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FY15 BDS Information. Our Website. Our website location has changed! So, if you have it bookmarked, please make note of the new address: http://bam.okstate.edu/. Items on our Website. Please visit our website often for information and updates during BDS. Some items on the website are:
Our Website Our website location has changed! So, if you have it bookmarked, please make note of the new address: http://bam.okstate.edu/
Items on our Website Please visit our website often for information and updates during BDS. Some items on the website are: • BDS Calendar • BDS Report Guide • Budget Entry Instructions (Training Manual) • FTE Conversion Chart • Salary Subcode & Leave Codes References • Subcode Budget Pools • Fringe Benefit Rates • Assignment Template • Frequently Asked Questions
This PowerPoint will be on the BAM homepage under General Information – PowerPoint Slides from Initial BDS Meeting for FY15
Dates for Training New User: Thursday, April 10th, 2:00 – 4:00 Friday, April 11th, 9:00 – 11:00 Previous User: Tuesday, April 8th, 9:00 – 11:00 Wednesday, April 9th, 2:00 – 4:00 All sessions will be held in 407 Classroom Building. Same information will be presented in both, but New User sessions will go at a slower pace. New Users will be given priority for the New User sessions.
Training Sign-Up • Kelly already sent out an email about training • Email sysbdgt@okstate.edu • Please sign up by Friday, April 4th
Security Updates • Review sheets being passed out for accuracy on previous users • Remove any people from the list who no longer need access to BDS Screens • Add any new employees who will need access during BDS (please provide all information requested) • Also, please denote the people who you want to have access to BDS e~Print reports • Return updated sheets to Kelly in 210 WH no later than Friday, April 4th
Position Roll • We are rolling all positions again this year. • You will be responsible for deleting any positions you do not want or just let them “fall off” of the system by not funding them.
FY15 Proposed Fringe Benefit Rates This is also available on our website.
Reminder…… • If you have an employee who has a permanent job code, but only has an FTE of 0.50 to 0.75, know that the account will be charged the benefit rate of a full time employee, even though the employee cannot receive health insurance because they are below 0.75 FTE. • If you put the employee on a temporary job code, they lose their annual and sick leave accruals. • This issue has come up with grant accounts.
Reports • All BDS reports are on e~Print • BDS Report Guide on our webpage • Remember to use the Budget Repository • The BDS HRS574 and 578 will be in the Budget Repository • Web Address: https://eprint.okstate.edu
Assignments For FY 2015, Assignment Numbers will begin with “5”. We recommend incrementing new assignment numbers by 4 (e.g. 510, 514, 518, etc.) This allows for flexibility when inserting new assignments during the fiscal year. NOTE: Please do not use anything below 510 (reserved for Payroll) or above 569 (reserved for Additives).
Salary Additives 570 – 589 are reserved for additive assignments only. When using these additives, the only identifying trait will be through the Earnings Code. So, please code them carefully.
Salary Additives Assignment Numbers: • Range 570 – 589 Earn Codes: • 500 – Expense Allowance • 505 – Housing Allowance • 510 – Automobile Allowance
Leave Codes • L - LTD (6 mos. Elimination Period) • M - Worker’s Comp • U - Military • S - Sabbatical • D - Personal Leave • V - FMLA • 9 - Layoff These codes will be used in place of a ‘B’ or a ‘-’ on people who are on some type of leave at 7/1/14.
HRS Calculationsfor FY 2015 • 261 Work Days • 2088 Work Hours
FTE Changes for Bi-Weekly Employees • Please make sure your areas are mindful of making changes to the FTE for Bi-Weekly people the U16 screen. If you change one, you MUST change the other. • These must be exact for Payroll, so a conversion chart has been put out on our website.
International Faculty, Staff and Students Remember work clearance dates on assignments.
Salary Savings • Again this year, you can budget 2% of your salary budget in salary savings
Workstudy Positions • Position numbers will NOT roll into FY 2015 • Will be re-entered by Office of Financial Aid • Remember to budget in FRS
Loss of Position Numbers • If a position is not rolled over or if it is deleted/not funded during BDS, that position is no longer “yours”. It is possible that it has been assigned to another area. • You will need to check with HR before assigning someone to a position that has not been used by your area in awhile.
EA Forms If you send an EA form through – decide if you want Payroll to put the FY 2015 assignment on or if you want to (if the FY 2015 assignment is on the EA form Payroll will do the input, otherwise it is your responsibility)
Initial Funding Run • Only done by Campus Code/Dean Code. • If you want funding to begin prior to dropping “+”, contact BAM. First day this is available will be April 23rd. • After May 2nd, funding will begin for everyone after the “+” are deleted. • Special exception will be given through May 5th (if you aren’t ready by the 2nd), but ONLY if you contact us and get approval prior to May 1st.
Allocation Documentation Change Sheets • Sheets will be coming out to your areas electronically around the 3rd week in April to help you prepare your budgets.
Tulsa Accounts –Colleges Only • Tulsa will be budgeting FRS • Get a hold of Susan for faculty assignments
Career Service Academic Advising Colleges Only • Budget the amount you received last year in your accounts (use revenue subcode 0970)
Summer School –Colleges Only • Budget amounts have not changed • Remember to use the 0975 revenue subcode and the appropriate salary and benefit subcodes • Account to be used ONLY for course sections that you have advertised
Position Control for Faculty • Request to Staff has to be on file • Has to be budgeted at the amount on the Request to Staff • The budgeting of open positions has to be consistent throughout the colleges
How to Contact UsDuring BDS Please use sysbdgt@okstate.edu as your first point of contact for any of us.
Understanding the Funding Screen (U63) If a position is being funded by several accounts and funding percentages over different periods of time throughout the year, EACH time period must add up to 100%. For example, 50% of Jane Doe’s salary is paid by AA-1-10000 for the entire year. However, the other 50% is split between AA-1-20000 and AA-1-30000 with the first six months being paid by AA-1-20000 and the second six months being paid by AA-1-30000. How is this handled?
Understanding the Funding Screen (U63) Incorrect (yet a popular) Way: 07-01-14 to 06-30-15 AA-1-10000 .5000 07-01-14 to 12-31-14 AA-1-20000 .5000 01-01-15 to 06-30-15 AA-1-30000 .5000 Correct Way: 07-01-14 to 12-31-14 AA-1-10000 .5000 07-01-14 to 12-31-14 AA-1-20000 .5000 01-01-15 to 06-30-15 AA-1-10000 .5000 01-01-15 to 06-30-15 AA-1-30000 .5000