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Rice Stock Market Simulator

Rice Stock Market Simulator. COMP 415 Final Presentation. RICE. What is “Real World” Software Engineering?. Real projects require real structure and strategy Hierarchical team structure Division of labor Planning, specifications, and documentation. How does consulting work?.

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Rice Stock Market Simulator

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  1. Rice Stock Market Simulator COMP 415 Final Presentation RICE

  2. What is “Real World” Software Engineering? • Real projects require real structure and strategy • Hierarchical team structure • Division of labor • Planning, specifications, and documentation

  3. How does consulting work? • Receive project requirements • Develop specifications • Verify specifications with customer • Develop prototypes • Provide demonstrations Regular customer interaction is necessary

  4. Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Suite Edition C# .NET 2.0 ASP.NET 2.0 Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Microsoft Team Foundation Server Microsoft Sharepoint FIX 4.2 QuickFIX open source implementation Log4Net Technologies Involved

  5. Industry Customer HBK Investments Customer Representative: Matt Jeanes, Rice ‘06

  6. Who is HBK? HBK is an investment management firm: • Employing approximately 325 individuals around the world • Based in Dallas, TX with branches in New York, London, Tokyo and Hong Kong Established October, 1991 • $13B in capital under management • Ranked in the top tier of large, successful hedge funds • Generated a compounded annual return of 14.68% since inception to June 2006

  7. What is a Hedge Fund? • Similar to mutual funds… • Run by an investment management firm (“fund manager”) • Investors “pool” their money together into one “fund” • The fund manager invests the money based on one or more strategies • …with some key differences • Can invest in broader range of strategies and financial instruments (e.g., short selling, derivatives) • Limited in the number and types of investors that can invest • HBK pursues a multi-strategy trading approach

  8. What comes to mind when you think about working for a financial firm? • This…?

  9. What comes to mind when you think about working for a financial firm? • Or this…?

  10. 22% of HBK’s personnel work in technology!

  11. Why does a hedge fund need all these technical folks? • Software Development • Decision support tools for trading, risk management, portfolio analysis, accounting, etc. • Computationally intensive • Very low error and downtime tolerance • Information Technology • Design, build, deploy, and manage global network, server, and workstation infrastructure • Work with users to improve productivity • Automate systems management tasks • Datafeeds & Databases • Multi-TB databases • Millions of updates every day from hundreds of sources around the world • Tools for cleaning, monitoring, management, and reconciliation

  12. Quick Facts… • We have more servers than we do staff! • Our total data capacity is approx 40 terabytes with usage growing at around 10 gigabytes per day. • Our databases maintain around 156 million historical prices from over 26,000 issuers. • Our systems programmatically price over 170,000 options each day. • Real time prices require DS3 (45Mbps)

  13. Our Technology “Toolkit” • Most of our systems and tools are Intranet-aware • ASP.NET 2.0 , IIS • Applications • Visual Studio 2005, C++, C#, .Net Framework • Infrastructure • Service-oriented architecture, Web Services, XML / XSLT • Database • SQL Server 2000 (replicated and clustered), DTS • Operating Systems • Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 • 3rd party tools and technologies

  14. Technology Initiatives • Two tiers -> n-tiers • Direct market access • Better user experience – C# GUIs for trading • Expanding data coverage and capability • Straight through processing • Cash management system • Personalization technology • Infrastructure improvements • Gigabit networking, WAN optimization, Voice-over-IP • Blade servers and Storage Area Networks (SANs)

  15. How has the project evolved? • Hedge Funds operate on the world’s stock exchange systems • Testing trading strategies could be costly on the real market • HBK looked to Rice’s COMP 415 class for an alternative

  16. Introduction to Stock Exchanges • Exchanges themselves have very simple behavior • Two actions • Buy (Bids) • Sell (Offers) • Parameters • Symbol • Volume • Price • Transactions occur when all three parameters of a bid and offer match

  17. Introduction to the Rice Stock Market Simulator • Programmatically mimic market function as closely as possible • Ability to “replay” historical market data • Store bid, order, and transaction data in a database • User interface for interacting with the market

  18. HBK’s New Specifications • Fill Participant • Controlled by an ASP.NET GUI • Extend the functionality of the Human Participant • Implement dynamic button configuration • FIX Protocol Communication

  19. Fill Client • What is a fill client? • What were the requirements? • Configurable fill parameters • Size of a Fill (Full, Random, Integer) • Time between Fills (Random, in ms) • Load parameters from configuration file • Change parameters on the fly from a GUI • Save the modified parameters to a file

  20. Fill Client Behavior • If an order enters the fill client system, it will be filled • Other clients may be acting on these orders • Generate partial fills after the desired delay for the desired amount • When to place the next partial fill? • Identical orders? • Market makes no distinction between orders for the same stock symbol at the same price • But all identical orders must be filled eventually • So the fill client needs to make sure it doesn’t lose any of them

  21. Fill Client Algorithm • Each new order generates one “unit” of demand from the fill client for the given stock at the given price • Two bids for the same stock at the same price -> twice as many partial fills • Each partial fill has a “target order” • The market does not guarantee that the partial fill will transact with its target order • Fill client should add a “target order” back to the order queue when the associated partial fill is removed

  22. Financial Information eXchange Gateway • We want to realistically simulate a stock exchange • FIX: an industry standard communications protocol • FIX Gateway for any system to connect to RSMS

  23. QuickFIX Engine • Open source implementation of the FIX protocol • Several valuable features: • Object oriented design • Logging • Error Checking • Message Checking

  24. How are Orders managed for a client? • Listing of orders associated with each client • Quote Server interaction • Transaction listener

  25. Processing Node Structure • Easy interface for increased functionality • Market Validation Rules • Enhanced simulation of Market behavior • Retrieved from Market • Rules • Tick Size • Lot Size • Valid Stock Node 1 Node 2 Node 3

  26. Live Demonstration

  27. ASP.NET Client • Fill Configuration • Fill Size • Time between Fills • Statistics • Active users • Stocks • User Management • Add, modify, delete users • Only people classified as “managers” can do this

  28. Human Participant • GUI Redesign • Order form moved from popup to static on left side of the GUI • Post bid/Post offer/Create Button forms combined into one

  29. Human Participant • Dynamic Buttons • Create new buttons given parameters • Stock Symbol • Volume of Stock • Stock Price • All or some of the fields may be filled out • Blank fields filled in when button is clicked • Buttons may be modified or deleted

  30. Human Participant Demonstration

  31. Performance • Throughput of Bids/Orders • Capacity for Simultaneous Connections

  32. Fill Client Performance

  33. Fill Client Performance

  34. Fill Client Performance

  35. Benefits of the RSMS System • Allows trading strategies to be tested on historical data • Simulated Market Time allows long histories to be run at a higher velocity • Fill strategies can be developed using a feedback loop generated by interactions with real data running in sync • Allows developers to test trading software under simulated market conditions

  36. Special Thanks to HBK Investments Questions?

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