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Search for variable and transient radio sources using archival data and specialized blind surveys from various telescopes such as VLA, MOST, ATCA, and Allen Telescope Array. Analyzing radio transients for potential events like supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, and tidal disruptions.
Multi range study of the radio sources of the RATAN-600 surveys O.P. Zhelenkova, E.K. Majorova SAO RAS, NizhnijArkhyz Terscol, 03.07.2017
Search for variables and transient radio sources in archival data and blind surveys To search for the variability of radio sources, archival data began to be used and specialized blind surveys were carried out, for example: RATAN-600: Cold experiment (1980-2000), GAISH Zelenchukskij survey; VLA (Very Large Array): archival data of NVSS and FIRST surveys; MOST (Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope):22-year survey of the southern sky; ATCA (Australia Telescope Compact Array): pilot survey; Allen Telescope Array: ATATS (Allen Telescope Array Twenty-centimeter Survey), includes 12 epochs of observations; PiGSS (Pi GHz Sky Survey) .
RATAN-600 «Cold» blind surveys 1980-1994 The strategy of conducting of the deep blind survey of the “Cold-80” experiment onthe RATAN-600 radio telescope in 1980 was primarily aimed at obtaining data to searchfor microwave background fluctuations. The survey covered the strip of sky centered onSS 433 (Dec2000 = +4d54m) with width of 40m on declination and 24 hoursrange on right accession. The catalog RC (RATAN Cold) with a detection threshold of10 mJy on 3.94 GHz was produced based on the observations of the survey (Parijskijet al. 1991A&AS...87....1P; Parijskij+, 1993A&AS...98..391P). To refine flux densities and coordinates of the sources ofthe catalog, several more observing runs were carried out in 1982–1999 on RATAN-600at the same frequency and declination.(Parijskij+, 1991A&AS...87....1P; Parijskij+, 1993A&AS...98..391P) Refined RC (RCR) – on data1980-1999 for the right ascension intervalR.A.=02h–17h, the coordinates and flux densities of the detected sources were refined; coverege area~154 кв.град.; на 3.9GHz Slim~10mJy; Completeness 90% S>15mJy; (Soboleva+, 2010AstBu..65...42S, Zhelenkova+, 2017AstBu).
RATAN-600 «Cold» blind surveys 1980-1994 (Soboleva+, 2010AstBu..65…44) • The ability to detect variable sources based on blind RATAN-600 surveys (Majorova&Zhelenkova, 2012AstBu..67..318); • Search candidates of variables sources in the range 7h<RA<17h (Majorova&Zhelenkova, 2013AstBu..68..371) and in 2h<RA<7h (Majorova+, 2015AstBu..70…34); • Search sources which were observed only in one survey, including the transient events (Zhelenkova&Majorova, 2016);
RATAN-600 «Cold» blind surveys 1980-1994 The RATAN-600 power beam pattern (PBP) differs from that of a parabolic dish.The PBP broadens with increasing angular distance from its central section. The fartherthe sources is from the PBP center the broader the responce width and weaker thesignal. One-dimensional scan is a superposition of the sources that have crossed different horizontal sections of PBP. We needed to derive the calibration curves that can be usedto compute the source flux densities and to estimate the flux density errors.
RATAN-600 «Cold» blind surveys 1980-1994 The reduction of the data of these surveys revealed that flux densities of a number of the objects vary from one observing run to another. To examine this issue, we use the data of the surveys carried out in 1980, 1988, 1993, and 1994. To find variable sources in the data of the deep surveys we performed a more thoroughselection of calibration sources. Criteria for selection of calibration sources: There is information on the flux densities at several frequencies; Sufficiently bright objects with a minimum scatter of points on the spectrum; Sources with steep spectra.
RATAN-600 «Cold» blind surveys 1980-1994 The detection thresholds (or average 3 r.m.s. values) in these surveys were equal to 8.0±0.5 mJy for the 1980 survey; 10.6±1.3 (1988); 10.4±3.7 (1993); 11.1±2.0 (1994). We estimated the long-term variability index V of each studied source, its relative variability amplitude Vχ , and the χ2 probability p. We detected significant flux densityvariations for 73 objects with a probability of p > 0.6 by the χ2 criterion in the studiedregion, which is equal to 17% of the number of the sources (429 objects) that were studiedfor variability. Criteria for variability (I) VR= Fi/Fj(de Vries+, 2004AJ..127. 2565); (II) VF= (Fi-Fj)/√(σ2i+ σ2j) (Wang+, 2006ApJ./645..856); (III) V = [(Fi-σi)-(Fj+σj)]/[(Fi-σi)+(Fj+σj)] (Gorshkov+, 2010ARep..54.908); (IV) Vχ= ΔF/‹F›, ‹F›=√((n-1)[χ2-(n-1)]/∑(Fi/σi)
Search of radio transients in RATAN-600 blind surveys 1980-1994 The archive data of the surveys are also used for searching and estimating the frequencyof radio transients. They are frequently thought to be associated with different types ofevents and objects. They can be supernovae or afterglows of gamma-ray bursts, tidaldisruption events (TDE), tidal disruption flares (TDF) and others. The activity of starsand compact objects in the Galaxy can be also detected as a transient event in the radiorange. As a criterion of the transient nature of a source, apart from its absence in the NVSS and other catalogs, we adopted the condition of its detection in scans of only one singlesurvey of 1980, 1988, 1993, and 1994 provided that the sensitivity of at least one anothersurvey would be enough for its detection. We detected three events at a level of 3–5 r.m.s.
Radio transient candidates in the blind surveys 1980-1994 Using the data fromradio, optical and infrared surveys, we made assumptions on the possible nature of theseevents. The first transient is probably associated with AGN activity, the second with acataclysmic GRB event or with a supernova, the origin of the third is not determined.
RCR-sources with significant flux density variations • Variable sources have a variety of morphological types, although point sources and sources with a core are 10-17% larger than those of non-variable objects. • 70% - compact objects that are not resolved in NVSS and FIRST. • 10% have significant angular and linear size (from 100 to 500 kpc), and their morphological structure has features that are most likely generated by the re-start of an active phase of the radio source. All extended sources are identified with galaxies that have neighbors.
RCR sources with significant flux density variations. Variability search in the optical range Half of the variable radio sources were detected a variability in the optical and / or infrared range, and all the hosts of the variable radio sources brighter than R = 18m turned out to be also variables in optics. Variable radio sources with ultra-steep spectra show no variability in the optical and / or infrared range due to the weak magnitude of the parent objects.
Comparison of variables and non-variable sources G/Q k=-Mr/log(L3.94ГГц) log(L3.94ГГц)
Comparison of variables and non-variable sources Left – redshifts and radio luminosities L1.4GHz W/Hz for studied radio sources (stars) with significant variations of integrated flux densities (suspected variable) and without ones (circles). In the center - percentage for the same sources as a function of the radio luminosity. Right - percentage for the same sources as a function of the integrated flux density on 3.94 GHz.