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Unit 5 – Cell Cycle & DNA Replication

Unit 5 – Cell Cycle & DNA Replication. Describe how cells passively transport materials. Define the limitations on cell size and the effects of cell growth. Calculate the surface area-to-volume ratio of different sized cells and relate it to the efficiency of cellular processes.

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Unit 5 – Cell Cycle & DNA Replication

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  1. Unit 5 – Cell Cycle & DNA Replication Describe how cells passively transport materials. Define the limitations on cell size and the effects of cell growth. Calculate the surface area-to-volume ratio of different sized cells and relate it to the efficiency of cellular processes. Sequence and describe the events of the cell cycle. Describe the structure of the eukaryotic chromosome and its relation to mitosis. Define the purpose of mitosis .

  2. Unit 5 – Cell Cycle & DNA Replication Summarize the events of the four phases of mitosis. Compare & contrast plant cell vs. animal cell division. Describe the three part structure of a nucleotide. Demonstrate complimentary base pairing within the DNA molecule and explain how it allows for DNA replication. List & explain the 3 step process of DNA replication and identify the enzymes involved in each step. Compare and contrast the replication of the leading strand and the lagging strand of DNA. Describe the effects of carcinogens on cancer cells.

  3. Obj. 1 & 2 – Transport & Limitations What is the process cells rely on for transport? ____________ As cells get bigger, transport becomes ________________. If a cell gets too big, transport is not efficient. How does a cell know when to divide? ______________ Efficiency is determined by a simple calculation using the surface area to volume ratio.

  4. Obj. 3 – Calculating SA:V Ratio Please watch the SA:V Ratio video for this information and record everything on the back of this page This slide is NOT in the notes

  5. Obj. 3 – Relating SA:V Ratio Agar Cube Diffusion Lab – Fill in during class

  6. Obj. 3 – Relating SA:V Ratio Agar Cube Diffusion Lab – Fill in during class

  7. Obj. 4 – Events of the Cell Cycle Resources: http://www.cellsalive.com/cell_cycle.htm http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/olc/dl/120082/bio34a.swf The cell cycle = when a cell _________________________. Phases of the Cell Cycle (draw the cycle on back): Interphase - G1 - S - G2 - Mitosis - Cytokinesis -

  8. Obj. 5 – Eukaryotic Chromosome How does 6 ft of DNA fit inside one single nucleus? This slide is NOT in the notes

  9. Obj. 5 & 6 – Chromosome & Mitosis We have 23 pairs of chromosomes (46). This is a double chromosome ready to divide. Each half is called a sister chromatid. Each chromatid is an exact replica. The region where the DNA touches is calledthe centromere. Mitosis is nuclear division (splitting DNA). Chromosomes must split in half perfectly. Failure to do so may result in: ________________________________________

  10. Obj. 7 – Phases of Mitosis (PMAT) Prophase

  11. Obj. 7 – Phases of Mitosis (PMAT) Metaphase

  12. Obj. 7 – Phases of Mitosis (PMAT) Anaphase

  13. Obj. 7 – Phases of Mitosis (PMAT) Telophase

  14. Obj. 8 – Plant vs. Animal Mitosis There is one main difference between plant cell and animal cell division – CYTOKINESIS Cytokinesis = Division of the ______________________ Animal VS. Plant 1. 1. 2. 2.

  15. DNA Review Genetic Information Double Helix (2 sides) Nucleotides Contained in nucleus

  16. This slide is NOT in the notes

  17. The Double Double Helix

  18. Obj. 9 – Three Parts of the Nucleotide DNA Nucleotide: - Phosphate - Sugar (Deoxyribose) - Base There are 4 bases that DNA uses for the entire genetic code: Adenine (A) Guanine (G) Thymine (T) Cytosine (C)

  19. Obj. 10 – Base Pairing and Replication Complimentary base pairs refers to the natural bonds that form between certain nitrogenous bases. This pairing is referred to as Chargaff’s Rule: A – T G – C This pairing rule allows DNA to replicate with fewer mistakes.

  20. Obj. 11 – Three Steps of Replication Watch these animations to get a detailed description of how DNA Replication occurs: http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/olc/dl/120076/bio23.swf http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/olc/dl/120076/micro04.swf There are 3 enzymes of DNA Replication: Helicase – Unzips/opens the DNA Polymerase – Adds new DNA nucleotides Ligase – Glues the Okazaki fragments on lagging strand together

  21. Obj. 12 – Leading vs. Lagging The leading strand gets made forward, lagging gets made backwards

  22. Obj. 13 – Carcinogens & Cancer Cancer is uncontrolled cell growth and ______________. Unregulated cell division is because of damaged ______, which can be inherited or caused by carcinogens. Examples: Tobacco smoke, UV light, radiation, etc. Tumor = lesion that may result from uncontrolled growth. Malignant tumors can spread (metastasize) & cause death. Interested in how tumor suppressor genes work? http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/olc/dl/120082/bio34b.swf

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