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Introduction to Web Browsers and Server: A Brief History and Concepts

Learn about the history of the web, including the creation of the World Wide Web, and get an introduction to web browsers, servers, HTTP, and URLs.

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Introduction to Web Browsers and Server: A Brief History and Concepts

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  1. SPARCS 11 Sunguard

  2. WEB ? Basic Concept of “WEB” Page. 02 “(Web == Service) = True”

  3. WEB ? Basic Concept of “WEB” Page. 03 Multimedia Information (영상) ‘ABC, 가나다’ (문자) (음성)

  4. WEB ? Basic Concept of “WEB” Page. 04 Multimedia Information Web World Wide

  5. WEB ? Basic Concept of “WEB” Page. 02 WEB = the Mesh + Mine of Information

  6. WEB ? Brief History of “WEB” – Who & Why Who Created ‘WEB’ ? • Tim Berners Lee • Robert Cailliau • CERN laboratory in Switzerland • CERN = European Council for Nuclear Research Why made ‘WEB’ ? To make Information Interchange easily and effectively

  7. WEB ? Brief History of “WEB” – Tim Berners Lee Who is ‘Tim Berners Lee’ ? • The Father of ‘World Wide Web’ • Developed ‘Enquire’  ‘WWW’ • Designed >> ‘HTTP(HyperText Transfer Protocol)’ • ‘HTML(HyperText Markup Language)’ • ‘URL(Uniform Resource Locator)’ • Developed ‘Web Browser, Mosaic’ • Established ‘W3C(World Wide Web Consortium)’ WOW

  8. WEB ? Brief History of “WEB” – Enquire & Mosaic Enquire!? • This concept is that… • “Wherever computer is exists, if we can read data of it, that will • be able to compose the huge information space.” Mosaic!? • The first Web Browser!! • The first Multimedia GUI program!! • It had been developed since 1987, but in 1997(January 7th), it stopped. • (After story… • Mark Andreesen & James Clark  Mosaic Communications Corp. •  Spyglass Mosaic  Internet Explorer(Licensed by Microsoft.) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mosaic_(web_browser)

  9. WEB ? Introduction of Web Browser What kinds of…? • Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome, • Navigator, Avant, Flock, Kmelon, MineField, SeaMonkey, Shiretoko, • WebMaster, JW Browser, Road Browser, The World, etc.

  10. WEB ? Introduction of Web Browser What is that? suppose Web Standards!! But, Now… Something is different HTTP HTML, XML, XHTML, Graphic File Format, CSS, JAVAscript(DHTML), etc. And… TRANSLATE them!! Web Browser Web Server http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_Browser http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_standards

  11. WEB ? Brief Introduction for Web Server as Software… • Client/Server Model & Request/Response • Kinds of PROGRAM • Port Number : 80 • Examples : APACHE, IIS, LOTUS DOMINO SERVER, etc. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_server

  12. WEB ? Brief Introduction for HTTP HTTP(Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) • This is PROTOCOL! • Between Client & Server, this is the “Request/Response Protocol” Request Client Server Response HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc. + Error Code http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP#.EC.98.A4.EB.A5.98_.EC.BD.94.EB.93.9C

  13. WEB ? Brief Introduction for URL URL(Uniform Resource Locator) • Form! & Protocol! • We can manage and describe the addresses of accessible resources • easily with URL Form of URL URL = Protocol + Domain Name(or IP address) + Directory Telnet, FTP, HTTP • Telnet is the method that makes clients who have • the authority to use the host computer be able to • access to other’s host computer remotely. • This is also protocol which is based on TCP/IP • Difference with ‘FTP, HTTP’ is that client can “Log on” http://terms.co.kr/Telnet.htm

  14. WEB ? Brief Introduction for URL URL(Uniform Resource Locator) • Form! & Protocol! • We can manage and describe the addresses of accessible resources • easily with URL Form of URL URL = Protocol + Domain Name(or IP address) + Directory Telnet, FTP, HTTP • File Transfer Protocol • To transfer files between computer and computer. • Based on TCP/IP • Security Issue : Password is not encrypted. •  SFTP(through SSH), SCP(Secure CoPy) http://terms.co.kr/FTP.htm

  15. WEB ? Brief Introduction for URL URL(Uniform Resource Locator) • Form! & Protocol! • We can manage and describe the addresses of accessible resources • easily with URL Form of URL URL = Protocol + Domain Name(or IP address) + Directory Telnet, FTP, HTTP • Explained before… So! SKIP

  16. WEB ? Brief Introduction for URL URL(Uniform Resource Locator) • Form! & Protocol! • We can manage and describe the addresses of accessible resources • easily with URL Form of URL URL = Protocol + Domain Name(or IP address) + Directory Server Name + Group(Apparatus) Name + Characteristic Code http://terms.co.kr/DNS.htm

  17. WEB ? Brief Introduction for URL URL(Uniform Resource Locator) • Form! & Protocol! • We can manage and describe the addresses of accessible resources • easily with URL Form of URL URL = Protocol + Domain Name(or IP address) + Directory

  18. WEB ? Brief Introduction for HTML HTML(Hyper Text Markup Language) • Markup Language!!(with CSS, Script) • : Describe how to show Texts or Images on Web Browser • Be formed with Tag attributes What kinds of…?(Doctypes) Strict, Transitional, Frameset “Details about HTML” http://www.w3schools.com/

  19. E-Mail ? @ What is E-Mail ? Electronic Mail BBUE-ING! BBUE-ING! E-Mail(Electronic Mail) • A method of exchanging digital messages from an author to one or more recipients • E-mail Address : User_ID@Mail_Server_Name

  20. 슬라이드 쇼가 끝났습니다. 끝내려면 마우스를 클릭하십시오.

  21. E-Mail ? Brief Introduction for Principle of E-Mail Send & Receive E-mail

  22. E-Mail ? Brief Introduction for Principle of E-Mail Send & Receive E-mail MDA http://wlan.egloos.com/10222487

  23. E-Mail ? Sending & Receiving E-mail MUA(Mail User Agent) MUA(Mail User Agent) Write & Send E-mail Receive & Read E-mail MDA(Mail Delivery Agent) MDA(Mail Delivery Agent) Mail Server Mail Server MTA(Mail Transfer Agent) http://cusee.net/102

  24. E-Mail ? E-Mail Protocols – Basic Concept What kinds of… • IMAP • (Internet Message Access Protocol) • POP3 • (Post Office Protocol 3) • SMTP • (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) • HTTP • (HyperText Transfer Protocol)

  25. E-Mail ? E-Mail Protocols MUA(Mail User Agent) MUA(Mail User Agent) POP3 IMAP HTTP POP3 IMAP HTTP Write & Send E-mail Receive & Read E-mail MDA(Mail Delivery Agent) MDA(Mail Delivery Agent) Mail Server Mail Server SMTP MTA(Mail Transfer Agent) http://www.emailaddressmanager.com/tips/mail-servers.html

  26. E-Mail ? E-Mail Protocol - SMTP SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) • Based on TCP/IP • Used by the Mail Transfer Agent(MTA) • > To deliver your E-mail to the recipient's mail server • Can only be used to send emails, not to receive them • Depending on your network / ISP settings, you may only be able to use the SMTP protocol under certain conditions • Port 25 • Secure SMTP(SSMTP) : port 465 http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc0821.txt

  27. E-Mail ? E-Mail Protocol – POP3 POP3(Post Office Protocol 3) • Provides a simple, standardized way for users • > To access mailboxes • > To download messages to their computers • (Mail Server  user’s Local computer) • Users can choose to leave copies of their E-mails on the server • The advantage :: Once messages are downloaded on users’ local computer, users can read their E-mails when they are on off-line. • But… users might read all messages which include Spam-mails, and so on when they are using this protocol to download messages to local computer. • Port 110 • Secure POP3(SSH-POP) : port 995 http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1939.html

  28. E-Mail ? E-Mail Protocol - IMAP IMAP(Internet Message Access Protocol) • A standard protocol for accessing e-mail from a user’s local server • A client/server protocol in which e-mail is received • As this requires only a small data transfer, this works well even over a slow connection such as a modem • Port 143 • Secure IMAP(IMAP4-SSL) : port 585 • IMAP4 over SSL : port 993 http://www.imap.org/

  29. E-Mail ? POP3 and IMAP Difference between POP and IMAP

  30. E-Mail ? E-Mail – Header & Body E-mail; Header • This header keeps important resources • Users can’t see this • Server Name, Message ID, Send Date/Time, Send Route, Encoding setting • Language Information, etc. E-mail; Body • Contents and Messages in e-mail • Attachments in e-mail http://cusee.net/102

  31. E-Mail ! E-Mail !! E-Mail

  32. Mailing List ? What is Mailing List ? Mailing List is… JUST MAILING LIST!

  33. Mailing List ? How does it work ? OH? Mailing List…?! wheel-seminar@sparcs.org /etc/aliases Mail Server (sparcs.org) /home/sparcs/mail/aliases.d/wheel-seminar bbashong, rodumani, sunguard, boolgom, overmania, podo, alphamin, leeopop, gangok, cling, grandmarnier, etc. + @sparcs.org http://www.niso.org/khelp/kmlm/user_help/html/intro_lists_aliases.html

  34. Reference Where you can get more information http://zenome.com.ne.kr/devzone/server_side/mailserver/princi.html http://python.kr/viewtopic.php?p=35286&sid=90ba518f728aa9be294ce4edcf7c43a5 http://cusee.net/102 http://wlan.egloos.com/10222487 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mosaic_(web_browser) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_Browser http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_standards http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_server http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP#.EC.98.A4.EB.A5.98_.EC.BD.94.EB.93.9C http://terms.co.kr/Telnet.htm http://terms.co.kr/FTP.htm http://www.w3schools.com/ http://www.emailaddressmanager.com/tips/mail-servers.html http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc0821.txt http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1939.html http://www.imap.org/ http://www.niso.org/khelp/kmlm/user_help/html/intro_lists_aliases.html

  35. END Thank you for listening! SunGuard

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