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Material Safety Data Sheets. M.J. Electric, Inc. What is a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)?. An MSDS is a technical document which provides detailed and comprehensive information on a controlled product related to: health effects of overexposure to a substance;
Material Safety Data Sheets M.J. Electric, Inc.
What is a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)? • An MSDS is a technical document which provides detailed and comprehensive information on a controlled product related to: • health effects of overexposure to a substance; • Hazard evaluation relation to the product’s handling; storage or use; • measures to protect people at risk of overexposure; and • emergency procedures. • The criteria for an MSDS are stated in the WHMIS legislation under the Hazardous Product Act/Controlled Product Regulation
What is the purpose of an MSDS? • Intended to supplement the alert info provided on labels. • It is a technical information reference, originally written for engineers, medical doctors, industrial hygienists. • To educate people how to safely handle controlled products. • An MSDS is NOT a document intended to represent all the information needed for safe use of a product. The variety of required protective measures cannot be anticipated through one sheet. It cannot foresee all possible type worker exposure.
Info to be disclosed on an MSDS as per WHMIS: • Hazardous Ingredients • Preparation Information • Product Information • Physical Data • Fire or Explosion Hazard • Reactivity Data • Toxicological Properties • Preventive Measures • First Aid Measures
Hazardous IngredientsSection 2 in sample MSDS • This section lists the hazardous ingredients as per WHMIS criteria. Concentration of each ingredient in w/w, v/v, or w/v is given in certain ranges as per WHMIS criteria • CAS NO, PIN NUMBER • TLV, TWA • LD50, LC50
Hazardous Ingredients contd. Classification as a Hazardous Ingredient • It meets one or more of WHMIS hazard criteria and is present in excess of 0.1% for carcinogens, teratogens, embryotoxins, reproductive toxins or respiratory tract sensitizers. All others such as oxidizers, corrosive, or flammables are reported when present in excess of 1%. • If a given substance is on the WHMIS Ingredient disclosure list and it is a trade secret than a special registration number is given. • Nothing is known about a given ingredient.
Hazardous Ingredients contd. Material Identification (Section 1) • Common chemical name, trade name, IUPAC name may be given. • CAS Number - The identification number assigned to a chemical substance by the Chemical Abstracts Service Division of the American Chemical Society. The CAS number is unique to each ingredient. • PIN is also given. This number is assigned to the product in the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulation.
Hazardous Ingredients contd. LD50/LC50? • These values are measures of acute toxicity • For materials causing immediate and serious health effects, these values - in part - further classify the material as being toxic or very toxic. • LD = Lethal Dose. LC = Lethal concentration. It is the dose of the material which causes the death of 50% (one-half) of a group of test animals when given a single dose. It can be measured for different routes of exposure, but dermal and oral values are most relevant. • How does it apply to humans?
Preparation Information (Section 1 in sample msds) • The date the MSDS was prepared - As per WHMIS these documents must be reviewed every 3 years(not the case with American law - OSHA) or when a new hazard is reported. • The name of the department and company that prepared this MSDS is given here. • Any concerns - call the number to get further assistance.
Product Information contd. • The name of the material including some of its other names like common names and trade name • the material’s main use • names address and emergency phone numbers of the manufacturer and supplier • Example • Name: Toluene • Other Names: toluol, methylbenzene, phenylmethane, methyl benzol • Use: Solvent for organic synthesis and explosive manufacture
Physical Data(Section 9 in sample msds) • This section includes physical characteristic of the material based on scientific knowledge and testing. • Gas, liquid, or solid • The physical state determines how the material may enter the body. • In general gases enter the body by inhalation, liquids by ingestion or absorption and solids by ingestion. Dusts and fumes, which are solids, can also be inhaled.
Physical Propertiescontd..Appearance and Odour • This subsection will describe how the material looks and smells. • Solids are described as granular, powdery, crystalline. • Liquids may be classified by their viscosity (thick or thin) • Odour may be described as “fruity”, “sharp”, or “unpleasant”. For example, Ethyl acetate is a colourless liquid with a sweet fruity odour.
Physical Propertiescontd.Odour Threshold • This is the minimum concentration of the material that can be detect by the sense of smell. It is expressed in PPM. For example, ammonia can be detected at 1-5 PPM. • Compare this value to the exposure values such as TLV or TWA. • Example: Toluene diisocyante has an odour threshold of 0.4 to 2.4 PPM where as the exposure limit (ACGIH or as specified in regulations) is considerably lower at 0.005 PPM. • Varying individual sensitivity to smell is another reason why detection by odour should not be relied upon.
Fire or Explosion Hazard(Section 5 in sample msds) • This subsection will indicate whether or not there is a danger of the material igniting and under what conditions. • E.g. Vapours of toluene will ignite if they come into contact with a flame or spark. • When a material is listed as flammable or combustible, precautions must be taken to prevent it reaching its flash point.
Fire or Explosion Hazard contd.Flash point • It is the lowest temperature at which a sufficient amount of vapour is given off to create a mixture with air which is flammable on contact with open flame or spark. • The lower the flash point the higher the risk of fire. • E.g.. Styrene has a flash point of 31 Deg. C. IF the temperature of the room reaches 31 Deg. C. , a fire may begin if its vapours come into contact with an open flame or spark.
Fire or Explosion Hazard contd.Auto-Ignition Temperature • The lowest temperature at which spontaneous ignition of the material in air begins in the absence of a flame or spark. • The lower the auto-ignition temperature, the greater the risk of fire. • E.g.. Turpentine has an auto-ignition temperature of 253 Deg. C. It will, therefore, not ignite by itself unless it is heated to that temperature.
LOWER explosive limit (L.E.L.) It is the LOWEST percent volume/volume ratio of a vapour or gas in air that can explode if ignited. Mixtures below L.E. L. are to “lean” to burn. E.g.. Gasoline has an L.E. L. of 1.4%. If the conc of the vapours is <1.4% there is no risk. But when it reaches 1.4% (LEL) a spark or flame can cause the mixture to explode! UPPER explosive limit (U.E.L.) It is the HIGHEST percent volume/volume ratio of a vapour or gas in air that can explode if ignited. Mixtures above U.E. L. are to “rich” to burn. E.g.. Gasoline has an U.E. L. of 7.4%. If the conc. of the vapours is >7.4% there is no risk. However, dilution will reduce the concentration to the explosive range. Fire or Explosion Hazard contd.Explosive limit
Toxicological PropertiesFundamental “laws of toxicology” (Section 11 in sample msds) • There is NO toxicity without exposure • It is the DOSE that makes the poison -- one should be able to see clear evidence of a dose-response relationship. • Generally, the lower the LD50, the more potent the toxicant is. Consider ethanol, dioxin, & botulinum toxin (botulism food poisoning). Their lethal potencies are: • botulinum toxin >>dioxin>ethanol • Yet ethanol is responsible for far more deaths in Canada than potent toxicants, because many people expose themselves to immoderate amounts of ethanol.
Toxicological PropertiesRoutes of Entry • Provides information about a possible risks on health based on current scientific knowledge. • Inhalation - Material in form of dusts, mists, vapours, gases and fumes can be inhaled. Some materials can damage the lungs (asbestos) and others may pass into the blood and be distributed to other parts of the body (toluene) • Ingestion - Materials that pose a hazard when swallowed. Some materials can damage the stomach (acids) others may be absorbed into the blood stream (alcohols).
Toxicological Properties contd. Routes of Entry • Absorption - indicates a possible hazard if absorbed into the bloodstream through intact skin (phenol) • Skin contact - indicates that the material can corrode, sensitize, or irritate the skin but may not be absorbed (strong acids - H2SO4) • Eye contact - indicates that the material may corrode or irritate the eye. It may also affect vision or cause cataracts.
Toxicological Properties contd. • Irritancy of Product - whether or not the material may cause irritation and possible damage to the skin or eyes. • Sensitization of Product -information on whether the material can cause an allergic respiratory or skin reaction.
Toxicological Properties contd. • Effects of Acute Exposure - Information the acute effects of overexposure(higher than allowable limits) to the material. Acute effects are effects which may be felt within few minutes, hours, or days. E.g.. An exposure to high concentrations (above legally set TWA) of hexanes may lead to dizziness, incoordination and narcosis (drowsiness). • Effects of Chronic Exposure - Possible health problems due to repeated overexposure to a material over a long period of time. These effects may be felt months or years afterwardsE.g. Chronic exposure to n-hexane may produce numbness, tingling in the hands and feet and weakness in the arms and thighs. • Type of chronic effects - carcinogenic, reproductive, mutagenic, teratogenic.
Toxicological Properties contd.Carcinogenicity • Substances are classified as carcinogens as per WHMIS only if a compound is listed in one of two publications. • ACGIH TLV booklet; A1 (confirmed) or A2 (suspected) human carcinogen, or • IARC monographs; group 1 (sufficient evidence) or group 2 (probably carcinogenic) • Both agency base classification on animal testing results and or epidemeology (study of human population). Risk factors are used to allow differences between species. E.g.. A material is classified as carcinogenic when the risk to humans is 1 to 1000 000.
Toxicological Properties contd. • Reproductive toxicity: • Reports material that may cause sterility or another adverse effect on reproduction • E.g.Dibromochloropropane (DBCP), a pesticide, has been shown to decrease fertility (low sperm count) • Mutagenicity • Possible heritable changes made by a chemical to the DNA which make up the chromosome. These changes affect generic information passed to the offspring (offspring of both sexes can be affected) which may result birth defects or a the development of a disease such as cancer. • E.g. Toluene-2,4-diamine has been shown to be mutagenic.
Toxicological Properties contd.Teratogenicity • This information is directed specifically toward women of childbearing age who are exposed to these kinds of material. • A material is classified as teratogenic if it causes one of the following: • causes death, malformation, permanent metabolic or physiological dysfunction, growth retardation, psychological or behavioral alteration to the baby during pregnancy, at birth or in postnatal period. • E.g. Dimethyl Mercury is a proven teratogen.
Toxicological Properties contd.Synergistic Products • Synergism is the term used to describe the cooperative action of substances whose total effect is greater than the sum of their separate effects. • E.g. Exposure to alcohols and chlorinated solvents (CH2Cl2) simultaneously will result in more sever nervous system effects than when one is exposed to each material separately • E.g. Cancer risk for a smoker is 10x than for a non smoker. Cancer risk for a non smoker who works with asbestos is 5x than one that has no exposure to asbestos. Cancer risk for a smokerwho works with asbestos is 50x(not15x).
Toxicological Properties contd.Exposure Limits • Exposure limits are airborne concentrations of a material to which it is believed that people may be exposed without adverse effects. • Exposure limits known as TLV’s are published by the ACGIH and these limits are most likely to be found on MSDSs. There are 3 different type of TLV’s. • Time Weighted Average (TLV) concentration for normal 8 hr workday and a 40 hr workweek, to which nearly all workers may be exposed, day after day, without adverse effects. • Short Term Exposure Limit (STEL) - A 15 min time weighted average exposure which should not be exceeded. • Threshold Limit Value - Ceiling (TLV-C) - The concentration that should not be exceeded at any time.
Preventive Measures(Section 5, 6, 7, 8 in sample msds ) • Most important MSDS section. Contains info on how one should be protected when: • handling, using or storing the material. • clean up and disposable measures are given such that to prevent overexposure • fire and damage to equipment
Preventive Measures contd. • Engineering Controls - Control measures that prevent the release of a material into the common air. • E.g. ventilation system general and local (refers to fumehood), gloveboxes, etc. In chm249 most of the work will be done in the fumehood. • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) • Gloves, Respirators, Eye Protection, Clothing, Other Equipment.
Preventive Measures contd. • Leak and Spill Procedures - Measures to be taken in case of a leak or spill involving this material and the methods of disposal under these circumstances. • E.g. Toluene: Remove all sources of ignition, stop leak if safe to do so, absorb with paper sand or sawdust --> Where would you throw this waste away?Would you use such material to absorb nitric acid and why? • Waste Disposal - Appropriate waste handling requirements. Generally not much info because they depend on local by laws. Need to check these laws!
Preventive Measures contd. • Handling Procedures & Equipment: Info on how to handle material and specifies if special equipment is needed. • E.g. Toluene - Wear splash proof goggles or a face shield. Avoid all skin contact. Provide adequate ventilation or wear appropriate respiratory equipment. • Storage requirements - Provides info for safe storage of the material. • E.g. Toluene - Store in a tightly sealed container in a well ventilated area. Keep away from sources of ignition and heat. Keep away from oxidizing substances such as KMNO4. • Shipping - PIN number & other info required by TDG Reg.
First Aid Measures(Section 4 in sample msds) • This is the section you check in case of accidental overexposure to the material. E.g. Xylene: • Eye contact - Flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 20 minutes, then see a physician. • Skin contact - Quickly remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin with soap and water and rinse with water for 20 min., then see a physician. • Ingestion - Do not induce vomiting. Contact a physician immediately. • Inhalation - Remove victim to a well ventilated area. If breathing has stopped, perform artificial respiration. Contact a physician.
Health & Safety Prep for Each Experiment • Prepare a table of physical constants and make sure you do all of the calculation conversion mole --> gm or ml etc. • Obtain an MSDS or info on safety hazards & health effects for all chemicals used. The following websites may be useful: • www. Chem.utoronto.ca/health/msds or go to the chm249 website to explore organic chem. Links. • http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/homepage.html (click on login and register for free) • www.emdchemicals.com (no registration required)
Health & Safety Prep contd. • www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ehppsb/whmis • www.gov.on.ca/lab/ohs/ohse • http://www.iarc.fr/ • http:/chemfinder.cambridgesoft.com • www.cdc.gov.niosh • www.ccohs.ca • for others search www.google.com
SAFETY AND LABORATORY RULES • Work is only permitted during SCHEDULED LABORATORY PERIODS. • Know the location of FIRE EXTINGUISHERS, SAFETY EQUIPMENT, AND THE NEAREST EXIT. • Approved SAFETY GOGGLES, A LAB COAT, must be worn at all times. Use of RUBBER GLOVES is recommended to avoid contact of chemicals with skin. • NO FOOD, DRINKS OR SMOKING ARE ALLOWED • SHOES MUST BE WORN. TIE LONG HAIR BACK • NEVER TASTE OR SMELL CHEMICALS • DISPOSE OF CHEMICAL WASTE IN PROPER CONTAINER. Waste containers may not be always in the same fumehood.
FIRE & EXPLOSIONSee Suppl. Lab Manual • Never use an open flame! Never smoke! Read the msds and lab instructions to make sure that you are using the right heat source. Use one of heating mantles, hot plates (never use for ether), or steam bath. • Heat flammable solvents in a flask (not beakers) in the fumehood! • Evaporate organic solvents in the fumehood • Familiarize yourself with location of fire equipment.
EMERGENCY PROCEDURE IN CHEMICAL INJURY • Go immediately to the nearest tap or shower and flood affected area with copious amounts of water. • Speed is imperative. If you notice a fellow student needs assistance, help them. Once you have started emergency treatment call a TA. Yell loudly! • REPORT ALL INJURIES TO THE PREP ROOM IMMEDIATELY! • PRECAUTION: Read Section F of Suppl. Lab Manual.
GLASSWARE PRECUATION • Handle glassware gently. • Be especially careful when inserting glass tubing into a hole. It helps if the glass is wet (lubricated). • Hold the glass with a paper towel or j -cloth and insert it with a gentle twisting motion with your driving hand close to the hole. • REPORT ALL INJURIES TO THE PREP ROOM IMMEDIATELY!