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Disfranchisement. Poll Taxes. Required every citizen to pay in order to vote Set literacy tests and educational qualifications To avoid omitting poor white voters, they enacted grandfather clauses. Grandfather Clauses.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Disfranchisement

  2. Poll Taxes • Required every citizen to pay in order to vote • Set literacy tests and educational qualifications • To avoid omitting poor white voters, they enacted grandfather clauses

  3. Grandfather Clauses • Granted the right to vote to anyone whose grandfather could have voted prior to 1867 • Most salves grandfathers would have never had the right to vote in 1867

  4. How did the South Get Away with this? • Most still believed that blacks were inferior to whites and deserved to be treated as second class citizens • Best-selling book the day was The Clansman • D.W. Griffith made it into a hit film, The Birth of a Nation

  5. The Birth of a Nation

  6. The Birth of a Nation • From Kentucky • Guess where the film premiered????

  7. The White House • Special premiere and screening for President Woodrow Wilson • Book’s author was a former classmate

  8. Booker T. Washington

  9. Booker T. Washington • Born a slave • Founded the Tuskegee Institute • School for black students in rural Alabama

  10. Tuskegee Institute • Wanted students to learn a trade and workplace discipline • Thought through learning an industrial skill, blacks could gain self respect and economic independence

  11. Teachings • Thought Blacks should put up with segregation for the time being • Had to prove their economic worth to society first • Thought whites could help provides blacks with education and job training

  12. The Atlanta Compromise • Famous speech given by Washington where he states his views

  13. W.E.B. DuBois

  14. DuBois • Challenged Washington’s views of accommodation • First black man to receive a doctorate from Harvard University • Wrote The Souls of Black Folk

  15. The Souls of Black Folk • Attacked the Atlanta Compromise and Washington • Blacks should be given equal rights immediately

  16. Other Accomplishments • Co-founder of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

  17. Common Ground? • Both had reservations (concerns) about allowing illiterate blacks to vote • Also believed that black success in the South was going to require some assistance from whites

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