distribution, 2006 M/F= 2,47

  16. All Extra Pulmonary TB Cases (n=5.786) Sex Distribution, 2006 M/F= 0,89

  17. New Pulmonary TB Cases (n=12.935) Sex Distribution, 2006 M/F= 2,32

  18. New Extra Pulmonary TB Cases (n=5.609) Sex Distribution, 2006 M/F= 0,90

  19. Previously Treated Pulmonary TB Cases (n=1.805) Sex Distribution, 2006 M/F= 4,25

  20. Previously Treated Exta Pulmonary Cases (n=177) Sex Distribution, 2006 M/F= 0,70

  21. Male/Female Ratio • Male to female ratio among all pulmonary TB cases is 2,47 • Male to female ratio among all extra pulmonary TB cases is 0,89 • Male to female ratio among new pulmonary TB cases is 2,32 • Male to female ratio among new extra pulmonary TB cases is 0,90 • Male to female ratio among previously treated pulmonary TB cases is 4,25 • Male to female ratio among previously treated extra pulmonary TB cases is 0,70

  22. Case Notification Rates According to Sex and Age Groups, 2006 70 63,6 59,4 male female 60 54,4 50 44,2 43,4 43,3 Notification Rate (per 100 000) 40 34,2 30 32,2 28,3 24,2 20 19,3 18,9 10 5,8 4,4 6,8 0 4 0-4 5--14 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Age groups

  23. Sex and Bacteriological Status Distribution of All Pulmonary TB Cases (n=14.740), 2006

  24. Sex and Bacteriological Status Distribution of All Pulmonary TB Cases (n=14.740), 2006

  25. Sex and Bacteriological Status Distribution of All Pulmonary TB Cases (%) 2006

  26. Sex and Bacteriological Status Distribution of All Pulmonary TB Cases (%), 2006

  27. New Pulmonary TB Cases (n=12.935) Distribution of Sex and Bacteriological Status, 2006

  28. New Pulmonary TB Cases Distribution of Sex and Bacteriological Status, 2006(%)

  29. Previously Treated Pulmonary TB Cases (n=1.805) Distribution of Sex and Bacteriological Status, 2006

  30. Previously Treated Pulmonary TB Cases Distribution of Sex and Bacteriological Status (%), 2006

  31. Culture Examination in Pulmonary TB Cases (n=14.740)

  32. Microbiological Profile of All Pulmonary Cases, 2005-2006 (Y: smear; K: culture; +: positive; - : negative; ? : Not done)

  33. Resistance Profile among TB Cases with Drug Sensitivity Test Results, 2005-2006 Resistant Percentage Resistant Percentage New cases Previously treated All cases

  34. Resistance Profile among TB Cases with Drug Sensitivity Test Results, 2006

  35. Site of Disease in Extra Pulmonary Cases according to Sex, 2006*

  36. New TB Cases Regional Case Notification rates, 2006 (per 100 000) Population of Turkey: 72.9 Million TB notification rate: 25,41/ 100 000 (2006)

  37. New Case Notification Rate, 2006 Notification rate (per 100 000) 40+ 30-39 20-29 10-19 0-9

  38. Distribution of Foreign National TB Cases, 2006


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