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The Road to Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions

The Road to Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions. The Carter Administration. Jimmy Carter. Political outsider and relative rookie (2 x’s Georgia state house, 1x Gov.) Born Again Christian (appealed to mistrustful nation) Navy veteran (post WWII) Peanut Farmer. Carter In Office.

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The Road to Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions

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  1. The Road to Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions The Carter Administration

  2. Jimmy Carter • Political outsider and relative rookie (2 x’s Georgia state house, 1x Gov.) • Born Again Christian (appealed to mistrustful nation) • Navy veteran (post WWII) • Peanut Farmer

  3. Carter In Office • Wins close election • Backlash against Watergate • Determined to be “citizens president” • Walks inaugural route, dresses in common clothing, carries own things

  4. First Steps in Office • Pardons draft dodgers from ‘Nam • Angers the Silent Majority • Gives Chrysler federal bailout to survive oil crisis • Familiar???

  5. The Economy Declines • Price of oil per barrel goes from +/-$40 in 1976 to +/-$80 in 1980 • Shortages in fuel & heating oil cause factory & business closings • Americans freeze in homes during brutal winters of 1976-1978

  6. A Weak & Disastrous Response • Carter raises taxes, tells US to conserve • PRICE CONTROLS!!! • Inflation on the Rise, he raises interest rates • US businesses hurt = more unemployment • A “Nice guy outsider”, he’s largely ineffective

  7. Foreign Policy Woes • Announces US policy will be guided by human rights interests • Direct challenge to communism • Undercuts spirit of Détente with the Soviets…

  8. Soviets Invade Afghanistan • Carter withdraws from SALT II, imposes sanctions on trade & boycotts 1980 Moscow Olympics • Communism begins new era of expansion…

  9. US Changes Stance Towards DictatorsLoses Influence in Central America • Nicaragua – Carter cuts US support to ruling Somoza family. • Sandinista rebels overthrow the dictator, install far leftist govn’t • Socialism growing in Central America, Asia Africa, S. America

  10. Castro Pulls a Quick One & Giggles • Castro & Carter negotiate deal to let Cuban political exiles leave Cuba for the US (Mariel Boatlift) • Castro empties his prisons into the US • Movie “Scarface”

  11. US Pulls Out of Panama • Panama broke away from Columbia in US aided revolution in 1903 (T. Roosevelt) • US given canal zone for its role • Jimmy Carter negotiated to return canal to Panamanian control in 1999

  12. A Bright SpotThe Camp David Accords • Egypt, the most powerful Arab state, had led attacks against US supported Israel since 1948 • Carter brokers deal, Israel gives Sinai Peninsula for Egyptian Peace Anwar Sadat of Egypt, Jimmy Carter and Menachem Begin of Israel

  13. Iran: The Collapse Complete • US ally, Shah of Iran, was hated by the lower classes • In US for cancer treatment • Religious exile, Ayatollah Khomeini, returned & led a fundamentalist coup

  14. Iranian Coup Becomes US Crisis • Khomeini demands US return Shah for trial (to be killed) • US refuses • US embassy stormed by enraged Iranians • Embassy workers held for 444 days

  15. A Prisoner In the White House • Carter orders Special Forces to save captives (Eagle Claw) • Helicopters crash in a desert sand storm • Ayatollah seen as victorious, US weak

  16. Add in the Environmental Problems

  17. The Malaise Speech - 1979 • Effort to rally sour American mood • Claims we are all glum and down in the dumps, but could be great again • Seen as desperate, negative & defeatist • Rallies Republicans.

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