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媒 體 英 文

媒 體 英 文. 第一組 P.12 組員: 696c0033 侯雅雯 696c0037 許雅婷 696c0039 劉亮均 696c0053 吳妍儂. 課 文 內 容:. People watching TV are Viewers who watch a lot of television without caring what they watch are couch potatoes . Couch Potato 的由來.

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  1. 媒 體 英 文 • 第一組 P.12 • 組員: • 696c0033 侯雅雯 • 696c0037 許雅婷 • 696c0039 劉亮均 • 696c0053 吳妍儂

  2. 課 文 內 容: • People watching TV are Viewers who watch a lot of television without caring what they watch are couch potatoes.

  3. Couch Potato的由來 A couch potato是美國人發明的俗語,指的是喜歡把大部分時間花在沙發上看電視吃爆米花,喝汽水啤酒的人。一般來說,couch potatoes指的也是一些體重過重的人,就像馬鈴薯一樣,肥肥胖胖的,沒有腰身的人。美國人也有用 "couch potato lifestyle" 來形容一個懶惰的生活方式,或是"couch potato culture" 懶惰的生活的一種文化(大多是諸位在美國電視影集中常見的,亞洲國家較少見。)現在也把couch potato發展成『mouse potato』或『computer potato』,只那些花很多時間在電腦前面的人。

  4. mousepotato (pluralmouse potatos) (idiomatic) A person who spends excessive amounts of time using a computer

  5. BBC NEWS Farmers stew over 'couch potato' Farmers want "couch potato" removed from the dictionary because they believe the expression is damaging the vegetable's image. • A campaign promoting the use instead of "couch slouch" is being led by the British Potato Council, representing 4,000 growers and processors. The council argues that potatoes are "inherently healthy".

  6. Protests are due on Monday outside dictionary publisher Oxford University Press and in Parliament Square, London. • "We are trying to get rid of the image that potatoes are bad for you," said council head of marketing Kathryn Race.

  7. "Of course it is not the Oxford English Dictionary's fault but we want to use another term than 'couch potato' because potatoes are inherently healthy." • The campaign is backed by dieticians who say the vegetable is low in fat and high in vitamin C, the council says. • Person who spends leisure time passively or idly sitting around, especially watching televisionOxford English Dictionary definition of 'couch potato'The dictionary defines a couch potato as: "A person who spends leisure time passively or idly sitting around, especially watching television or video tapes."

  8. Chief editor John Simpson said: "When people blame words they are actually blaming the society that uses them. • "Dictionaries just reflect the words that society uses." • Words were never removed from the 20-volume, 650,000-word main dictionary, but little-used ones could be taken out of the smaller dictionaries, Mr Simpson added. • The first recorded use of "couch potato" was in the Los Angeles Times in 1979 and it entered the Oxford English Dictionary in 1993, he said • http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1105070701993 • http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/4108964.stm

  9. 《中國日報網站譯》英國種植馬鈴薯的農民們紛紛湧上街頭遊行,強烈要求《牛津英語大詞典》把短語”couch potato”從字典中刪掉,理由是這個詞有損馬鈴薯的形象。 英國馬鈴薯委員會計畫在倫敦議會大廈及牛津大學出版社的辦公室旁舉行抗議活動,以迫使《牛津英語大詞典》用另一個詞 ”couch slouch”來取代 ”couch potato”。 • slouch • 1. 低頭垂肩的姿勢;沒精打采的姿態;懶散的樣子[the S] • 2. (帽邊的)下垂,耷拉[the S] • 3. 【美】笨拙的人;懶散的人[C] • 4. 【口】(常與否定詞連用)無能的人[C]

  10. 英國馬鈴薯委員會代表著大約4000名馬鈴薯種植者和加工者的利益,該委員會的市場部主任凱薩琳·萊思說,他們已經向《牛津英語大詞典》的編撰者們寫了抗議信,但是目前還沒有收到任何回音。 • 「我們試圖消除這樣一種印象:馬鈴薯是個害人精。」她於本週一(6月20日)說。 「馬鈴薯在過去一直身背駡名。當然這也並非《牛津英語大詞典》的過錯。但我們想用別的詞來代替”couch potato”,畢竟馬鈴薯天生就對人類健康有益。」 • 《牛津英語大詞典》對這個詞是如此解釋的:「couch potato」起源於美國俚語,代指那些「消極度過閒暇時光或終日無所事事的人,他們通常看電視或影碟打發時間」。

  11. 馬鈴薯委員會聲稱這場運動得到了營養學家的支持。後者宣稱馬鈴薯脂肪含量低,而且富含維生素C。 著名廚師安東尼·沃拉爾·湯普森也支持這場運動。他說馬鈴薯是英國人最愛吃的食物之一。 • 「馬鈴薯不僅有益於身體健康,而且富含多種營養成分,食用方便,味道也很棒。如果生活中沒有馬鈴薯,就像三明治沒有加餡一樣,索然無味。」他說。 • 《牛津英語大詞典》的主編約翰·辛普森介紹說,這本字典於1993年首次將couch potato這個短語納入詞條,並且強調「字典只不過反映了單詞在社會中的使用情況而已」。 辛普森表示,目前還沒有把片語從這本大型詞典中刪掉的先例。《牛津英語大詞典》共分為20卷,包含65萬個單詞。

  12. 目前已知的對couch potato這個短語的最早使用紀錄是1979年《洛杉磯時報》的一篇文章中,他說。 來自蘭開夏郡裏博爾山谷的議員奈傑爾·埃文斯也表示支持這項運動,並對英國馬鈴薯的極高的營養價值大加讚賞。參考資料 http://www.open.edu.cn/file_post/display/read.php?FileID=29988

  13. 相關的單字: 1.lazy (adj) 2.slothful (adj) 怠惰的、懶散的 3.sluggish (adj) 不大想動的;懶散的 EX: I feel very sluggish. (我感到一點也不想動) 4.idle (adj) 懶惰的;無所事事的 EX: Spring makes everyone feel idle. (春天使每個人都覺得懶洋洋的。)

  14. 5. indolent(adj)懶惰的;好逸惡勞的;懶散的 EX:anindolentworker.(一個懶惰的工人) 6. slouch(n)【美】笨拙的人;懶散的人[C] 7. inactive(adj):(怠惰的;行動緩慢的) EX:Bearsareinactiveduringthewinter.(熊在冬天變怠惰。) 8.Misguided(adj) (被錯誤指導的;被帶入歧途的) EX:Motivatedby or based on ideas that are mistaken(人)弄錯的,誤解的;(想法等)錯誤的;被誤解的), heedless(adj..不留心的,不注意的), or inappropriate(adj. 不適當的)

  15. 9.spectators(n)(比賽等的)觀眾之一;旁觀者;目擊者[C]9.spectators(n)(比賽等的)觀眾之一;旁觀者;目擊者[C] EX: The game drew thousands of spectators. (這場比賽吸引了數千名觀眾) *spectator shoe (類似馬鞍鞋) • shoe in two colors: a shoe, especially one forwomen, in two contrasting colors of leather • 10. audience (n)

  16. zapping Bonnie & Tinni

  17. Second paragraph If you zap between channels, you use your remote controlor zapper to change channels a lot, perhaps looking for something interesting to watch, and perhaps not succeeding. A zapper is also a person who zaps.

  18. ZAP Definition: (verb) • destroy somebody or something • To do, or make, ormove quickly • to use the remote control to change television channels quickly • cook something in microwave •  (Malaysia) photocopy something Synonyms: destroy, kill, exterminate, slaughter, terminate, annihilate

  19. ZAP Definition: (noun) • energy:energy and excitement • time in microwave:a short period of time in a microwave oven Definition: (interjection) • expression of forceful action: used especially in comic books to indicate sudden and violent force 嗖!(表示快速移動或變化) 糟了!(表示驚訝、沮喪)

  20. zap轉台 Synonyms: • change the channel • switch the channel • flip the channel • channel-hopping (英) • channel surfing - 無目的的轉台瀏覽節目

  21. Zapper 遙控器 1. = remote control 2. an electronic device or weapon designed to attract and kill insects quickly : a bug zapper 3. a person who habitually changes channels (as to avoid commercials)

  22. 法文 zapper (Verb) • to channel-hop, channel surf • (figuratively) to dither, change one's opinion rapidly, vacillate(比喻地)躊躇;猶豫,快速地改變一個意見,游移不定 • to skip over跳著讀或寫

  23. Remote Control 遙控器 • handheld control: a handheld device used to operate a television set, videocassette recorder, or other electronic device from a distance手持設備用於從遠處操作一台電視機,錄影機,或其他電子設備 • Also calledremote or controller . • remote-controlled (adjective): remote-controlled equipment

  24. A remote control is an electronic device used for the remote operation of a machine. • The term remote control can be also referred to as "remote" or "controller" when abbreviated. It is known by many other names as well, such as "clicker" and also "the changer". It however, is also known commonly by the "button", mainly in North England.

  25. Remote Controlhistory • One of the earliest examples of remote control was developed in 1898 by Nikola Tesla, and described in his patent, U.S. Patent 613,809, named Method of an Apparatus for Controlling Mechanism of Moving Vehicle or Vehicles.

  26. wii-zapper

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