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Helping people quit smoking A treatment for COPD

Explore effective long-term and cost-efficient interventions for smoking cessation in COPD patients, focusing on attitudes, influences, and actions in London. Learn about impactful measures and support systems to tackle smoking habits with a public health perspective.

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Helping people quit smoking A treatment for COPD

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Helping people quit smoking A treatment for COPD

  2. How do we get there? • Our attitudes; why they matter and what influences them • What works long term and is cost effective? • Issues for London • What can we all do now?

  3. 1950’s- 60’s Our attitudes; why they matter and what influences them

  4. 1970s: WHO takes a position and our behaviour changes Our attitudes; why they matter and what influences them

  5. 2007 Our attitudes; why they matter and what influences them

  6. What works long term and is cost effective? Rate of death per 1000 person years Cause of death Anthonisen NR, Skeans MA , Wise RA; Manfreda J, Kanner RE and Connett JE for the Lung Health Study Research Group*Ann Intern Med. 2005;142:233-239.

  7. What works long term and is cost effective? Fletcher, Peto: Br Med J 1977; 1 :

  8. What works long term and is cost effective? A cost effective intervention in COPD Tiotropium QALY £7112 Eur J Health Econ. 2007 June; 8(2): 123135 Systematic Review of 9 studies Hoogendoorn M, Feenstra TL, Hoogenveen RT, Rutten-van Mo¨lken MPMH. Thorax 2010: 65:711-718

  9. What works long term and is cost effective?

  10. Issues for London

  11. Issues for London 54.37% of the UK Bangladeshi population live in LondonONS 2001

  12. Issues for London The 1:2.5–5 dose equivalence between cannabis joints and tobacco cigarettes for adverse effects on lung function is of major public health significance. Thorax 2007;62:1058-1063 In 2000, of those aged 11 to 15 years in England, 12 per cent were using cannabis. In England and Wales, 25 per cent of those aged 16 to 19 were using cannabis Boreham R and Shaw A (eds) (2001) Smoking, Drinking and Drug Use Among Young People in England in 2000

  13. Our NHS trusts and practices What can we all do now? • What message are we projecting about smoking? • Do we go beyond the incentives provided? • How are you doing at 4 weeks, 1 year, beyond ? • Are you a champion for smoking in your trust, practice, PCT, consortia. • What is our data on COPD and smoking. How do we know if we are making a difference

  14. > 5mins Intense intervention Moderate intervention 2-5 mins <1 min Brief intervention A ‘no-smoking practice’ What can we all do now? IPCRG Smoking cessation guidance for primary care 2007Adapted from Litt J, et al. Asia Pacific Fam Med. 2003; 2: 175-9

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