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AquaTech. By: Morgan Cook October 30 th , 2006. Habitat. AquaTech originated from the United States. This country is a newly found island, now a country of the U.S.

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  1. AquaTech By: Morgan Cook October 30th, 2006

  2. Habitat AquaTech originated from the United States. This country is a newly found island, now a country of the U.S. The Average temperature in AquaTech is 70-80 degrees. The average temperature in the summer is 85-90 degrees. The average temperature in the winter is 40-55. Common features in this country are water covering most of the country, with few mountains, coral reefs, and small areas of grassiness. Types of plants are trees and regular flowers inside the domes, and Coral reefs, water lilies, and water flowers found naturally. People have pets such as cats, dogs, rabbits and such. People also have barns to keep animals to produce goods, like wool, milk, and eggs. Other people keep animals as novelties or pets like, horses, donkeys, and goats. Animals aren’t found often because of people and noise

  3. Flag

  4. AquaTech is the place for me We pledge to ourselves to be healthy It’s good to know how to be eat and stay fit Exercise is our top priority AquaTech, AquaTech, AquaTech. Don’t eat junk food, take a jog Or take a swim across town No smoking and no alcohol Let’s make it no T.V. (except for news) AquaTech, AquaTech, AquaTech. This country is covered in water two seasons of the year Don’t forget to recycle Everyone should volunteer or lend a hand, Whatever you prefer AquaTech, AquaTech, AquaTech. Free health benefits for kids under fifteen Equal rights and freedom of speech Sundays are days for family days Littering is never good and will be charged AquaTech, AquaTech, AquaTech. Only eat foods from the hydro gardens Treat your pets like you’d treat your kids AquaTech is the nicest place to be Anthem

  5. Aquatech's Bill Of Rights We the citizens of AquaTech pledge a healthy lifestyle. No smoking No T.V. Monday thru Thursday, except for news Every household must own a piece of exercise equipment Littering is a violation and will be charged No household must own a gun except authority Must need the knowledge to swim No junk food Only eat foods from the Aquatech's hydro gardens No alcohol Every child is required to attend twelve years of school before entering college Must give proper food, water, and shelter to animal, pet; will be fined $5,000 per charge Must recycle Every person must keep to 3lbs of garbage per day maximum One child maximum per person Every citizen must volunteer at least five hour a week Citizens should donate a least 20% a week to education, or other causes most important Equal voice in the government; voting rights to age 18 and above Free health benefits through college and for children under 15 Curfew for children under 16 is 11pm Sunday’s must be reserved for family days NO drugs Aquatech's Bill of Rights

  6. Demographics

  7. MenClothing Women

  8. More Clothing

  9. Food Special foods that people eat are foods from the hydro gardens. A rare fruit that is grown is called Guava; a sweet apple, pineapple, grape sort of fruit. People who have their own hydro, roof gardens supply their own gardening supplies. There are 5 meals eaten daily. Breakfast- 6:30am, Pre-Lunch- 10:30am, Lunch- 1pm, Dinner- 4:45pm, Bed- 8pm. The one who prepares the meals are the ones who where most educated in cooking. They would prepare these meals in the high-tech kitchens. Before eating you must wash your hands, and put your napkin on your lap. While eating you must use utensils and eat as a family no one can be missing. Dessert is after dinner and it’s either Carmel covered apples or sugar free ice cream. People sell foods during the Aqua square markets during summer, spring, and fall. Foods are also shipped to sell in stores that you could not grow in the hydro gardens. This country also engages in trade for food that is not found locally.

  10. Dance First dance Aqua Dip This dance is preformed during full moons. When performing this dance you must where loose fitting clothes. Women must where sea colored gowns. Men must where dark colored gaucho pants and puffy white shirts. The dance steps are bow to your partner, sway, turn around twice, crouch, spin, step forward, and step back, repeat. Second dance Aqua’s New Year dance This dance is done during the New Year celebration. When performing this dance you must wear blue formal wear. You do the foxtrot, quick, quick, slow, slow, repeat.

  11. Power Structure The form of government in this country is Aristocracy. Leaders are selected by the most educated and most wealthy. There are six people in a government group at a time; the name of the group is called Aquagress. The Most educated is the most important; the wealthiest is secondhand in importance. The other four are like the secretary of states. When anew member is added there’s a meeting, the Aquatech’s Bill of Rights is signed and there’s a country wide parade. The record of laws in my country is called AquaTech’s Bill of Rights. There’s a secret constitution describing the government’s functions and it applies to everyone, even those in power. Arguments and legal battles are settled with televised debates in court. The most important law that has been made is to be healthy and remain a healthy lifestyle. This is to keep a healthy civilization. The punishment for rule breakers is a hefty fine or sent to a dissertated island jail, or death.

  12. Economy The items that are considered most valuable are shells with gold encrusted coins. The people that have access to these are people with higher salaries. Types of cash that are used are coins that can’t rust. Such as 5 cent, 10 cent, 25 cent, 50 cent, $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100, and a $500 gold piece. Buying things in this country is the same as it is in the United States; Coins for goods as priced. The way people show there wealth is through their clothes and personal possessions. The people considered the most successful are the most educated and most wealthy in the government.

  13. Defense and Protection Features of my landscape that make my country easy to attack is that it’s open and sometimes visible. Defense that is provided naturally is that it’s under water and before entering my countries borders you must go through the Bermuda Triangle. Good luck trying to take over this country over! People that are trained to protect this country are the aqua police and the W.D.T. (Water Defense Team). There’s never been any battles fought yet, but this country is so advanced there’s a good chance they’d win. Weapons that are used in training and in combat are called spear guns, and high powered, none rusting, water proof types of guns. They also where water proof, spear/bullet proof, full body suits with helmets and Protective goggles. People’s homes are protected by plexus, bullet proof domes.

  14. Trash

  15. Waste

  16. Spring

  17. Spring 1st: Spring festival- This day we celebrate the begging of spring, by giving flowers to friends and family. 15th: Gardening Contest begins- This day we begin a contest. You can either grow vegetables, fruit or flowers. 18th: Water God day- This day we celebrate the water gods that created this country. 29th: Full moon- There one of these every thirty days. To celebrate there is a traditional dance and a usually parties. 30th: Gardening Contest ends- This is the day that judges for the winner. For vegetables it’s the highest weight. For fruit it is the most different shaped, and for flowers it’s on the most colors. 42nd: Aqua Market- This is usually held in the Aqua Square. On this day any goods hand made or grow can be sold for person’s personal choice. 59th: Full Moon- See above 60th: Cooking Contest- this day is when you cook a judge, choice dish and get a prize if you win. 75th: Mother’s Day- this day you celebrate mothers by giving them gifts. 89th: Full Moon- See Above 90th:Aqua Market- See Above

  18. Summer

  19. Summer 8th: Summer Festival- This day we celebrate by making summer gift baskets and giving them to friends and family. 12th: Aqua Market- See Spring 21st: Siblings Day- This day we celebrate by giving gifts to your siblings. 32nd:Aqua Market- See Spring 34th: Dog Obedience contest- This day is the day to enter you dog into an obedience contest and see if he/she is good enough to win first place. 36th: Pet Lover’s Day- this day you celebrate your pets by pampering them and give them gifts. 43rd:Sand Castle Build-off –Who ever builds the best sand castle and wins gets a great prize. 52nd: Prankster’s Day- This is the day to play a prank on family and friends. 59th: Full Moon- See Spring 75th: Gum chewing day- Free gum and any rules about gum are gone for this day. 89th: Full Moon- See Spring 91st: Aqua Market- See Spring

  20. Fall

  21. Fall 2nd: Fall Festival- This day we celebrate the beginning of fall by giving letters, poems, or pictures to friends or family. 10th: Aqua Market- See Spring 24th: Leaf festival- a day to enjoy the falling leaves. 29th: Lover’s Day- A day to give chocolate, flowers, poems, love letters, or kisses to a lover or crush. 40th: Sewing Contest Begins- Sew something by the judges choice. 43rd: Aqua Market- See Spring 59th: Full Moon- See Spring 71st: Father’s Day- This day we celebrate dads by giving them gifts. 72nd: Sewing contest Ends- This day we judge to see whose the best is. 89th: Full Moon: See Spring 91st: Boy’s day- today we celebrate boys by giving them gifts.

  22. Winter

  23. Winter 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92

  24. Winter 1st:New Year’s Day- We celebrate the beginning of a new year. 25th:Family Ice Skating Day- Today you ice skate with family 30th: Full Moon- See Spring 45th: Aquamas- This day is when presents are put under a coral tree by the Water Gods for all the good girls and boys. 60th: Full Moon- See Spring 87th: Grandparent’s Day- Today we celebrate grandparents by giving them gifts. 92nd: The Country’s beginning- today we celebrate the county’s beginning with history of the country.

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