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الآكاروسات المرتبطة بالحشرات عرض وإلقاء د . / سالى فاروق محمد علام

الآكاروسات المرتبطة بالحشرات عرض وإلقاء د . / سالى فاروق محمد علام مدرس بقسم علوم الحيوان الزراعى والنيماتودا كلية الزراعة - جامعة القاهرة. ال أ كاروسات المرتبطة بنحل العسل وخاصة طفيل الفاروا: Varroa spp. Varroa destructor (formally Varroa Jacobsoni ) تاريخها:

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الآكاروسات المرتبطة بالحشرات عرض وإلقاء د . / سالى فاروق محمد علام

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  1. الآكاروسات المرتبطة بالحشرات عرض وإلقاء د./ سالى فاروق محمد علام مدرس بقسم علوم الحيوان الزراعى والنيماتودا كلية الزراعة - جامعة القاهرة

  2. الأكاروسات المرتبطة بنحل العسل وخاصة طفيل الفاروا: • Varroa spp. • Varroadestructor (formally VarroaJacobsoni) • تاريخها: • تم إكتشافها عام 1907م بواسطة أودمانس(Oudmans). • تم تصنيفها تحتFamily: Varroidaeفى 1974م، بواسطة دلفينادو(Delfinado,M. B. 1974). • تم إعادة تصنيفها طبقا لتسلسل البروتينات النووية فى سلسلة الاحماض النووية،DNA sequencing مع إلغاء أى صفات مورفولوجية نظراً لتداخلها، وذلك بواسطة أندرسون 2000م إلى Varroadestructor.

  3. الخريطة أعلاه هى خريطة توزيع الفاروا فى العالم سنة 1983 وكانت مصر لا يوجد بها هذا الطفيل.

  4. خريطة التوزيع فى العالم عام 1988م لاحظ وجود الطفيل فى مصر.

  5. A varroa mite (Varroa destructor) on the back of a worker bee (the one in the center).

  6. Deformed wing

  7. بعض طوائف النحل وصلت إلى حد الموت. وعندالفحص الدقيق وجد أنهم يعانون من إصابات حادة بالحلم المتطفل. قليل من عيون الحضنة كانت لا تزال حية، وعند فتح بعض هذه العيون وفحصها وجد أكثر من 20 فرد من أفراد الفاروا فى العين الواحدة. وهذه العين وجد بها 12 فرد من الفاروا بالقرب من قمتها. وفى غالبية الحالات، كانت معظم اليرقات ميتة، داخل عيون الحضنة (هذه اليرقة تبدو حية).

  8. دورة حياة طفيل الفاروا فى مصر تترواح طول دورة الحياة فى الذكر من: 64- 153ساعة، و فى الأنثى من: 67 - 139ساعة.

  9. EFFECT OF GENETIC AND CULTURE CONTROL AGAINST VARROA DESTRUCTOR ON POPULATION OF VARROA WORKER BROOD AND ADULT BEES DURING FALL IN EGYPT By ALLAM, S. F. M. Department of Agricultural Zoology and Nematology,Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Giza 12613, Egypt. E.mail: 1) Sallyfmallam@hotmail.com 2) Sallyfmallam@yahoo.com

  10. Objectives: • To study the effects of some management methods on populations of varroa and strength of honeybee colonies through the following methods: • 1- Cross breeding between Apis mellifera lamerckii and Apis mellifera carnica (genetic control). • 2- The combination between the two methods of genetic control and culture control (exposure to direct sun light 5-8 hours daily throughout certain periods during the experiments).

  11. MATERIALS AND METHODS Preparation of the colonies from the four stocks : 1- The local Egyptian stock (Apis mellifera lamerckii) (L.E.R.) : The mated queens from this race were brought from Manfalot province, Assiut Governorate and were introduced to the unqueened colonies of Apis mellifera carnica. 2- The Egyptian-Carniolan stock : The hybrid was naturally established locally by mating between Egyptian virgin queens (which were raised from the previous step, and hybrids of Carniolan drones 3- The hybrid Carniolan (A. mellifera carnica) (H.C.H.): The hybrid was naturally established locally by mating between Carniolan virgin queens and the hybrids of Carniolan drones. 4-The Carniolan stock (Apis mellifera carnica) (P.C.R.) : The mated queens from this stock were obtained from Manzala region and were introduced to the unqueened colonies.

  12. The following parameters were recorded: 1- Numbers of fallen dead mites were counted on a white cardboard coated with vaseline and located under the colony. 2- The area of sealed worker brood by inch² to estimate brood population. 3- Numbers of combs covered with bees to estimate adult bee population.

  13. Drone brood

  14. GENETIC IMPROVEMENT AND CULTURE MANIPULATION IN COMPARISON WITH CHEMICALS USED TO CONTROL VARROA MITE (VARROA DESTRUCTOR) By Allam, S. F. M. Department of Agricultural Zoology and Nematology, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University. E.mail: 1) Sallyfmallam@hotmail.com 2) Sallyfmallam@yahoo.com

  15. Objectives: • To study the effects of some management methods on population of varroa and strength of honeybee colonies, by the following methods: • 1- Cross breeding between Apis mellifera lamerckii and Apis mellifera carnica) (genetic control) • 2- The combination between the two methods genetic and culture control [direct sun light (5-8 hours) daily throughout different periods of the experiments]. • 3- The combination between the two methods genetic control and chemical control by(Varrocide 2000 (14 % fluvalinate) wood strips.

  16. MATERIALS AND METHODS A- Management methods : Experiments were carried out during the fall, winter until mid-summer from November 1999 until July 2000. 1- The first experiment from 1/11/1999 to 30/1/2000 to compare between fulvalinate (Varrocide 2000) and sunshine with stocks. 2- The second experiment from 24/2/2000 to 24/7/2000 to follow infestation in colonies which treated with above-treatments. 3- Thirty-six naturally infested honeybee colonies nearly similar in their strength and headed by queens was prepared as follow in preparation of colonies. The colonies were divided into 12 stocks, (3) colonies as replicates for each treatment and 3 colonies as control.

  17. B- Preparation of the colonies from the four stocks: 1- The local Egyptian stock (Apis mellifera lamerckii) (L. E. R.): The mated queens from this race were brought from Manfalot province, Assiut Governorate and were introduced to the unqueened colonies of Apis mellifera carnica. 2- The Egyptian-Carniolan stock: The hybrid was naturally established locally by mating between Egyptian virgin queens (which were raised from the previous step, and hybrids of Carniolan drones (no Egyptian drones in these neacli). 3- The hybrid Carniolan (A. mellifera carnica) (H. C. H.): The hybrid was naturally established locally by mating between Carniolan virgin queens and the hybrids of Carniolan drones. 4- The Carniolan stock (Apis mellifera carnica) (P. C. R.): The mated queens from this stock were obtained from Manzala region and were introduced to the unqueened colonies. The post-capping period of worker and drone brood cells were determined in the previous four. The colonies were infested with mites naturally.

  18. According to the previous results, the combined method was highly recommended as a part in program of integrated pest management for controlling the Varroa mite in honey bee colonies.

  19. COMPARISON AMONG CERTAIN NATURAL PRODUCTS, FORMIC ACID AND MAVRIK AGAINST VARROA MITE, VARROA DESTRUCTOR, A PARASITE OF HONEYBEES ON TWO STOCKS OF APIS MELLIFERA IN EGYPT S. F. Allam 1, M. F. Hassan1, M. A. Risk2 and A. U. Zaki2 1Department of Agricultural Zoology and Nematology, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Giza 12613 Egypt. 2Plant Protection Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Ministry of Agriculture, Fayoum, Egypt.

  20. Objectives: • Evaluation the efficiency of the following products to control varroa mite on two stocks of honeybee: • Mavrik (22.3% fluvalinate) cotton strips. • ‏Formic acid (85% concentration) (Fries, 1991) cotton strips. • ‏Extract of seeds of black cumin oil (Nigella sativa,). cotton strips. • Smoking with Mixture of fresh leaves of Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) and dry leaves of Mint (Mentha niliaca).

  21. Utilization of essential oils and chemical substances alone or in combination against Varroa mite (Varroa destructor), a parasite of honeybees. S. F. Allam 1, M. F. Hassan1, M. A. Risk2 and A. U. Zaki2 1Department of Agricultural Zoology and Nematology, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Giza 12613, Egypt. 2Plant Protection Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Ministry of Agriculture, Fayoum, Egypt.

  22. Objective: To evaluate the efficiency of the following products in controlling varroa mite of honeybee colonies headed by hybrid Egyptian queens (Apis mellifera lamerkii)which mated with hybrid carniolan drones (Apis mellifera carnica)(H. L. H.). 1- Jasmine oil (Jasminum grandiflorun, from the Family Oleaceae) extract of flowers. 2- Neem oil (Azadirachta indica, from the Family Melioidae). 3- Black cumin oil (Nigella sativa, from the Umbellifereae) extract of seeds. 4- Mavrik (22.3 % fluvalinate) (Mavrik aquaflow Novartis). 5- Formic acid (85 % concentration).

  23. Preparing essential oils and anti-varroa mixtures: • J1- Jasmine oil was prepared by mixing 15 ml oil with 0.5 ml triton X (emulsifier) and sufficient water to obtain 100 ml of solution. • N2- Neem oil was prepared by mixing 15 ml oil with sufficient water to obtain 100 ml of solution. • B3- Black cumin oil was prepared by mixing 15 ml oil with O.5 ml triton X (emulsifier) and sufficient water to obtain 100 ml of solution. • T4- The first mixture was 5 ml jasmine oil, neem oil and black cumin oil with water added to obtain 100 ml of solution. 5- The second mixture was 7.5 ml mavrik and 7.5 ml formic acid with sufficient water added to obtain 100ml of solution. Each colony received 10- 15 ml of solution. • T6- The third mixture was 5 ml mavrik, jasmine oil and black cumin oil with 85 ml water added to obtain 100 ml of solution.

  24. Assessment of the efficacy levels: The infestation levels in all experiment colonies were determined before and after each application. The following data were recorded: - Number of dead mites fallen down on a white cardboard (coated with vaseline) located under the colony. - Number of mites in random sample of approximately 50 living bees. - Number of mites in 10 cells of each worker and drone brood (if available) or in 20 workers cells if drone brood was not available. - The area of sealed worker brood (colony strength). The efficacy of the tested essential oil was calculated after each application according to the equation of Girdani & Leporati (1989): No. of dead Varroa mites*Rate of efficacy % = Total number of varroa mites**x 100* Dropped mites as a result of the treatment + natural mortality. ** Dropped mites + natural mortality in control + No. of mites on 50 living bees + no. of mites in 10 cells of brood.

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