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Welcome to another year at CS Department! Important information on teaching duties, scheduling, evaluations, and useful resources for TAs. Ensure balance in work, classes, and life. Follow guidelines for TA responsibilities.
CS TA Orientation Fall 2009 Welcome to another year!
Introductions Faculty Dr. Ken Calvert, Chair Dr. Raphael Finkel, DGS Dr. Jurek Jaromczyk, DUS Staff Martha Wells, graduate records Dee Fuhs, payroll / finances Paul Linton, systems manager help@cs.uky.edu
TA Supervisors Dr. Debby Keen, CS 101, CS 115 Dr. Brent Seales, CS 215 Mr. Paul Piwowarski, CS 221 Dr. Ken Calvert, CS 100 Dr. Greg Wasilkowski, CS 275 Others for graders as determined by need
Try to keep your balance! You have a teaching job, classes, research and a LIFE! How do you balance it? TALK to your supervisor AND your advisor if you are getting overloaded Schedules can be adjusted with some notice!
Class / Section assignments Rules for changing assignments are online Tell Dr. Keen what you want to change TO, not just what you want to change FROM Write down what sections are changing and who else is involved Both people sign the request MUST be done before first day class meets
Observations / Evaluations Every TA is observed by a faculty member every semester (usually their supervisor) Every TA is evaluated by their supervisor at the end of every semester The TA gets a copy of each form and a chance to respond to it Copies are kept by TA, Dr. Keen and Graduate School, and DGS PLEASE help us by making sure your form is filled out and signed by the end of the semester!
Peer Observations Experienced TA paired with new TA New TA observes experienced TA before their first class/lab Later in the semester experienced TA observes new TA After each observation, TAs meet to give feedback Final report to Dr. Keen
Useful Information Code for Xerox machine – 08980 – ABET copies Take care of payroll (I-9 and direct deposit) with Dee TA page www.cs.uky.edu/~keen/tas/tas.html PLEASE do not give this URL to anyone!! Start of Semester reminders on page
More Useful Information TA mailboxes are in 762 Anderson Hall Dr. Keen’s cell phone number is 576 5949 All TAs should KEEP ALL emails sent to them by students and all emails sent to students, at least until final grades are done Make sure your University account is set up and that your supervisor has an email address for you
I-9 forms • If you are a new TA or • if you have been off the payroll for a while • See Dee Fuhs as soon as possible to get back on payroll!! They need a new I-9 form
Addition to informer Create a file called “index.html” in the directory where you put the grade web pages <html> <body> Don’t be nosy! </body> </html>
Your class schedule If you are a returning student, you should have already registered for classes – if not, then do it NOW! If you are registered, please do not make changes unless absolutely necessary If you make a change or have made one in the last few days, TELL Dr. Keen NOW!
Last Day of the Semester • Last day of the semester – Monday December 21 – AFTER finals week!
If you have to miss… • If you know that you are going to miss a • TA meeting • Class meeting • Exam proctoring • Exam grading • Let your supervisor KNOW about it! Even if you have it covered, they need to know! In advance if possible but even after the fact!
Busy this semester! • Enrollments are up in several classes • New languages being taught (Python) • New lab being prepared in FPAT • New building getting ready for ground breaking
Duties of a TA • New link on TA web page • Please check it out and tell me what to add to it
Pay attention to the poor performer! • Case at end of last semester • Short-term lesson • Accuracy is important • Using the forms is important • Long-term lesson • Caring about the students and • SHOWING them that you care! • Documenting how you are communicating with them
Academic Alert!! • Program to alert students and advisors to 'risky' behavior of students • Missed Classes (at least 2-3 in the first weeks) • Habitually Late (more than 10 minutes on a regular basis) • Homework assignments not completed or of inconsistent quality • Poor performance on tests or quizzes • Disruptive Behavior in class • Other
Academic Alerts • We will try this again this semester • With some additions • When I send an academic alert, I will also mail the affected TA AND the affected student • Ask the student to see their TA and to see me • Give them your personal attention!
YOUR OFFICE HOURS YOUR Office Hours - BE there! They will be in the Multilab or in the RGAN lab, scheduled in the next week or two Students can show up at any time! Not just the start of the hour Try to help every student who asks, even if they are not in your section Even if more than one TA is scheduled for a time, it is your job to be there
Office hours • We will try to give students reasons to come to office hours • Keep records of who does come, how often
"Seven things you must know about public speaking" • Richard Zeoli, speaking coach • www.forbes.com • link on the TA web site
Zoeli's tips • Stop trying to be a great speaker • Stop trying to be perfect • Visualize • Be disciplined • Describe • Inspire • Build anticipation
Stop trying to be great • RELAX! be yourself and talk directly to the audience • Stop trying to be perfect • most people won't notice small mistakes • only correct the major ones
Visualize • if you can see it you can speak it • visualize yourself giving a good talk over and over - athletes do it all the time • Be disciplined • Practice in private • preparation = confidence
Describe • Make it personal • Tell stories, about yourself or specific other people • Inspire • Speak to serve your audience • Try to give them what they need from you
Build anticipation • leave them wanting more
What next? 101 TA meeting Friday 2pm - CE 113 115 TA meeting Friday 1pm - CE 113 221 TA meeting - see Mr. Piwowarski now TAs assigned to other classes – contact your supervisors for instructions Graders – wait a few days for decisions of assignments
Something Fun! • The Kentucky State Fair opens today! through August 30 • Lots of food, rides, exhibits • Inexpensive - $6 per adult (not including rides) • See a lot of Kentucky in one place • Louisville State Fair Grounds