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What is SNA?

What is SNA?. A pre-professional organization designed to give student nurses a voice in the nursing program, nursing education and in the community. We are a constituent member of the MNSA and NSNA, which gives us an opportunity to work with nursing students in Michigan and around the country!.

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What is SNA?

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  1. What is SNA? • A pre-professional organization designed to give student nurses a voice in the nursing program, nursing education and in the community. • We are a constituent member of the MNSA and NSNA, which gives us an opportunity to work with nursing students in Michigan and around the country!

  2. Members to Remember Board of Directors Advisors and Blood Drive Coordinator Staff Advisor: Angela Caruso Faculty Advisor: Nancy Carlson Blood Drive Coordinator: Jennifer Awad • President: Rachel Overkamp • Vice President: Jenna La Peer • Treasurer: Lauren DeYoung • Secretary: Janine Sulavik • Communications Director: Kendall Murphy • Community Wellness Director:Andrew Deschaine • Evaluations Director: Erin Craft-Otterbacher • Image & BTN Director: Nicole Teitsma • Membership Director: Lisa Wilson • Curriculum Director: Jamie Knapp

  3. General Member  Delegate This is the next step of involvement and leadership! General Member = • No meeting attendance required • Be as involved as you desire • 2 hours of volunteering = 1 LIC Point Delegate = • Attendance is required (allowed 2 unexcused absences) • Must serve on a committee (of your choice) • Fulfilling your delegate duties (attendance and committee duties) = 3 points (delegate status) + 1 point (committee) + • 1 ½ hour of volunteering = 1 LIC Point • Leadership in your class • Voting rights • Eligible to become a board member after one semester

  4. Delegate Status • Attend SNA meetings. Delegates are permitted to miss two meetings unexcused. They must contact both the President and Secretary via email to notify them of their absence. • Keeping your classmates informed by… • Sending out meeting reminders • In class announcements about upcoming SNA events • Emailing out meeting minutes

  5. LIC Points • Leadership Initiative Credit (LIC) are extra credit points given to nursing students for involvement in bettering the mind, body, and spirit of the community. • Events can be found on the events page on OrgSync • RSVP and sign up to participate (shown later) • Students can also earn LIC points for taking on more involvement and responsibility in SNA. **In our Bylaws, you can find how many points you get for different positions. (Article XIV. Section 1d.)

  6. LIC points cont’d • LIC forms are due at 5:00pm on April 14th • There will be NO LIC forms accepted after this deadline for any reason • LIC points are calculated by HPP (hours per point) • Non-SNA members- 3 HPP • General Members- 2HPP • Delegate- 1.5 HPP • Board Member- 1 HPP • The amount of hours volunteered will be divided by your HPP. Ex: 10 hours volunteered by a general member will give that member 5 LIC points.

  7. OrgSync • OrgSync is where you will find all events SNA and LIC. • All of you should be logged in to OrgSync, if you are not it is super easy and you can ask one of your board members or delegates for help. • RSVPing • When you find an event that you would like to participate in, read the description!! This is where you will find out more about the event; any paperwork that needs to be completed, dress code, where to meet etc. • Due to popularity of events, spots fill fast and some have a cap of 5 or so students. RSVPing will secure your spot!! (click attending as you would to a Facebook event)

  8. Committee Introductions Historian Committee- Rachel Overkamp Fundraising Committee- Jenna La Peer Nursing in the News Committees- Janine Sulavik Financial Committee- Lauren DeYoung Resolutions Committee- Kendall Murphy Community Wellness Committee- Andrew Deschaine Student Assist Committee- Jamie Knapp Elderly Action Committee- Lisa Wilson Breakthrough to Nursing Committee- Nicole Teitsma

  9. What’s next? • In OrgSync under “Winter 2014” you will find: • LIC form- that you are encouraged to begin filling out now and adding to for the entirety of the semester • Bylaws- your resource for any questions SNA • Calendar- allowing you to find dates and times for SNA meetings • Delegate contract-to be filled out of you have any interest in becoming a delegate. Completed forms are to be sent to president.gvsusna@gmail.com by 5pm on Jan. 22nd • A copy of this PowerPoint

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