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Stamp Act

Stamp Act. Tory’s vs. Rebels. What happened after the French and Indian War ?.

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Stamp Act

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  1. Stamp Act Tory’s vs. Rebels

  2. What happened after the French and Indian War? • Convinced that the colonies were not paying a fair share of the costs for their defense and protection, parliament took a fateful step and passed a series of taxes on the colonies. One in particular was known as “The Stamp Act.”

  3. Stamp Act • Proposed by Prime Minister Grenville, the act required colonists to buy stamped paper or official stamps/seals that were to be attached to newspapers, legal documents, and other items such as dice, playing cards, and exported goods. • Presence of the stamp was proof that the colonists paid the tax.

  4. British Reasons for Tax • British have been paying similar taxes for 100 years. • Parliament expected L100,000 from this tax (1/3 of the cost of French and Indian War). • Colonists were wealthier than the British and therefore, could afford higher taxes. • Funds raised from the tax would be used solely for soldiers who protected the American colonies.

  5. Colonists Reasons Against Tax • Colonists never had to pay such a tax. • Argued they were not represented in Parliament. • Once they paid one tax, more taxes would be implemented. • Violated the rights of the colonists. Parliament cannot tax without consent or an official vote. • British were trying to gain more control by taxing colonists. • The tax would hurt the economy.

  6. Repealing the Stamp Act • Massachusetts legislature called for a Stamp Act Congress. • In October 1765, nine representative from colonies met in New York and issued a declaration that the Stamp Act violated their rights and liberties. • They asked Parliament to repeal. • Parliament was upset that colonists challenged their authority and issued the Declaratory Act, stating Parliament had the power to make the laws for the colonies “in all cases whatsoever.”

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