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Embrace the pleasures of life with wishes for joy, love, and peace. May you find comfort in the beauty of nature, the love of family, and the support of true friendship. Let these heartfelt wishes bring you happiness and fulfill your days with warmth and contentment.
I Wish You…… JOY Posted at http://suratiundhiyu.wordpress.com/ Love Letters Slides will advance after 15 seconds
I wish you joy, I wish you all the pleasuresThe world has to give, Pleasures of a pure heart and soul
I wish you the exhilaration felt atop mountain peaks,I wish you the cool comfort of a shaggy, shady oak
I wish you the thrill, Of watching your childrenGrow up and blossom Into a loving, caring maturity
I wish you all the passion That a love for the ages,A nurturing, spontaneous love, Can generously give
I wish you never know loneliness, Never know pain and sorrowTo excess or extremes, And if you do, It gives birth to future joys
I wish you good health of mind, body and spirit,That your journey through life be a peaceful one
I wish you friendship, The kind that supports you,Sustains you, And makes you stop to smile
Posted at http://suratiundhiyu.wordpress.com/ I wish you love and friendship, comfort and peace,I wish you joy!