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Entrance Data Visualization Tool for Statistical Analysis

Entrance is an open-source GPL tool for data visualization and statistical analysis, supporting various chart types and advanced scripts. Use Entrance with MySQL for insightful data graphics and robust analysis. Visit dbentrance.com for examples and more information.

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Entrance Data Visualization Tool for Statistical Analysis

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  1. Entrance • http://dbentrance.com/

  2. Tod LandisMA, Mathematics, UC, Berkeley, 1976Parlett-Landis AlgorithmsONR, Eureka, NorthStar, MicroPro, Island Graphics, Adobe, Borland

  3. Entrance was written with Shane Duan.

  4. EntranceCommercial Open SourceGPL v. 2 Community Version$50 IDE VersionSite Licenses Encouraged!

  5. Use Entrance PLOT to make charts. PLOT AXISLABELS, RED LINE SELECT year, average FROM cpi WHERE year >= 1960 AND year < 2007;

  6. Essentially any MySQL SELECT statement works. PLOT AXISLABELS, RED LINESELECT year, average FROM cpi WHERE year >= 1960 AND year < 2007;

  7. Chart setup is simple.PLOT AXISLABELS, RED LINE SELECT year, average FROM cpi WHERE year >= 1960 AND year < 2007;

  8. Just be sure the chart series match up1-to-1 with result set columns. PLOT AXISLABELS, RED LINE SELECT year, average FROM cpi WHERE year >= 1960 AND year < 2007;

  9. Entrance Bubbles . . .

  10. . . . and the script that made them:     PLOT SCATTER        X, FILLED CIRCLE, DATALABELS CENTERED,        SIZE OVERRIDE, COLOR OVERRIDE      WITH        SCALE X 0 75 25        SCALE Y 0 120 40        NO XAXIS        NO YAXIS        NO SIDES    SELECT x,y, l, s, c        FROM t;

  11. An Entrance EarthChart . . .


  13. Entrance Rotated Bars . . .

  14. . . . and the script that made them: PLOT ROTATEDBARCHART AXISLABELS, LIGHT RED BAR WITH FONT "sans serif" PLAIN 24 NO SIDES NO XAXIS NO LABELS X NO TICKS X SELECT CONCAT(application_area, ' - ', count(*)), count(*) FROM lead_capture GROUP BY application_area ORDER BY count(*) DESC;

  15. An Entrance Scatter Chart . . .

  16. . . . and its script: PLOT SCATTER X,RED FILLED CIRCLE WITH FONT "sanserif" plain 18 TITLE "Boiling Points of the Elements" TITLE " " GRIDLINES TITLE Y "Degrees Fahrenheit" FORMAT Y DECIMAL "#.##\u00B0" SCALE Y -4000 12000 4000 TITLE Y2 "Degrees Centigrade" FORMAT Y2 DECIMAL "#\u00B0" SCALE Y2 -2240 6649 2222.25 TITLE X "Element Number" SELECT number, F FROM boiling;

  17. Bars with color overrides . . .

  18. . . . and how to make them: PLOT BARCHART LIGHT BLUE BARS, COLOR OVERRIDE WITH FONT "sans serif" plain 24 LEGEND RIGHT LIGHT RED LEGENDITEM "Interesting" NO YAXIS NO SIDES SELECT jan AS 'Not interesting', IF(year = 1920 or year = 1921, 'light red', '') FROM CPI LIMIT 12;

  19. Entrance supports named colors.

  20. See http://dbentrance.com/blog/ for more examples. (A good one: search for “Benson”)

  21. PLOT scripts can also be run from the command line or EntranceServlet. (The servlet makes us cloud friendly)

  22. Use Entrance to make simple, clear data graphics. (No 2.5D, no chart junk)

  23. Use Entrance + MySQL to perform data analysis.

  24. This script “tags” inflection points. PLOT AXISLABELS, SKYBLUE LINE, DATALABELS ABOVE, DATALABELS BELOW WITH PAGE HALF FONT "sanserif" plain 13 TITLE CENTER "Monthly Average Stock Prices, 1928-1932" NO SIDES NO YAXIS NO XAXIS COLLARSELECT b.date,b.p, IF(b.p > a.p and b.p > c.p, b.date, ''), IF(b.p < a.p and b.p < c.p, b.date, '') FROM price_earnings a, price_earnings b, price_earnings c where b.date > 1928 and b.date < 1933 and a.rownumbers = b.rownumbers - 1 and b.rownumbers = c.rownumbers - 1 ;

  25. ... to make plots like these: Tagging data items.

  26. This script uses a COLOR OVERRIDE: PLOT VERY THICK SKYBLUE LINE, COLOR OVERRIDE NO YAXIS NO XAXIS NO SIDESSELECT jan, IF(year >= 1960 and year <= 1980, 'red', '') FROM CPI where year >= 1920 ;

  27. . . . to highlight a section of a line:

  28. Scripting the Red-Blue States:  name                  who               --------------------  --------------    Alabama               strong mccain     Alaska                strong mccain     Arizona               strong mccain     Arkansas              strong mccain     California            strong obama      Colorado              strong obama      Connecticut           strong obama      Delaware              strong obama      ...

  29. Use a COLOR OVERRIDE: PLOT USColoringBook LAYER, COLOR OVERRIDE WITH -- maintain the frame aspect ratio 500:375 PAGE 0 0 500 375 BACKGROUND gray FOREGROUND white SELECT name, CONCAT( if(who LIKE 'leaning%', 'light', ''), ' ', if(who LIKE '%mccain', 'red', 'blue')) FROM election_projection WHERE who NOT LIKE 'tossup'UNIONSELECT name, 'very light yellow' FROM election_projection WHERE who LIKE 'tossup'UNIONSELECT "states_outline", "white";

  30. . . . to make the “Red Blue States” map:

  31. The basic system can be extended: PLOT MAPCHART -- MapQuest API RED CIRCLE, LON, DATALABELS LEFT WITH MAP CENTER 37.14421218525334 -122.1341232266594 MAP SCALE 350000SELECT 37.14421218525334, -122.1341232266594, "OUR HOUSE";

  32. ... for custom applications:

  33. And now, the live demo.

  34. Hans Rosling’s interesting demonstrations are similar: http://gapminder.org/

  35. RequirementsEntrance is cross platform.It requires Java JRE 1.5 or greater + access to a MySQL server.* There are ways to use Entrance with other JDBC databases, too.

  36. Access to the MySQL server isa problem with some ISPs. Install a local copy of MySQL and download data in those cases.(You can also tunnel if SSH is available)

  37. Use Entrance Tools | Import to load data into a local copy of MySQL. Entrance Import can import data directly from the web, eg. we use it to import PHP script output.

  38. Use Edit | Paste as table... to paste clipboard data into a local copy of MySQL

  39. Door.

  40. Entrance • http://dbentrance.com/blog • Entrance Help | PLOT Syntax • Entrance Google Group • http://twitter.com/todlandis • & we follow #entrance • Tod Landis • tod@dbentrance.com

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