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Strategic Innovation Partnership Empowering Rural Development

Explore how the Innovation Partnership for Rural Development aims to inform technology choices and transform rural socio-economic development, service delivery, and sustainable settlements. Learn how partnerships lead to evidence-based policy and practical solutions.

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Strategic Innovation Partnership Empowering Rural Development

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Innovation Partnership for Rural Development Workshop Prepared by: N Mkhize Date: 05 July 2013

  2. Presentation Outline • Introduction • - National key strategic objectives • - Socio-Economic Partnerships (SEP) Strategic objective 1 • Innovation Partnership for Rural Development • Conclusion Presentation www.dst.gov.za

  3. NPC Diagnostic Report National 1996 White Paper on Science and Technology 2002 National Research and Development Strategy 2008 Ten Year Innovation Plan Ministerial Review Report Focus on role of STI in addressing social and economic challenges (across government, business and civil society).

  4. SEP Strategic objective 1 Through knowledge, evidence, and learning, to inform and influence technology choices and how alternative technologies can be used to transform rural and social economic development, government planning and service delivery, and the building of sustainable human settlements. Presentation www.dst.gov.za

  5. Innovation Partnership for Rural Development • Comprehensive Rural Development Programme - Priority district municipalities • Science, Technology and Innovation to: - improve service delivery and - enhance the ability of municipalities to use and manage technology that would improve service delivery.

  6. Objectives • To demonstrate and assess suitability of different technologies in service delivery • To contribute to the generation of practical knowledge and evidence that can be used to build the capacity of rural municipalities and stakeholders to manage science, technology and innovation. • To build a stronger two-way partnership between rural communities and knowledge and technology partners within the National System of Innovation to facilitate both technology transfer as well as to influence the work and priorities of knowledge and technology partners. • To support the development of a more enabling and evidence- based policyenvironment that facilitates the diffusion of good practices as well as the scaling-up of successful pilots and demonstrators

  7. Focus areas Reducing inequality: access and quality AND Eliminating poverty

  8. Expected outcomes • Improved conceptualisation and design of technology based service delivery decisions; • FacilitatedR&D results and new technologies from publicly funded research institutions to promote sustainable livelihoods, enhanced service delivery and more affordable access to services • Enhanced learning and capacity building across the targeted municipalities on technology and innovation management; • Evidence based evaluation approach of the impact of the Innovation Partnership for Rural Development Programme;and • Appropriate and scientific evidence based solutions to influence policy design, development and decision-making.

  9. Dankie Enkosi Ha khensa Re a leboga Ro livhuwa Siyabonga Siyathokoza Thank you Presentation www.dst.gov.za

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