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Development of agri-food sector in Poland. Patrycja Purgał Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development | Poland Business Opportunities in Poland Tel Aviv | 14 June 2012. Polish agriculture share in GDP & total employment. EU27 av. 5,6%. Source: Central Statistical Office.
Development of agri-food sector in Poland Patrycja Purgał Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development | Poland Business Opportunities in Poland Tel Aviv | 14 June 2012
Polishagriculturesharein GDP & totalemployment EU27 av. 5,6% Source: Central Statistical Office
Key facts about Polish agriculture • Large variety of natural and environmental conditions • Agricultural land 60% of total country area • 88% of agricultural land utilized by individual farmers • 2nd in the EU-27 (after Romania) in terms of number of agricultural holdings • 40% of population live in rural areas (14,9 million) Agriculturepotential: 18,8 million ha of agricultural land Agricultural land usein Poland (2011) Source: Central Statistical Office
Farmsin Poland Total UAA (farms > 1 ha) 16 503 tys. ha15 297 tys. ha 2010 → 39,5% Source: Central Statistical Office
Agriculturalproductionin Poland Source: Central Statistical Office | data for 2009
Investment outlays (by type) in Polish agriculture Source: Central Statistical Office
Support to agriculture in Poland Funds paid out annually between 2004 – 2011 (as of June 2011)
Support for rural development Payments from public funds under RDP 2007-2013 (as of 12 August 2011)
KeyfactsaboutPolishfood industry • Poland has one of the most dynamic food processing industries in Europe • Share of food in total industry sales value of nearly 24% (in the 15 EU countries ca. 15%) • 68% of Polish food processing companies export their products abroad • Increasing food export with non EU countries - export to USA, Canada, China, Japan and other countries is growing yy by ca. 9%
Sold production of food industry in Poland Source: Central Statistical Office
KeyfactsaboutPolishfood industry • Average employment 380 000 persons (2011) • 15% of the average employment in the industry • ca. 29 000 entities • 73% of companies are small-sized (up to 9 persons), but… • … the largest companies (over 250 persons) generate 49% of value of the sold production
Companiesoperatinginthefoodsector Source: Polish Information and Foreign Investmenr Agency
Poland’sentry to the EU… • revealed competitive advantages of food processing industry • opened new opportunities for the food sector (450 mln EU consumers, record growth in export by 17.5% in 2010 and by 12% in 2011) • accelerated modernization & concentration processes in the industry Most competitive sectors of: meat, milk processing, fruits & vegetables, sugar, secondary cereal processing, tobacco production
FDIs in the food sector in Poland The flow of FDIs in 2009: EUR 9,9 billion Processing industry : EUR 3,4 billion Food industry received half of the investments in the processing sector EUR million
Enterprises operating in food sector listed on the WSE In November 2011 25 companies that operates in the food sector were listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Their total capitalizatiom amounted to about 18,5 billion PLN * As for November 8,2011 Source: Polish Information and Foreign Investmenr Agency, Warsaw Stock Exchange
Changes in consumption of selected foodstuffs per capita in Poland kg / per capita Source: FAOSTAT
Changes in consumption of selected foodstuffs per capita in Poland kg / per capita Source: FAOSTAT
Foreign trade in agri-food products Source: Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics-National Research Institute (IAFE-NRI), Ministry of Finance 2011* preliminary
Geographic structure of Poland’s agri-food export EUR billion Source: Ministry of Finance * preliminary data
Geographic structure of Poland’s agri-food export in 2010 (EUR 2.8 bn) (EUR 10.7 bn) * Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Spain, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden Source: Ministry of Finance
Geographic structure of Poland’s agri-food import Source: Ministry of Finance * preliminary data
Geographic structure of Poland’sagri-food import in 2010 * According to a country of exportation (EUR 2.0 bn) (EUR 9.0 bn) ** Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Great Britain, Hungary Source: Ministry of Finance
Foreign trade in agri-food products Balance of international trade in some agri-food products in 2011 (in EUR million) livestock fish & products oil plants & products Source: IAFE-NRI
Agri-food trade with Israel Source: Ministry of Finance
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