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VOTada VO Tools and Atomic Data for Astrophysics

Explore the VOTADA project providing atomic data and tools for astrophysical applications. CHIANTI database offers modeling for coronal spectra across different spectral codes. Get access to CHIANTI atomic package and software for line+continuum emissivity calculations.

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VOTada VO Tools and Atomic Data for Astrophysics

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  1. VOTada VO Tools and Atomic Data for Astrophysics Giulio Del Zanna TRACE image of solar coronal loops

  2. The VOTADA project aims at providing accurate atomic data and derived products/tools for astrophysical applications within the Astrogrid (PPARC-UK) and VO. • Peter Young (RAL) • Helen Mason (Univ. Cambridge) • Silvia Dalla (Univ. Manchester) • Kevin Benson (UCL/MSSL) DAMTP, Feb 2007

  3. The CHIANTI database • Collaboration between UK, US and Italy • K. Dere, E. Landi, H. Mason, G. Del Zanna, M. Landini, P. Young • Freely available. First release in 1996, regularly updated. • Provides all atomic data necessary for modelling coronal spectra, but also used for a wide range of astrophysical objects (Chandra, XMM--Newton, FUSE, HST). • Included in many other spectral codes such as: • XSTAR (HEASARC/GSFC -- USA); APED/ATOMDB (CfA, Harvard-Smithsonian --USA); XSPEC (HEASARC/GSFC -- USA); ISIS (MIT -- USA); • PINTofALE (CfA, Harvard-Smithsonian -- USA); Arcetri Spectral Code • (Italy). Over 800 citations DAMTP, Feb 2007

  4. CHIANTI atomic package • Data, programs, User Guides • www.chianti.rl.ac.uk DAMTP, Feb 2007

  5. CHIANTI Software F(T) Ab(Fe) 0.83 • CHIANTI IDL software takes the atomic data and calculates line+continuum emissivities. Line emissivities are: • Obtain densities, temperatures and elemental abundances from e.g. line ratios. • Derive DEM curves. • Create synthetic spectra to be compared to observed ones • Create synthetic broad-band images • Calculate instrument response functions • Calculate radiative losses DAMTP, Feb 2007

  6. DAMTP, Feb 2007

  7. CHIANTI data files • CHIANTI is distributed within Solarsoft • $SSW/packages/chianti • For each ion there is a directory, e.g.,dbase/fe/fe_12 • 4 main files for each ion, e.g., DAMTP, Feb 2007

  8. CHIANTI emissivities are currently calculated for • equilibrium plasmas (collisional, optically-thin), but non-equilibrium, non-Maxwellian plasmas will soon be included. • building a database of radiative and dielectronic recombination rates, as well as collisional and photo-ionization cross-sections DAMTP, Feb 2007

  9. -Written CHIANTI data in a way to be imported into a MySQL database. • Wavelength, A-value, gf-value • configuration, nLSJ, observed, theoretical energy of upper and lower levels • -Use DAL Toolkit to install a SLAP server (DMMapper can translate from CHIANTI data model to Line data model) • -Data will appear automatically in VOSpec, once registered DAMTP, Feb 2007

  10. Summary DAMTP, Feb 2007

  11. DAMTP, Feb 2007

  12. Scattering calculations: Fe XII • Iron Project • UK Rmax network – new PPARC proposal (APAP network) 2D3/2 4P1/2 4P3/2 2P1/2 SO • From Flower (1977) until • Storey Del Zanna, Mason (2005), • serious problems with the Fe XII • spectrum were present. EUV 4S3/2, 2D3/2, 2D5/2, 2P1/2, 2P3/2 DAMTP, Feb 2007

  13. Fe XII: electron densities now 10 times lower. • Of the lowest 41 levels: • 15 were not known (identified 12) • 6 were incorrectly assigned • 14 values revised • 21/58 new transitions identified/revised (Del Zanna & Mason 2005) DAMTP, Feb 2007

  14. Atomic data make a difference! Fe XII Fe XVIII Whittoeft, Badnell,Del Zanna et al. (2006) Del Zanna (2006) Storey, Del Zanna et al. (2005) Del Zanna & Mason (2005) DAMTP, Feb 2007

  15. Conservation of Mass Momentum Energy • Hydrodynamic equations in 1-D Radiative lossess Classical conduction Heating rate Eq. state Time-dependent ionisation DAMTP, Feb 2007

  16. Diagnostics of chemical abundances Te of maximum emissivity in ionization equilibrium Actual Te Incorrect abundances (by a factor of 10) can be obtained if approximations are used. Plumes in coronal holes FIP=0 FIP=10 Del Zanna et al. (2003) Widing & Feldman (1992) DAMTP, Feb 2007

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