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Pinning Down the Order of the Phase Transition

This study explores the order of the phase transition and the change in flow at the critical point in asymmetric collisions at different energies. It analyzes the behavior of baryons, strange mesons, and pions in various collision scenarios.

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Pinning Down the Order of the Phase Transition

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  1. v1 & v2-Flow: BAROMETRY @ HiMu-RHIC - pinning down the Order of the Phase Transition Horst Stöcker, FIAS Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies 1 Outreach to hi-mu=300-600MeV@HiMu-RHIC 2 v1, v2- Flow change sign at critical point: 1. & 2. Order Phase Transition (T,mu)-critical 3 v1 Bounce-Off Excitation fct. Collapse @ 4 v2 Squeeze-Out Exc. fct.: 2+2 to 8+8 AGeV 5 Machshock- angles measure speed of sound: the case for asymmetric collisions Barbara Betz Marcus Bleicher Adrian Dumitru Kerstin Paech Hannah Petersen Dirk Rischke Stefan Schramm Gebhardt Zeeb Detlef Zschiesche Elena Bratkovskaya Xianglei Zhu Horst Stöcker, FIAS & ITP, J.W. Goethe- Universität Frankfurt am Main

  2. RHIC-Time evolution in T-Mu_B Plane UrQMDBravina- looks thermal after 5 fm/c! Time-Evolution UrQMD 2Ecm=18Ecrit 4+4 2+2 mucrit 1. Order phase transition ? FK BiS RHIC Horst Stöcker, FIAS & ITP, J.W. Goethe- Universität Frankfurt am Main

  3. Ideal Hadron Gas:mu-crit@S/A=13-18! G. Zeeb BiS Fo-K BiS Horst Stöcker, FIAS & ITP, J.W. Goethe- Universität Frankfurt am Main

  4. IG-Results differ strongly fromChiral SU(3) hadron modelmu-crit@S/A=7-10! BiS D. Zschiesche, G. Zeeb Horst Stöcker, FIAS & ITP, J.W. Goethe- Universität Frankfurt am Main

  5. QGP – EOS: D.D.overlap initialization Entropy vs. Ecm B.Betz u. G. Zeeb Horst Stöcker, FIAS & ITP, J.W. Goethe- Universität Frankfurt am Main

  6. Chiral SU(3) Hadron isentropic exp. model: Elab=10-40 AGeV <-> Ecm = 2+2–6+6 AGeV D. Zschiesche, G. Zeeb Horst Stöcker, FIAS & ITP, J.W. Goethe- Universität Frankfurt am Main

  7. Fluctuations and flow: V2 Paech+Dumitru AGS SPS RHIC v2 Hi-mu RHIC! De/e Inhomogeneities! E877 NA49 STAR Horst Stöcker, FIAS & ITP, J.W. Goethe- Universität Frankfurt am Main

  8. Excitation Function: Elliptic flow NA49 PRC C68 034903 (2003) Collapse of proton flow at 40AGeV? provides universal scaling

  9. Hydro at too low energy: P.T. not reachedproton v1=px/ptrise linearlyBrachmann, Paech, Dumitru Horst Stöcker, FIAS & ITP, J.W. Goethe- Universität Frankfurt am Main

  10. 6 AGeV: Flow of Baryons linear: No Phase Transition -but also no single thermalized source! Strange Baryons flow ! But Pions & Strange Mesons K show Anti-flow! E895 Horst Stöcker, FIAS & ITP, J.W. Goethe- Universität Frankfurt am Main

  11. hydro higher E:mu > mu-crit:1.order transitionline crossed ->Negative v1-flow =Anti-Flow of protons at > 11 AGeV It is in the protons ! Horst Stöcker, FIAS & ITP, J.W. Goethe- Universität Frankfurt am Main

  12. Proton No data! Hydro [Csernai, HIPAGS’93] Horst Stöcker, FIAS & ITP, J.W. Goethe- Universität Frankfurt am Main

  13. ELab> 40 GeV/nucl - above critical point…mu < mu-crit: NO PT-> crossing! Recover Positive v1-Flow! Horst Stöcker, FIAS & ITP, J.W. Goethe- Universität Frankfurt am Main

  14. Proton “Anti-Flow” observed in Pb+Pb@ 40AGeV by NA49 ? Preliminary A. Wetzler v1 0 “Anti-Flow” discovered! -> 1. Order Phase Transition! Horst Stöcker, FIAS & ITP, J.W. Goethe- Universität Frankfurt am Main

  15. V1 proton 3DHydro: PROTONAnti-Flow FAIR, Hi-muRHIC Extrapol. Data: Anti-Flow@20-40AGeV: Hi-muRHIC DATA! Paech, Dumitru SIS AGS-data v1-sign change TWICE proves 1. Order & 2. Order at mu-crit Hi-mu RHIC data Horst Stöcker, FIAS & ITP, J.W. Goethe- Universität Frankfurt am Main

  16. Hi-mu Mach shock cones compress nuclei-the case for asymmetric collisions Baumgardt, Schott, Sakamoto, Schopper, Stöcker, Hofmann, Scheid, Greiner, Z. Phys. A273 (1975) 359 Oxygen cause Mach cone in Nuclei Horst Stöcker, FIAS & ITP, J.W. Goethe- Universität Frankfurt am Main

  17. Flow - THE BAROMETER for the EoS from SIS via MuRHIC & FAIR to LHCHorst Stöcker, FIAS Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies 1 Outreach to mu = 300-600 MeV in Hi-mu-Rhic 2 v1 Bounce-Off Excitation function 4-12 collapse 3 v2 Squeeze-Out Excitation function 4-12 GeV 4 Dependence of v1, v2 Flow on the EoS - 1. & 2. Order Phase Transition (T,mu)-critical Hi-mu-RHIC from 2+2 to 8+8 AGeV 5 Machshock- angle measure speed of sound: the case for asymmetric collisions Horst Stöcker, FIAS & ITP, J.W. Goethe- Universität Frankfurt am Main

  18. Thank You!!! Barbara BetzITP Goethe Universität Frankfurt Marcus Bleicher Adrian Dumitru Kerstin Paech (now@NSCL,MSU) Hannah Petersen Dirk Rischke Stefan Schramm Gebhardt Zeeb Detlef Zschiesche (now@RIO de Janeiro) Elena Bratkovskaya FIAS- Junior Fellow Xianglei Zhu FIGSS- Student from Tsinghua U. Horst Stöcker, FIAS & ITP, J.W. Goethe- Universität Frankfurt am Main

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