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About Chemical Wastes

About Chemical Wastes. July 1 st , 2010 Ty Youbi. Chemical waste responsibilities. Follow University procedures for labeling, storing and disposing of hazardous waste. Minimize the amount of waste generated. Recycle unused chemicals via the University redistribution program.

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About Chemical Wastes

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  1. About Chemical Wastes July 1st, 2010 Ty Youbi

  2. Chemical waste responsibilities Follow University procedures for labeling, storing and disposing of hazardous waste. Minimize the amount of waste generated. Recycle unused chemicals via the University redistribution program. Prepare ahead of time for spills or other mishaps.

  3. Waste Properties

  4. What is a hazardous waste? A hazardous waste can be defined by one or more of the following characteristics: Ignitable Corrosive* Reactive Toxic Listed Waste

  5. Chemical waste is considered hazardous if: The flashpoint is < 140º F (60º C) An aqueous solution contains > 24% alcohol It is an oxidizer It is a flammable compressed gas It is a liquid capable of fire through friction, absorption of moisture or spontaneous chemical change.

  6. Corrosivity Chemical waste is considered corrosive if: It is an aqueous solution with a pH <2 or >12.5 It corrodes steel at 6.35 mm/year at 55º C

  7. Reactivity A chemical waste is considered highly reactive if: It is capable of creating toxic gases when mixed with water It forms explosive mixtures with water It is cyanide or sulfide bearing

  8. Reactivity It reacts violently with water It is normally unstable It is capable of detonation It is a DOT classified explosive

  9. To icity A chemical waste is considered highly toxic if: It contains arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium (VI), lead, mercury, selenium or silver

  10. Toxicity It contains one or more of these 32 organic compounds: Benzene Carbon tetrachloride Chlordane Chlorobenzene Chloroform m-cresol p-cresol o-cresol p-dichlorobenzene 2-dichloroethylene 1,1-dichloroethylene 2,4-dinitrotoluene Endrin Heptachlor Hexachlorobenzene Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene Hexachloroethane Lindane MEK methoxychlor nitrobenzene pentachlorophenol pyridine tetrachloroethylene toxaphene trichloroethylene 2,4,5-tetrachlorophenol 2,4,6-trichlorophenol vinyl chloride 2,4,-D 2,4,5-TP silvex

  11. Listed Waste Labels Waste label categories: F waste – hazardous waste from non-specific sources (solvent can waste) K waste – hazardous waste from specific sources (distillation bottoms) P and U waste – discarded commercial chemical products, off spec products, container residues, spill residues (generally discarded chemicals)

  12. Waste Collection

  13. Collection of hazardous chemical waste Use containers that are compatible with the chemical waste. For large quantities, DEC can provide 30 or 50 gallon drums or 5 gallon plastic containers. Keep containers capped and store them in a safe location in the laboratory. Do not store incompatible chemicals together in the laboratory.

  14. Hazardous Chemical Waste Collection Label containers. An original container and label can be used if the label is legible. Blank labels can be obtained by contacting NYSDEC at 518-402-8651. Only collect wastes that are compatible in the same container A hazardous waste mixed with a non-hazardous waste becomes hazardous waste.

  15. Hazardous Chemical Waste Collection Spent solvent waste can not contain metals, cyanides and sulfides. Spent solvent waste must have a pH >5 and <9. Discarded chemicals should be packaged according to hazard class.

  16. Disposing of the chemical waste Chemical waste will be picked up by the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation through the university chemical waste office. A pick-up can be arranged via telephone, fax, mail or online.

  17. Required information Regardless of how the request is submitted, the following information must be provided: Name and Date Telephone number Department Building and room number Chemical compound name and approximate quantity

  18. Further information New York State Department of Environmental Conservation625 BroadwayAlbany, New York 12233-0001 • To report a chemical or oil spill : 1-800-457-7362 or (518) 457-7362 • To report an environmental violation: 1-800-847-7332

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