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Prepare for the EFMB test with this medical support to detainee operations Jeopardy game. Test your knowledge on medical roles and functions in detainee operations. Answer in the form of a question!

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  1. EFMB JEOPARDY MEDICAL SUPPORT TO DETAINEE OPERATIONS Prepared by Expert Field Medical Badge Test Control Office

  2. Answer in the form of a question! Next

  3. You have 10 seconds to answer the question. If you cannot answer the question, the other team has a chance to answer. GAME

  4. FUNCTIONAL SPECIAL. MED REQUIREMENTS MISC. MED SPT TO DETAINEE MED ROLES & FUNCT. 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

  5. Medical Support to Detainee Ops for $100 The Law of Land Warfare is derived from these two principal sources. ANSWER

  6. What are Lawmaking treaties or conventions (i.e. Hague and Geneva Conventions) and Custom. GAME

  7. Medical Support to Detainee Ops for $200 Medical personnel, chaplains, and staff of national Red Cross societies are eligible to be certified as ____ _____. ANSWER

  8. What are Retained Personnel. GAME

  9. Medical Support to Detainee Ops for $300 Detainees may refuse routine examinations or parts of physical examinations. However, the MTF commander may authorize examination or treatment in the absence of consent to save life, limb, or eyesight. True or False. ANSWER

  10. What is True. GAME

  11. Medical Support to Detainee Ops for $400 ___ ___ is a person that is interned during armed conflict or occupation for security reasons or for protection __ __ __ is a detained person that is engaged in combat under orders of his government, who is captured by an enemy armed force ANSWER

  12. What are Civilian Internee Enemy Prisoner of War (EPW) GAME

  13. Medical Support to Detainee Ops for $500 These are the 4 “P’s” of abuse prevention. ANSWER

  14. What are Priorities, Policies, Procedures, and Practices. GAME

  15. Medical Personnel Roles & Functions for $100 True or False. Detainee health care personnel will provide detainee security and custody or control under any circumstances for even brief instances. ANSWER

  16. What is False. Detainee health care personnel will NOT provide detainee security and custody or control under any circumstances for even brief instances. GAME

  17. Medical Personnel Roles & Functions for $200 True or False. Security personnel do NOT provide medical care to detainees. However, guard personnel may administer first aid or enhanced first aid in an emergency situation until medical personnel arrive. ANSWER

  18. What is True. GAME

  19. Medical Personnel Roles & Functions for $300 True or False. Medical personnel provide all detainee health care to include inprocessing, periodic and outprocessing screening examinations. But does NOT include dental and mental health care. ANSWER

  20. What is False.Medical personnel provide all detainee health care to include inprocessing, periodic and outprocessing screening examinations, all routine and emergency outpatient care, all inpatient care, medical transfer, and dental and mental health care. GAME

  21. Medical Personnel Roles & Functionsfor $400 Designated security personnel are normally ___ personnel, but may be other military occupational specialty (MOS) or area of concentration (AOC) Soldiers. _____ MOS/AOC personnel will not serve as security personnel. ANSWER

  22. What is Designated security personnel are normally MP personnel, but may be other military occupational specialty (MOS) or area of concentration (AOC) Soldiers. Medical MOS/AOC personnel will not serve as security personnel. GAME

  23. Medical Personnel Roles & Functions for $500 Non-governmental organizations, also called international organizations may request access to and/or information about detainees at any phase of the operation. These are the 3 principal types of civilian organizations. . ANSWER

  24. What are International organizations (established by intergovernmental agreements and operate at the international level), Nongovernmental organizations (voluntary organizations funded by governments), International humanitarian organizations (impartial, neutral, & independent organizations). GAME

  25. Medical Req’s for Detainee Ops for $100 Any detainee refusing food for ____ hours is considered to be on a hunger strike and will be referred for medical evacuation and possible treatment. During the initial evaluation of a hunger strike detainee, the medical staff will take and record weight and vital signs at least once every ____ hours during the hunger strike. ANSWER

  26. What are Any detainee refusing food for 72 hours is considered to be on a hunger strike and will be referred for medical evacuation and possible treatment. During the initial evaluation of a hunger strike detainee, the medical staff will take and record weight and vital signs at least once every 24 hours during the hunger strike. GAME

  27. Medical Req’s for Detainee Ops for $200 To ensure the continued health of detainees, international law requires that each detainee be screened ______ by medical personnel. ANSWER

  28. What is To ensure the continued health of detainees, international law requires that each detainee be screened monthly by medical personnel. GAME

  29. Medical Req’s for Detainee Ops for $300 True or False. HIPPA does apply to medical records of detainees and EPWs. ANSWER

  30. What is False. HIPPA does NOT apply to medical records of detainees and EPWs. GAME

  31. Medical Req’s for Detainee Ops for $400 Whenever possible, detainees should be ________ from US, allied, and coalition forces during evacuation. As with medical treatment, only medical ______ can justify the priorities established for medical evacuation. ANSWER

  32. What is Whenever possible, detainees should be segregated from US, allied, and coalition forces during evacuation. As with medical treatment, only medical urgency can justify the priorities established for medical evacuation. GAME

  33. Medical Req’s for Detainee Ops for $500 If mechanical leather restraints are used on a detainee patient, check capillary refill within ___ minutes of application, rotate sites ____ if not contraindicated by medical condition, and ensure the patient is able to reach the urinal at least every ___ hours. ANSWER

  34. What is If mechanical leather restraints are used on a detainee patient, check capillary refill within 5 minutes of application, rotate sites daily if not contraindicated by medical condition, and ensure the patient is able to reach the urinal at least every 2 hours. GAME

  35. Functional Specialties for $100 Vulnerability checks should be done at least ______ in each patient care area. ANSWER

  36. What is Vulnerability checks should be done at least weekly in each patient care area. GAME

  37. Functional Specialties for $200 Nutrition care personnel should be prepared to initiate or participate in _______ weigh-ins of the detainees to track their weight. ANSWER

  38. What is Nutrition care personnel should be prepared to initiate or participate in monthly weigh-ins of the detainees to track their weight. GAME

  39. Functional Specialties for $300 Adequate collection and disposal of refuse is required to maintain adequate sanitation within the facility. One 32-gallon collection container is required per ____ detainees. If the detainees prepare their own food, one 32-gallon collection container is required per ____ detainees. ANSWER

  40. What is Adequate collection and disposal of refuse is required to maintain adequate sanitation within the facility. One 32-gallon collection container is required per 25 detainees. If the detainees prepare their own food, one 32-gallon collection container is required per 17 detainees. GAME

  41. Functional Specialties for $400 Each detainee is provided with clothing in the TIF. It should be treated with _________. ANSWER

  42. What is Each detainee is provided with clothing in the TIF. It should be treated with permethrin. GAME

  43. Functional Specialties for $500 __________ will not be conducted on the ward. Medical personnel providing detainee medical care will not assist or provide _______ information to interrogators. ANSWER

  44. What is Interrogations will not be conducted on the ward. Medical personnel providing detainee medical care will not assist or provide medical information to interrogators. GAME

  45. Detainee Ops Misc. for $100 These are the 3 categories of abuse. ANSWER

  46. What are Physical Abuse, Emotional Abuse, and Sexual Abuse. GAME

  47. Detainee OpsMisc. for $200 True or False. Detained personnel must have access to the same standard of medical care as US and coalition forces to include respect for their dignity and privacy. ANSWER

  48. What is True. GAME

  49. Detainee OpsMisc. for $300 ______ is described as any item, article, or substance not authorized to be possessed by detainees or health care personnel while performing their duties around detainees. ANSWER

  50. What is Contraband is described as any item, article, or substance not authorized to be possessed by detainees or health care personnel while performing their duties around detainees. GAME

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