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PS C:> Start-Session `. >> “Bursting to the Cloud in 1 Hour”. PS C:> Get-Help about_CloudComputing TOPIC about_CloudComputing SHORT DESCRIPTION Almost every organization has developed or is developing some sort of Cloud strategy . LONG DESCRIPTION
PS C:\> Start-Session ` >> “Bursting to the Cloud in 1 Hour”
PS C:\> Get-Help about_CloudComputing TOPIC about_CloudComputing SHORT DESCRIPTION Almost every organization has developed or is developing some sort of Cloud strategy. LONG DESCRIPTION The presenter was too lazy to write this out. Just pay attention and listen! -- More --
PS C:\> $TCO = Invest-Less | Manage-Less | Pay-Less PS C:\> Write-Host $TCO Yet another happy CFO!
PS C:\> $sentiment = Get-CloudSentiment “Pre 2010” PS C:\> $sentiment | Format-List Customer : Needs to be given information about the benefits of Cloud Computing Own Organization : Needs to be made aware of the chances that Cloud Computing offers
PS C:\> $sentiment | Get-ITSkills Role Skill --------- ----- Developer Learn to deal with load balanced… Developer Learn to design for failure Developer Learn new application patterns Developer Learn about true statelessness Developer Learn to deal with ‘throttling’ Developer Learn words like ‘idempotent’ Developer Learn how to convince and excite a sales person
PS C:\> $sentiment = Get-CloudSentiment “2010” PS C:\> $sentiment | Format-List Customer : Has heard of Cloud Computing, but thinks it’s still very scary stuff Own Organization : Realizes Cloud Computing is important and starts special programs to help customers overcome their fear of the Cloud
PS C:\> $sentiment | Get-ITSkills Role Skill --------- ----- Developer Keep up with rapid new developments Developer Upgrade to new SDK (twice) Developer Deal with broken code due to new SDK Developer Deal with real-world issues Developer Learn how to convince and excite a sales person
PS C:\> $sentiment = Get-CloudSentiment “2011” PS C:\> $sentiment | Format-List Customer : The benefits seem to outweigh the fears and the customer starts asking about this Windows Azure platform Own Organization : Is struggling to provide an answer for the specific integration needs of customers
PS C:\> $sentiment | Get-ITSkills Role Skill --------- ----- Developer Keep up with rapid new developments Developer Upgrade to new SDK (twice) Developer Deal with broken code due to new SDK Developer Find solution for integrating with… Developer Learn how to convince and excite a sales person
PS C:\> $sentiment = Get-CloudSentiment “2012” PS C:\> $sentiment | Format-List Customer : Needs to be explained that Windows Azure is now also becoming an Infrastructure-as-a- Service offering, which offers great integration support Own Organization : Is using Windows Azure Virtual Machines and Windows Azure Virtual Network in Preview for Dev/Test and Training environments
PS C:\> $sentiment | Get-ITSkills Role Skill --------- ----- Developer Keep up with rapid new developments … Developer Learn about Hyper-V Developer Learn about CIDR network addressing Developer Learn about VPN Developer Learn about Linux Developer Learn how to convince and excite an IT Pro
PS C:\> $sentiment = Get-CloudSentiment “2013” PS C:\> $sentiment | Format-List Customer : The benefits do outweigh the doubts and the customer is defining integral Cloud strategies Own Organization : Is facilitating customers to plan for complete datacenter migrations including business process changes and changes in service management [In Awe]
PS C:\> $sentiment | Get-ITSkills Role Skill --------- ----- Developer Keep up with rapid new developments … IT Pro Learn about Windows Azure VM IT Pro Learn about Windows Azure VNET IT Pro Learn about Cloud Services IT Pro Learn about Linux IT Pro Learn how to convince and excite a sales person PS C:\> Get-SkySightSideNote -ShowWindow
PS C:\> $sentiment | Get-ITSkills -MostImportant Role Skill --------- ----- Developer Learn (Windows Azure) PowerShell IT Pro Learn (Windows Azure) PowerShell
PS C:\> Get-AzureService Label : virtualacademy-adminDescription : AffinityGroup : Location : West EuropeStatus : CreatedDateModified : 28-6-2013 09:39:28DateCreated : 28-6-2013 09:36:56Url: https://management.core.win dows.net/bbd919c9-5654-49e2-a
PS C:\> Start-Demo ` >> “PowerShell! Developer or IT Pro?”
PS C:\> Start-Demo ` >> “Provision a new VM”
PS C:\> Start-Demo ` >> “Adding Disks”
PS C:\> Start-Demo ` >> “PowerShell Remoting”
PS C:\> Start-Demo ` >> “Connecting to the Local Network”