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NERIS Platform Strategic Research Agenda (Version May 2012). Raimo Mustonen, STUK. The European Platform on Preparedness for Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Response and Recovery. Why NERIS ?.
NERIS Platform Strategic Research Agenda (Version May 2012) Raimo Mustonen, STUK NERIS 3rd General Assembly in Glasgow, 15 may 2012
The European Platform on Preparedness for Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Response and Recovery Why NERIS ? • Real need and desire to maintain the collaboration momemtum gained during the EURANOS project in 2004-2009 • Tendency of the EC to aggregate R&D activities in Europe under lager platforms (Technology Platforms) • Mission orientation of the platforms: • “European need, challenge or problem, rather than simply seek to implement a technology. That is to say, the focus must be on the overall innovation challenge, including its social- economic- legislative- political- implementational aspects, rather than only the technological issues” (EURAB 04.010, European Research Advice Board) NERIS 3rd General Assembly in Glasgow, 15 may 2012
Why NERIS ? • Emergency management includes all these aspects (social, economical, legislative, political and implementational, and also technological) • Europe: an array of countries with various cultural backgrounds and differences in administrative culture and legislation • Europe needs more coherent response to nuclear emergencies • Examples: Fukushima, I-131 release in Budapest, (Chernobyl) NERIS 3rd General Assembly in Glasgow, 15 may 2012
Mission of NERIS • Confidence building • Encouragement of different stakeholders to co-operate • Facilitate access to expertise and technology and maintain competence for the benefit of European countries and citizens NERIS 3rd General Assembly in Glasgow, 15 may 2012
Vision of NERIS • by 2015, the self-sustaining association for development of the joint European approach in responding to and recovering from nuclear and radiological emergencies exists, and • by 2020, all European organisations being members of NERIS are sharing common views and common approaches and developing and using compatible technology and methods for consequence management of the emergencies NERIS 3rd General Assembly in Glasgow, 15 may 2012
SRA schedule VISION of NERIS NERIS-TP Project Euratom FP7 First list of R&D topics Workshop in Brussels September 2011 First SRA Draft November 2011 Stakeholders Workshop in Bratislava February 2012 NERIS Members NERIS Members Second SRA Draft April 2012 Third General Assembly in Glasgow May 2012 Strategic Reseach Agenda of NERIS Platform (SRA) NERIS 3rd General Assembly in Glasgow, 15 may 2012
Strategic Research Agenda of NERIS • Atmospheric & aquatic modelling – Needs for improvement • Key Topic 1: Atmospheric dispersion modelling • Key Topic 2: Aquatic dispersion modelling • Better dose assessments and decision support based on improved knowledge: source term, scenarios, etc. • Key Topic 3: Improvement of existing Decision Support Systems • Key Topic 4: Data mining, information gathering and exchange including providing information to stakeholders and mass media • Key Topic 5: Usage of the existing tools in the best possible way • Stakeholder involvement and local preparedness and communication strategies. • Key Topic 6. Stakeholder engagement and dialogue • Key Topic 7: Social media/networking technology NERIS 3rd General Assembly in Glasgow, 15 may 2012
SRA structure Logical Framework Approach For each R&D topic the LFM matrix to be filled: NERIS 3rd General Assembly in Glasgow, 15 may 2012
Status of the NERIS Platform (5/2012) • College 1 : • CIEMAT (Spain) • UVM (Germany) • NRPA (Norway) • Vuje (Slovakia) • HPA (UK) • Institute for Nuclear Research (Romania) • RIVM (Netherlands) • STUK (Finland) • SNSA (Slovenia) • BfS (Germany) • ASN (France) • EVIRA (Finland) • ISS (Italy) • DEMA (Denmark) • IRSN (France) • RIKILT (Netherlands) • DZZZ (Croatia) • NAEA (Poland) • APA (Portugal) • SURO (Czech Republic) • ITN (Portugal) • College 2: • Risø (Denmark) • IAE POLATOM (Poland) • KIT (Germany) • AIT (Austria) • CEPN (France) • IFIN-HH (Romania) • Mutadis (France) • UCEWP (Ukraine) • UPM (Spain) • ANCCLI (France) • PDC (Denmark) • UoM (United Kingdom) • NRG (Netherlands) • SCK-CEN (Belgium) • IKE (Germany) • UMB (Norway) • UOI (Greece) • RIR (Belarus) • PMA (France) • AgroParisTech (France) • TRPA (Taiwan) • 42 member organisations • 21 in college 1 (authorities, TSOs, operators, professional organizations) • 21 in college 2 (research institutes/universities, consultants, local and national stakeholders, NGOs) NERIS 3rd General Assembly in Glasgow, 15 may 2012