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Genetic Patterns in Tribbles

Genetic Patterns in Tribbles. #1 a) Red b) black c) pheno 3:1 red to black geno 1:2:1 RR Rr rr. P 1 RR x rr F 1 Rr Rr x Rr F 2 RR Rr Rr rr. A. Codominance both blue & yellow hairs H B and H Y H B H Y x H B H B

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Genetic Patterns in Tribbles

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  1. Genetic Patterns in Tribbles #1 a) Red b) black c) pheno 3:1 red to black geno 1:2:1 RR Rr rr P1 RR x rr F1 Rr Rr x Rr F2 RR Rr Rr rr

  2. A. Codominance both blue & yellow hairs HB and HY HB HY x HB HB green blue HB HY HB HB HB HB HY HB HB HB HB HY ratios Pheno: 50% blue hair 50% green (both) 1:1 Geno: 50% HB HB 50% HB HY 1:1 Tribbles #2

  3. #3 • a) Red, Blue and Yellow HR HB HY • b) black and white hb hw • c) black is recessive to red, blue, & yellow, but black is dominant to white

  4. A) spotted and blue hair B) solid and black hair C) T (spots) t (solid) HB hb D) To get a 9:3:3:1 ratio that is a normal dihybrid heterozygous cross: TtHBhb x TtHBhb THB Thb tHB thb THB Thb tHB thb #4

  5. #5 • A) spotted and red hair • B) solid and white hair • C) white spots will not show on a white background (they blend in, but the spotted genes will still be there!)

  6. #6 • A) gene D seems to control how much pigment is made • B) There is a blending of color amounts, therefore this is incomplete dominance • C) no pigment is made therefore they are white • D) hwhw dd hwhw TT or tt • white hair no pigment white hair & spots/solid

  7. #7 • A) HB HR DD x HY HR dd • B) HY HR Dd • purple with incomplete pigment production

  8. #8 • A) must be sex-linked if only males have the trait (or a majority of males have trait) • B) HB HB XnY x HB HB XNXn

  9. #9 Genes in Tribbles chart

  10. Additional Practice • http://biology.clc.uc.edu/courses/bio105/geneprob.htm • This is on my website under links also!! • Go there for practice.

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