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Cost-Benefit Analysis of Smog-Eating Tiles

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Smog-Eating Tiles. Ben Bahlenhorst Zheng Fu Joe Hill Ian Laird Long Nguyen Binh Phan. Introduction. Smog-Eating Tiles: Compostable tiles created by Boral that absorb smog in areas that harbor large quantities of inhabitants.

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Cost-Benefit Analysis of Smog-Eating Tiles

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  1. Cost-Benefit Analysis of Smog-Eating Tiles Ben Bahlenhorst Zheng Fu Joe Hill Ian Laird Long Nguyen BinhPhan

  2. Introduction • Smog-Eating Tiles:Compostable tiles created by Boral that absorb smog in areas that harbor large quantities of inhabitants • Purpose:inform the reader about the costs and benefits of smog-eating tiles in areas that have high levels of smog • Benefits the environment, and human health in densely populated metropolises

  3. How They Work • Tiles are coated with titanium dioxide • In sunlight, the titanium dioxide reacts with the nitrogen oxides, which breaks them down into calcium nitrate: TiO2 + NOx + Sunlight = Ca(NO3)2 • Calcium nitrates do not harm human health. These substance are left on tiles, and washed off when it rains

  4. How They Work

  5. Costs • Initial costs average about 25% more than traditional tiles • Installation costs do not differ from traditional tiles • Removal costs are also the same, but transportation to a recycling facility add additional costs

  6. Subsidize • Local government should provide tax cuts to those who purchase smog eating roofs • A tax on traditional roof tiles and maintenance will pay for the tax incentive • This makes smog eating tiles the cheaper option

  7. Benefits • Reduced smog pollution in densely populated areas • Nitrates: great for surrounding plant life • Keeps homes warm in the winter and cool in the summer • Human health will increase considerably

  8. Lifespan • Compostable materials are durable • Tiles last for an average of 25 years before they need to be replaced • Half as long as traditional tile life

  9. Disposal • Need to be replaced just as wood or asphalt • However, concrete tiles are replaced less often • They will not clog landfills like other roofing materials • Tiles can be recycled and made into new tiles, or infrastructure • They benefit the environment

  10. Conclusion • Benefits outweigh the costs • Smog level reduction creates a healthier environment and inhabitants • Tiles reduce home heating and cooling costs • Recyclable tiles mitigate the amount of landfill waste

  11. Questions?

  12. Works Cited • Benefits of concrete roofing tile recycling. (2008, October 20). Retrieved from http://www.boralna.com/rooftiles/concrete-recycling-benefits.asp • Emission Standards Reference Guide. Retrieved from http://www.epa.gov/otaq/standards/light-duty/ld-cff.htm • Levinson, R. (2007). Cooler tile-roofed buildings with near-infrared-reflective non-white coatings. Building and Environment, 42(7), doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2006.06.005 • Palmer, J. (2011, November 12). 'smog-eating' material breaking into the big time. Retrieved from http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-15694973 • Peters, J. (2011, February 1). Los angeles homes going green with smog-eating roof tiles. Retrieved from http://www.homejane.com/los-angeles-homes-going-green-with-smog-eating-roof-tiles.html • Renowden, J. (2012, July 19). Smog-eating tile: A real-world product for reducing the harmful health effects of contaminated air. Retrieved from http://www.rci-online.org/interface/2012-01-renowden.pdf • Renowden, J. (2011, July 12). Smog eating tile with boralpure™ technology. Retrieved from http://www.boralna.com/rooftiles/smog-eating-tile.asp • Titanium dioxide used to reduce no levels in. (2011, April 1). Retrieved from http://ehis.ebscohost.com/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?sid=c3a3e876-00b6-4abf-a84f-bb2444cfe6a4@sessionmgr10&vid=2&hid=5 • Verwymeren, A. (2011, September 12). Smog-eating tiles may make pollution a thing of the past. Retrieved from http://www.networx.com/article/smog-eating-tiles-may-make-pollution-a-t • What is photocatalyst. (2012). Retrieved from http://www.photocoat.com/What_is_Photocatalyst.html

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