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Special topics on text mining [ Part I: text classification ]

Explore text classification concepts like document representation, preprocessing, and feature selection in this comprehensive guide by Hugo Jair Escalante, Aurelio Lopez, Manuel Montes, and Luis Villaseñor. Learn about machine learning algorithms for automated classification systems.

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Special topics on text mining [ Part I: text classification ]

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  1. Special topics on text mining[Part I: text classification] Hugo Jair Escalante, Aurelio Lopez, Manuel Montes and Luis Villaseñor

  2. Representation and preprocessing of documents Hugo Jair Escalante, Aurelio Lopez, Manuel Montes and Luis Villaseñor

  3. Agenda • Recap: text classification • Representation of documents • Preprocessing • Feature selection • Instance selection • Discussion • Assignments

  4. Text classification • Text classificationis the assignment of free-text documents to one or more predefined categories based on their content Categories/classes (e.g., sports, religion, economy) Documents (e.g., news articles) Manual approach?

  5. Manual classification • Very accuratewhen job is done by experts • Different to classify news in general categories than biomedical papers into subcategories. • But difficult and expensiveto scale • Different to classify thousands than millions • Used by Yahoo!, Looksmart, about.com, ODP, Medline, etc. Ideas for building an automatic classification system? How to define a classification function?

  6. Hand-coded rule based systems Experts • Main approach in the 80s • Disadvantage  knowledge acquisition bottleneck • too time consuming, too difficult, inconsistency issues Knowledgeengineers Labeleddocuments New document Rule 1, if … then … else Rule N, if … then … Document’s category Classifier

  7. Example: filtering spam email • Rule-basedclassifier Classifier 1 Classifier 2 Taken from Hastie et al. The Elements of Statistical Learning, 2007, Springer.

  8. Machine learning approach (1) • A general inductive process builds a classifier by learning from a set of preclassified examples. • Determines the characteristics associated with each one of the topics. Ronen Feldman and James Sanger, The Text Mining Handbook

  9. Machine learning approach (2) Have to be Experts? Experts Which algorithm? Inductive process Labeleddocuments(training set) How large has to be? New document Rules, trees, probabilities, prototypes, etc. Document’s category Classifier How to represent documents?

  10. Machine learning approach (3) • Machine learning approach to TC:to develop automated methods able to classify documents with a certain degree of success Labeled document Trained machine ? Training documents (Labeled) Learning machine (an algorithm) Unseen (test, query) document

  11. Text classification • Machine learning approach to TC: Assumption: a largeenough training set of labeleddocumentsisavailable • Recipe • Gather labeled documents • Construction of a classifier • Document representation • Preprocessing • Dimensionality reduction • Classification methods • Evaluation of a TC method Later we will study methods that allow us to relax such assumption [semi-supervised and unsupervised learning]

  12. Document representation • Represent the content of digital documents in a way that it can be processed by a computer

  13. Before representing documents: Preprocessing • Eliminate information about style, such as html or xml tags. • For some applications this information may be useful. For instance, only index some document sections. • Remove stop words • Functional words such as articles, prepositions, conjunctions are not useful (do not have an own meaning). • Perform stemmingorlemmatization • The goal is to reduce inflectional forms, and sometimes derivationally related forms. • am, are, is → be car, cars, car‘s → car

  14. Document representation • Transform documents, which typically are strings of characters, into a representation suitable for the learning algorithm: • Codify/represent/transform documents into a vector representation • The most common used document representation is the bag of words (BOW) approach • Documents are represented by the set of words that they contain • Word order is not captured by this representation • There is no attempt for understanding their content • The vocabulary of all of the different words in all of the documents is considered as the base for the vector representation

  15. Document representation Terms in the vocabulary (Basic units expressing document’s content) Documents in the corpus (one vector/row per document) Weight indicating the contributionof word j in documenti. V: Vocabulary from the collection (i.e., et of all different words that occur in the corpus) Which words are good features? How to select/extract them? How to compute their weights?

  16. (ML Conventions) n X={xij} y ={yj} m xi a w Slide taken from I. Guyon. Feature and Model Selection. Machine Learning Summer School, Ile de Re, France, 2008.

  17. m1 m2 m3 (A brief note on evaluation in TC) Terms (N = |V|) Documents (M) • The available data is divided into three subsets: • Training (m1) • used for the construction (learning) the classifier • Validation (m2) • Optimization of parameters of the TC method • Test (m3) • Used for the evaluation of the classifier

  18. Document representation • Simplest BOW-based representation: Each document is represented by a binary vector whose entries indicate the presence/absence of terms from the vocabulary (Boolean/binary weighting) • Obtain the BOW representation with Boolean weighting for these documents

  19. Term weighting [extending the Boolean BOW] • Two main ideas: • The importance of a term increases proportionally to the number of times it appears in the document. • It helps to describe document’s content. • The general importance of a term decreases proportionally to its occurrences in the entire collection. • Common terms are not good to discriminate between different classes • Does the order of words matters?

  20. Term weighting – main approaches • Binary weights: • wi,j = 1 iff document di contains term tj , otherwise 0. • Term frequency (tf): • wi,j = (no. of occurrences of tj in di) • tf x idf weighting scheme: • wi,j = tf(tj, di) × idf(tj), where: • tf(tj, di) indicatestheocurrences of tj in documentdi • idf(tj) = log [N/df(tj)], wheredf(tj) isthenumber of documetsthatcontainthetermtj. • These methods do not use the information of the classes, why?

  21. m1 m2 m3 (A brief note on evaluation in TC) Terms (N = |V|) Documents (M) • The available data is divided into three subsets: • Training (m1) • used for the construction (learning) the classifier • Validation (m2) • Optimization of parameters of the TC method • Test (m3) • Used for the evaluation of the classifier

  22. Extended document representations • Document representations that capture information not considered by the BOW formulation • Examples: • Based on distributional term representations • Locally weighted bag of words

  23. Distributional term representations (DTRs) • Distributional hypothesis: words that occur in the same contexts tend to have similar meanings • A word is known by the company it keeps! • Occurrence & co-occurrence • Distributional term representation: Each term is represented by a vector of weights that indicate how often it occur in documents or how often co-occur with other terms • DTRs for document representation: Combine the vectors that have the DTR for terms that appear in the document

  24. Distributional term representations (DTRs) • Documents are represented by the weighted sum of the DTRs for terms appearing in the document Contextual weights Terms . . . . . . Accommodation: Accommodation Steinhausen - Exterior View Blumenau, Brazil October 2004 + DTR for terms . . . . . . Steinhausen: Document . . . . . . . . . DTR for document

  25. Distributional term representations (DTRs) • Document occurrence representation (DOR): The representation for a term is given by the documents it mostly occurs in. • Term co-occurrence representation (TCOR): The representation of a term is determined by the other terms from the vocabulary that mostly co-occur with it A. Lavelli, F. Sebastiani, and R. Zanoli. Distributional Term Representations: An Experimental Comparison, Proceedings of the International Conference of Information and Knowledge Management, pp. 615—624, 2005, ACM Press.

  26. Document representation (DOR & TCOR) • DOR-B: • Unweighted sum • DOR-TF-IDF • Consider term-occurrence frequency and term-usage across the collection • DOR-IF-IDF-W • Weight terms from different modalities

  27. LOWBOW: The locally weighted bag-of-words framework • Each document is represented by a set of local histograms computed across the whole document but smoothed by kernels and centered at different document locations • LOWBOW-based document representations can preserve sequential information in documents • G. Lebanon,Y. Mao,and J. Dillon. The Locally Weighted Bag of Words Framework for Document Representation. Journal of Machine Learning Research. Vol. 8, pp. 2405—2441, 2007.

  28. BOW approach • Indicates the (weighted) occurrence of terms in documents

  29. LOWBOW framework • A set of histograms, each weighted according to selected positions in the document

  30. BOW 1 V China sent a senior official to attend a reception at the Ukraine embassy on Friday despite a diplomatic rift over a visit to Kiev by Taiwan's vice president Lien Chan. But an apparent guest list mix-up left both sides unsure over who would represent Beijing at the reception, held to mark Ukraine's independence day… Benjamin Kang Lim BOW representation

  31. LOWBOW China sent a senior official to attend a reception at the Ukraine embassy on Friday despite a diplomatic rift over a visit to Kiev by Taiwan's vice president Lien Chan. But an apparent guest list mix-up left both sides unsure over who would represent Beijing at the reception, held to mark Ukraine's independence day… Benjamin Kang Lim Identify locations in documents

  32. LOWBOW China sent a senior official to attend a reception at the Ukraine embassy on Friday despite a diplomatic rift over a visit to Kiev by Taiwan's vice president Lien Chan. But an apparent guest list mix-up left both sides unsure over who would represent Beijing at the reception, held to mark Ukraine's independence day… Benjamin Kang Lim Weight the contribution of terms according to Gaussians at the different locations 1 V

  33. LOWBOW China sent a senior official to attend a reception at the Ukraine embassy on Friday despite a diplomatic rift over a visit to Kiev by Taiwan's vice president Lien Chan. But an apparent guest list mix-up left both sides unsure over who would represent Beijing at the reception, held to mark Ukraine's independence day… Benjamin Kang Lim Weight the contribution of terms according to Gaussians at the different locations 1 V

  34. LOWBOW 1 V China sent a senior official to attend a reception at the Ukraine embassy on Friday despite a diplomatic rift over a visit to Kiev by Taiwan's vice president Lien Chan. But an apparent guest list mix-up left both sides unsure over who would represent Beijing at the reception, held to mark Ukraine's independence day… Benjamin Kang Lim Weight the contribution of terms according to Gaussians at the different locations

  35. LOWBOW China sent a senior official to attend a reception at the Ukraine embassy on Friday despite a diplomatic rift over a visit to Kiev by Taiwan's vice president Lien Chan. But an apparent guest list mix-up left both sides unsure over who would represent Beijing at the reception, held to mark Ukraine's independence day… Benjamin Kang Lim Weight the contribution of terms according to Gaussians at the different locations 1 V

  36. LHs: position + frequency weighting 1 1 1 1 1 V V V V V Position weighting 1 N 1 N 1 N 1 N 1 N Kernel smoothing Document w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7, … wN-2, wN-1, wN . . . μ2 μ3 μk-1 μk μ1 Kernel locations

  37. Assignment # 1 • Read a paper on term weighting or document occurrence representations (it can be one from those available in the course page or another chosen by you) • Prepare a presentation of at most 10 minutes, in which you describe the proposed/adopted approach *different of those seen in class*. The presentation must cover the following aspects: • Underlying and intuitive idea of the approach • Formal description • Benefits and limitations (compared to the schemes seen in class) • Your idea(s) to improve the presented approach

  38. Suggested readings on term weighting and preprocessing • M. Lan, C. Tan, H. Low, S. Sung. A comprehensive comparative study on term weighting schemes for text categorization with support vector machines. Proc. of WWW, pp. 1032—1033, 2005.

  39. Text classification • Machine learning approach to TC: • Recipe • Gather labeled documents • Construction of a classifier • Document representation • Preprocessing • Dimensionality reduction • Classification methods • Evaluation of a TC method

  40. Dimensionality issues • What do you think is the average size of the vocabulary in a small-scale text categorization problem (~1,000 - 10,000 documents) • It depends on the domain and type of the corpus, although usual vocabulary sizes in text classification range from a few thousands to millions of terms

  41. Dimensionality issues • A central problem in text classification is the high dimensionality of the features space. • There is one dimension for each unique word found in the collection  can reach hundreds of thousands • Processing is extremely costly in computational terms • Most of the words (features) are irrelevant to the categorization task How to select/extract relevant features? How to evaluate the relevancy of the features?

  42. The curse of dimensionality • Dimensionality is a common issue in machine learning (in general) • Number of positions scale exponentially with the dimensionality of the problem • We need an exponential number of training examples to cover all positions Image taken from: SamyBengio and YoshuaBengio, Taking on the Curse of Dimensionality in Joint Distributions Using Neural Networks, in: IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks, special issue on data mining and knowledge discovery, volume 11, number 3, pages 550-557, 2000.

  43. Dimensionality reduction: Two main approaches • Feature selection • Idea: removal of non-informative words according to corpus statistics • Output: subset of original features • Main techniques: document frequency, mutual information and information gain • Re-parameterization • Idea: combine lower level features (words) into higher-level orthogonal dimensions • Output: a new set of features (not words) • Main techniques: word clustering and Latent semantic indexing (LSI)

  44. FS: Document frequency • The document frequency for a word is the number of documents in which it occurs. • This technique consists in the removal of words whose document frequency is less than a specified threshold • The basic assumption is that rare words are either non-informative for category prediction or not influential in global performance.

  45. FS: Document frequency

  46. FS: Document frequency

  47. Zipf's law • The frequency of any word is inversely proportional to its rank in the frequency table. Thus the most frequent word will occur approximately twice as often as the second most frequent word, three times as often as the third most frequent word, etc. G. Kirby. Zipf’s law. UK Journal of Naval Science Volume 10, No. 3 pp 180 – 185, 1985.

  48. FS: Mutual information • Measures the mutual dependence of the two variables • In TC, it measures the information that a word t and a class c share: how much knowing word t reduces our uncertainty about class c The idea is to select words that are very related with one class

  49. FS: Mutual information • Let: • Then: • To get the global MI for term t: A: # times t and c co-occur B: # times t occurs without c C: # times c occurs without t N: # documents

  50. FS: Information gain (1) • Information gain (IG) measures how well an attribute separates the training examples according to their target classification • Is the attribute a good classifier? • The idea is to select the set of attributes having the greatest IG values • Commonly, maintain attributes with IG > 0 How to measure the worth (IG) of an attribute?

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