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Learn about the composition, formation, and behavior of the quark-gluon plasma, a unique state of matter that existed in the early universe and can be created in heavy-ion collisions. Explore the QCD phase diagram and the ongoing research in understanding this fascinating form of matter.
The hottest matter on earth: what its made of, how its formed, and how it flows Raju Venugopalan Brookhaven National Laboratory Nordic Winter School, Spätind2016, January 2-7, 2016
Outline of lectures • Lecture I: QCD and the Quark-Gluon Plasma: elements of a “standard model” paradigm • Lecture II: The problem of thermalization in heavy-ion collisions
The physics of heavy-ion collisions HI theory draws concretely on concepts in perturbative QCD, the gauge-gravity duality, lattice QCD & other non-perturbative dynamics, reaction-diffusion dynamics, topological effects, plasma instabilities, kinetic theory & hydrodynamics, quantum chaos, Bose-Einstein condensates, weak wave turbulence,… Heavy-Ion collisions are of intrinsic interest since they offer the possibility of studying on earth the dynamics of non-Abelian fluids
Matter in unusual conditions E. Fermi: “ Notes on Thermodynamics and Statistics ” (1953)
RHIC Neutron stars Neutron stars Neutron stars On heating strongly interacting matter Thus, our ignorance of microscopic physics stands as a veil, obscuring our view of the very beginning. Steven Weinberg, The First Three Minutes (1973)
RHIC Neutron stars Neutron stars Neutron stars QCD : lifting the veil E. Fermi: “ Notes on Thermodynamics and Statistics ” (1953) Hagedorn (1965) Lee-Wick matter (1974) Collins-Perry/Cabibbo-Parisi (1975) Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) Shuryak (1978)
Symmetries of the QCD Lagrangian: i ii iii Gauge “color” symmetry: unbroken but confined Global “chiral” symmetry: exact for massless quarks Baryon number and axial charge (m=0) are conserved Scale invariance: v)Discrete C,P & T symmetries Chiral, Axial, Scale and (in principle) P & T are broken by Vacuum / Quantum effects QCD: theory of the strong interaction Quark fields Gluon fields
Super-dense and Super-hot QCD matter is a weakly coupled gas of quarks and gluons -- analytical computations feasible Cabibo-Parisi; Collins-Perry QCD: asymptotic freedom Gross,Wilczek, Politzer Coupling grows weaker with increasing momentum transfer (shorter distances)
QCD: Infrared Slavery Potential between static quark-anti-quark pair grows linearly at large distances - intuitive picture of confinement QCD matter is strongly interacting at low Temp. and Density - static properties computed using numerical lattice methods
Quantum QCD vacuum: Chiral condensate: spontaneously generate mass via Nambu-Goldstone mechanism mq ~ 10 MeV ; mN ~ 1 GeV Quantum violation of U(1)A Axial anomaly: Chiral symmetry restoration at large T: QCD: Chiral symmetry breaking
Universe evolved from Quarks & Gluons to Hadrons How did this happen ? Is there a phase transition (vapor to liquid) transition ?
Phase Diagram of Water Physicists’ way of mapping the phase that will exist for a given pressure and temperature phase transition line
Temperature QCD Phase diagram T Critical Point Quark Gluon Plasma Quarkyonic Nuclear density Hadron Gas Color Superconductor B Normal Nuclear Matter phase diagram of nuclear matter Major theoretical and experimental effort to map and explore this rich phase structure.
Big Bang RHIC Neutron stars Where to study QCD matter ? Peter Steinberg Where to study QCD matter Only one chance… Lattice QCD Who wants to wait?…
QCD at finite T: Lattice results for Energy & Entropy Density C. Ratti, plenary talk at Quark Matter 2015
QCD at finite T: Lattice results for Chiral Symmetry Restoration z = t/h1/βδ t = (T-Tc)/Tc ; h=ml/ms Universality class of continuum QCD: 3d-O(4) spin models Nice review, Dong et al., 1504.05274
QCD at finite T: Lattice results for Chiral Symmetry Restoration O(4) scaling of chiral susceptibility
Gauge theories at finite T: The finite temperature phase diagram of QCD-like theories The QCD transition is a crossover transition Aoki et al, Nature 443 (06) 675
QCD at finite T: The deconfinement transition Thermal expectation value of renormalized `Polyakov loop’ – order parameter for deconfinement in a pure gauge theory F=free energy of heavy quark-antiquark pair at spatial infinity Difference in susceptibilities probe release of quark degrees of freedom
Lattice QCD at finite T: Free energy of heavy static quarks computed from the product of the traces of two Polyakov loops Borsanyi et al., arXiv:1501.02173 Plasma screens potential between heavy quarks Suppression of heavy quarks suggested as possible signature of Quark-Gluon Plasma formation - Matsui, Satz 1986