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Feast of Ester or The Feast of Purim. Why does Adonai have this time of remembrance in His Word? What is its end-time purpose? How does this also line up with Chanukah? Why does the Christian Body not celebrate this day?. Feast of Ester or The Feast of Purim.
Feast of Ester or The Feast of Purim Why does Adonai have this time of remembrance in His Word? What is its end-time purpose? How does this also line up with Chanukah? Why does the Christian Body not celebrate this day?
Feast of Ester or The Feast of Purim Why does Adonai give us exact dates on HIS calendar to commemorate things? Is there a Holy Day that we are commanded to give gifts?
Feast of Ester or The Feast of Purim Should we give gifts of December 25th Or The feast in Adonai’s 12 month
Feast of Ester or The Feast of Purim Est 9:22 [to commemorate] the days on which the Jews obtained rest from their enemies and the month which for them was turned from sorrow into gladness and from mourning into a holiday; they were to make them days of celebrating and rejoicing, sending portions [of food] to each other and giving gifts to the poor.
Feast of Ester or The Feast of Purim The observance of the Adonai feasts, is a public declaration of the truth of the Old Testament Scriptures. And as the Old Testament Scriptures are true. The festival was appointed by authority, yet under the direction of the Spirit of God. It was called the feast of Purim, from a Persian word, which signifies a lot. The name of this festival would remind them of the almighty power of the God of Israel, who served his own purposes by the superstitions of the heathen. In reviewing our mercies, we should advert to former fears and distresses. When our mercies are personal, we should not by forgetfulness lose the comfort of them, or withhold from the Lord the glory due to his name. May the Lord teach us to rejoice, with that holy joy which anticipates and prepares for the blessedness of heaven. Every instance of Divine goodness to ourselves, is a new obligation laid on us to do good, to those especially who most need our bounty. Above all, redemption by Yeshua binds us to be merciful, 2Co_8:9.
Feast of Ester or The Feast of Purim The Famous "Code" in Megillat Estheradapted from Keeping Posted with NCSY, Fall 1999 edition
Feast of Ester or The Feast of Purim We have a tradition that everything in human history is contained in the Torah, which Hashem used as a "blueprint" for the creation of the universe. The Midrash states, "Just as a king wishing to build a palace does not do so arbitrarily, but rather he consults an architect’s plans, so too God looked into the Torah and created the world." If the Torah is a blueprint for the world, then everything in the world should be found in it. The Vilna Gaon, an 18th century scholar, wrote in his "all that was, is, and will be until the end of time is included in the Torah...not just in the general sense, but... (even) the most minute details." For centuries, Jewish sages have been uncovering hidden secrets in the Torah. Following is a famous example, reflecting events in the twentieth century, which is found not in the Chumash (Five Books of Moses), but in Megilla Esther.
Feast of Ester or The Feast of Purim When listing the ten sons of Haman who were hanged (Esther 9:6-10), three letters, namely Taf, Shin, and Zayin, are written smaller than the rest (most printed texts reflect this; if yours doesn’t, look in another). The commentaries offer no explanation for this other than that it is a prophecy. The letters "Taf-Shin-Zayin" represent the Hebrew year 5707, corresponding to the secular year 1946-47.
Feast of Ester or The Feast of Purim Est 9:6 At the citadel in Susa the Jews killed and destroyed five hundred men, Est 9:7 and Parshandatha, Dalphon, Aspatha, Est 9:8 Poratha, Adalia, Aridatha, Est 9:9 Parmashta, Arisai, Aridai and Vaizatha, Est 9:10 the ten sons of Haman the son of Hammedatha, the Jews' enemy; but they did not lay their hands on the plunder.
Feast of Ester or The Feast of Purim On October 16, 1946 (21 Tishrei, 5707) ten convicted Nazi war criminals were hanged in Nuremberg. (An eleventh, Hermann Goering, a transvestite, committed suicide in his cell. The Midrash tells us that Haman also had a daughter who committed suicide.) As if the parallel were not obvious enough without further corroboration, Nazi Julius Streicher’s last words were, "Purimfest 1946." (In case you question the accuracy of Streicher’s last words, they are are well-documented; they appeared in Newsweek, October 28, 1946.)
Feast of Ester or The Feast of Purim It is fairly safe to assume that Streicher did not know about the three small letters in the Megilla, (b) he did not know that these letters corresponded to the year in which he was being hanged, and (c) even had he known, he would have had no motivation to reinforce the validity of Jewish texts, traditions, or prophecies. One could not ask for a more independent confirmation of the all-encompassing knowledge to be found in the SifreiTanach.
Feast of Ester or The Feast of Purim Does this day have anything to do with The end times and the book or Revelation? Rev 7:4 I heard how many were sealed — 144,000 from every tribe of the people of Isra'el: Mat 23:38 Look! God is abandoning your house to you, leaving it desolate. Mat 23:39 For I tell you, from now on, you will not see me again until you say, 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of Adonai.' "