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Explore principles, range edges, response curves, and niche-based modeling in species distribution to understand factors determining geographic ranges. Dive into variables, models, modeling assumptions, and environmental factors affecting species distribution data. Discover species distribution datasets, models, and model evaluation methods applicable to studying ecological niches and species distributions.
Principles: Range edges What determines the edge of geographic ranges? • There are changes in local population dynamics at the edge of a distribution, and more net losses than net gains These population level changes are brought about by: • Changes in abiotic factors (physical barriers, climate factors, absence of essential resources) and biotic factors (impact of competitors, predators or parasites) • Genetic mechanisms that prevent species from becoming more widespread. Abiotic/biotic factors are only limiting because a species has not evolved the morphological / physiological / ecological means to overcome them.
Principles: Response curves • Plot of species presence with variation in some environmental variable. • Most models assume a Gaussian response, but in fact it is seldom Gaussian, and may take on a variety of shapes. Especially in complex communities, response curves may exhibit truncated forms due to biotic interactions. • The ability of the chosen model to represent this response curve is critical to model performance.
Specifics: Niche-based modelling Species Distribution Environmental Variables Model Calibration Yes Independent evaluation dataset No 70/30% Random Calibration/Evaluation Sample Independent evaluation dataset Model Evaluation Final Model used to project current and future distributions
Niche-based modelling –assumptions • Assumptions: • Environmental factors drive species distribution • Species are in equilibrium with their environment • Limiting variables – are they really limiting? • Coincidence with climate or climate shift • Evidence for species dying/not reproducing due to climate • Collinearity of variables • Assumption of assembly rules: niche assembly vs dispersal assembly • Static vs dynamic approaches: data snapshot or time series response?
Cautionary note on modelling in general • Risk of all models: GIGO- Garbage in, garbage out • Need to understand assumptions, explicit and implicit • Models are an abstraction of reality, meant to improve our understanding of core processes.
Variables and their selection • Species only select their habitats in the broadest sense (Heglund 2002), and distribution patterns are the cumulative result of a large number of fine scale decisions made to maximize resource acquisition. • The more accurately these fine-scale resources can be approximated and access quantified, the better the model should perform if all models were equal. • Predictions at broad scales can use broader environmental variables, often associated with the fundamental niche, • Finer scale predictions need to concern themselves more with those variables that determine the realized niche. (Pearson & Dawson 2003)
Environmental Variables • MAP, Psummer, Pwinter • MAT, Tmin, Tmax, Tmin06 • Soil (pH, texture, organic C, fertility) • Avoid indirect measures of a variable which is a challenge • project into the future e.g. slope, aspect, altitude • Difficult variables – Solar radiation, wind
Derived Variables • Growing degree days (e.g. base 5°C) • PET – Thornthwaite, Priestly-Taylor, Linacre • Water Balance – Crudely defined as MAP – PET • Favourable soil moisture days– Modelled using e.g. ACRU, WATBUG • Palmer Drought Stress Index – PDSI Program
BIOCLIM Environmental Variables • Mean Temperature of Warmest Quarter • Mean Temperature of Coldest Quarter • Annual Precipitation • Precipitation of Wettest Month • Precipitation of Driest Month • Precipitation Seasonality • Precipitation of Wettest Quarter • Precipitation of Driest Quarter • Precipitation of Warmest Quarter • Precipitation of Coldest Quarter • Annual Mean Temperature • Mean Monthly Temperature • Isothermality • Temperature Seasonality • Max Temperature of Warmest Month • Min Temperature of Coldest Month • Temperature Annual Range • Mean Temperature of Wettest Quarter • Mean Temperature of Driest Quarter
Species distribution datasets Data sources and their typical scales Locality Type 1-1000m 1-5km 1-15 minutes 0.25- 1 degree 1-5 degree Museum Specimens Presence Herbaria Specimens Presence Expert Atlas Presence/Absence Survey Atlas Presence/Absence Fieldwork Presence/Absence • Museum/Herbarium data e.g. Precis (Sabonet) • Survey Atlas data e.g. Protea Atlas • Expert Atlas e.g. Birds of Africa • Field data e.g. Ackdat or TSP databases • Presence / Absence data • Georeference accuracy e.g. GPS / QDS • Taxonomy affects numbers • Taxonomic updates of older museum data
Different types of models • BioClimatic envelope e.g. Bioclim Domain Models • Ordinary Regression e.g. incl. in Arc-SDM • Generalised additive models (GAM) e.g. GRASP • Generalised linear models (GLM) e.g. incl. in Biomod • Ordination (e.g. CCA) e.g. ENFA • Classification and regression trees (CART) e.g. incl. in Biomod • Genetic Algorithm e.g. GARP • Artificial neural networks e.g. SPECIES • Bayesian e.g. WinBUGS
How do we choose a model type? BIOCLIM Show suitability Relative value Boolean 0 or 1 DOMAIN Gives a Probability
Principles • What question do you want to answer? • Data considerations • What environmental data do you have access to? • What is the resolution and extent of this data? • Categorical or continuous data? • Scale considerations. (Thuiller et al 2003 – GAMs better at performing consistent across scales because of ability model to complex response curves) • Different variables important at different scales (Pearson& Dawson 2003) • Good example of an informed modeled solution: Gibson et al 2004 • Different models compared: summary of such studies in Segurado & Araujo 2005, Thuiller et al 2003.
Model calibration and evaluation Once you have decided on a model type, then you need an methodology to select the best model from a suite of potential models, all with different combinations of the selected environmental variables. Stepwise selection of variables: order doesn’t matter in GAM, does with GLM Click magnifying glass to enlarge table. (from Johnson & Omland 2004, Rushton et al 2004).
Models and their selection - BioClimatic Envelope Species Distribution Frequency Value classes Environmental Variables IF Tann =[23,29] °C AND Tmin06=[5,12] °C AND Rann=[609,1420] AND Soils=[1,4,5,8] THEN SP=PRESENT
Output data = probability values • Observed data = presence – absence data How to compare? Actual Predicted How good are the predictions? (Fielding & Bell 1997, Guisan and Zimmerman, 2000) • Need a probability threshold to derive a misclassification matrix (MM)
Kappa statistic • Based on the MM • Take into account chance agreement • Estimation of Kappa for a range of threshold and keep the best • Ke = [(TN+FN)x(TN+FP) + (FP+TP)x(FN+TP)]/n² • Ko = (TN + TP)/n • K = [Ko – Ke] / [1 – Ke] • Scales between 0 and 1; >0.7 good, 0.4 – 0.7 fair, <0.4 poor (Thuiller 2004, pers comm.)
1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1 - specificity Receiver operating characteristic analysis (ROC) • Sensitivity TP/(FN+TP) (true positive fraction) • Specificity TN/(FP+TN) (true negative fraction) • Plot sensitivity and specificity for a range of thresholds • Calculate Area-under-curve (AUC): • 0.8 good, 0.6 – 0.8 fair, 0.5 random, <0.6 poor
How good are the predictions? • Testing and training data sets (30:70) • Comparison across models, or across var’s with same model. • Number of explanatory variables. • Model development and improvement is iterative process • Delineating the predictive ability of predictor variables (Lobo et al 2002) • Evaluate model output against historical data (Hilbert et al 2004) • Use of modelled data in conservation planning (Hannah et al; Cabeza at al, 2004; Loiselle et al 2003)