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Palmer Middle School Visual Arts Class 7 TH Grade Syllabus Quarter4 2013. Teacher: Danielle Robleto Email: danielle.robleto@cobbk12.org Blog : Visit http ://janellmcclure.typepad.com/danielle_robleto / Planning 11:15-12:00
Palmer Middle School Visual Arts Class 7TH Grade Syllabus Quarter4 2013 Teacher: Danielle Robleto Email: danielle.robleto@cobbk12.org Blog: Visit http://janellmcclure.typepad.com/danielle_robleto/ Planning 11:15-12:00 or scan the QR tag to the left Visual Arts Standards Art is an important means of self-expression, self-reflection, and the creation of personal identity. The Georgia Performance Standards for Visual Art builds opportunities for students to develop in affective, academic, and social ways through the explorations of visual media in their own art making and increasingly rigorous inquiry into art history, contemporary art making and cultural contexts. The standards guide development of the students’ technical skills and higher-order thinking. Aesthetic understanding, imagination, creativity, problem-solving, artistic skills and knowledge, historical and cultural context, critical analysis, and connections to other disciplines are important aspects of these standards. Access the Standards on my Blog. Welcome to Art Class! We are going to have a fun and busy nine weeks in art class. We will explore the elements of art and principles of design through a variety of mediums and learn about art history and cultural connections. Each student is expected to come to class on time prepared to learn and create. Class will begin each day with a sketchbook assignment and all students are expected to participate in daily lessons and projects. Be sure to visit the class blog to learn more about projects, helpful donations to art class and more! About Ms. Robleto: I am very excited to be your Art Teacher here at Palmer Middle School. I received my Bachelor of Science degree from Kennesaw State University in Art Education. In my free time I enjoy drawing, photography, graphic design, tennis, traveling and spending time with family. Grading ScaleA = 90 - 100B = 80 - 89C = 74 - 79D = 70 - 73F = 69 & below Grading 40% Major Projects 30% Minor Projects 20% Sketchbook 10% Participation Make Up and Late Work Students will be given 1 extra day for each day of excused absence. Work turned in late will earn a penalty of -5 points for each day it is late. • Areas to be explored in 7th Grade Art Class • Elements and Principles • Drawing, Painting, Clay and Printmaking • Dale Chihuly, Keith Haring • Op Art, Landscapes • Supplies and Requirements • Bring a pencil to class everyday! • School Agenda. No agenda, no pass. • Maintain sketchbook and portfolio. Both will be stored in the art room. • Follow class rules. Appropriate behavior at all times. Proper use of art supplies. Teacher Support As students work at different paces, some may need extra time on a project. I will be available most mornings. Students should sign up for an art pass the day before coming in to work. Syllabus is subject to change at teacher’s discretion. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have read the Syllabus above and I understand the requirements and expectationsfor Art class. Please return this portion signed no later than Monday March 25, 2013. ____________________________ ___________________________________________ Student Name Parent/Guardian Contact Information (email and/or phone) ___________________________ ___________________________________________ Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature Date