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UMW Administrative and Professional Faculty Performance Planning and Appraisal System. Themes to Keep in Mind. A lignment of your major responsibilities with UMW ’ s mission, department goal statements, and department work plan.
UMW Administrative and Professional Faculty Performance Planning and Appraisal System
Themes to Keep in Mind • Alignment of your major responsibilities with UMW’s mission, department goal statements, and department work plan. • Focus on the relationship and the partnership among employee, supervisor, and reviewer. • Focus on how we do our jobs as well as what we accomplish (process and results). • Emphasis on development. Admin/Prof Faculty Training Admin/Prof Faculty Training Slide 2.
An Overview of the Process Beginning of Cycle (June 25) Mid-Cycle (January) End of Cycle (June 24) Department Goal Statements Department Work Plan Annual Performance Appraisal Mid-Cycle Performance Review Individual Performance Plan UMW’s Mission Admin/Prof Faculty Training Admin/Prof Faculty Training Slide 3. Slide 3.
UMW Mission and Department Goal Statements • UMW’s mission and department goal statements provide guidance for the development of work plans. Admin/Prof Faculty Training Admin/Prof Faculty Training Slide 4.
Individual Work Plan • Outlines Responsibilities, Representative Duties, and Development Plan. • Describes Institutional Priority Appraisal Elements and Other Annual University Requirements. • Collaboratively created by employee, supervisor, and reviewer on an annual basis. • Reviewed and approved by reviewer at the beginning of the cycle PRIOR to final adoption by the supervisor and employee. • Completed by June 25 each year. • Maintained as an electronic file by the supervisor until the annual appraisal is completed. Admin/Prof Faculty Training Admin/Prof Faculty Training Slide 5.
Individual Work PlanMajor Responsibilities • Summary of your overall duties. • Could be considered the purpose of your position. • Up to three really big chunks of what you’re expected to accomplish. • Typically remains the same from year-to-year. Admin/Prof Faculty Training Admin/Prof Faculty Training Slide 6.
Derived from department goals and developed for each responsibility. Supervisor and employee identify the specific work associated with duties, tasks, projects, and special assignments. Reflects department and individual performance priorities for the current cycle. Not intended to be exhaustive. May change from year-to-year. Individual Work PlanRepresentative Duties, Tasks, and Special Assignments Admin/Prof Faculty Training Admin/Prof Faculty Training Slide 7.
Institutional Priority Appraisal Elements • Provide the opportunity to institutionalize management values and performance priorities that are central to UMW’s mission and critical to the institution’s continued success. • Included in all administrative and professional faculty individual work plans. • Will be supported by HR-sponsored training and supplemental resources. • Will be presented, discussed, and clarified by supervisors, collaboratively with employees, at the beginning of the cycle. • Will be reviewed, collaboratively, by supervisors and employees during and at the end of the performance cycle. Admin/Prof Faculty Training Admin/Prof Faculty Training Slide 8.
Institutional Priority Appraisal Elements • Managing People for Individual and Institutional Success. • Promoting and Managing Diversity and Inclusiveness. • Professional and Ethical Conduct. • Customer Service. • Managing for Continuous Business Process Improvement Admin/Prof Faculty Training Admin/Prof Faculty Training Slide 9.
Institutional Priority Appraisal ElementsManaging People for Individual and Institutional Success Demonstrates the University’s commitment to performance management in a manner that positively impacts employee professional development and contributes to institutional excellence. Acknowledge each employee’s current capabilities and long-term career goals by encouraging and supporting on-going professional development. Align individual work plans and responsibilities with the departmental work plan and goals. Provide assignments that capitalize on current strengths as well as those that provide opportunities for growth, development, and learning. Create and implement individual development plans; provide support, coaching, and feedback. Publically recognize exemplary performance. Admin/Prof Faculty Training Admin/Prof Faculty Training Slide 10.
Institutional Priority Appraisal ElementsPromoting and Managing Diversity for Inclusiveness Take action to ensure institutional excellence by providing equal opportunity for all employees to be successful, contributing members of the UMW community. Appreciate and capitalize on employees’ diverse viewpoints, background, education, culture, experiences, beliefs, and attitudes in all aspects of work-related activities. Seek and create opportunities for diversity in personal differences such as race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, nationality, physical ability, socioeconomic status, and geographic origin. Admin/Prof Faculty Training Admin/Prof Faculty Training Slide 11.
Institutional Priority Appraisal ElementsPromoting and Managing Diversity for Inclusiveness Articulate the business need for diversity and inclusion in the workplace and impart this view to others. Affirmatively acknowledge and communicate that diversity is an asset to your operations and that it contributes to your success. Capitalize on workplace diversity when seeking innovative approaches to accomplishing work and solving problems. Effectively identify and address inequities that occur in the workplace with regard to activities such as access to assignments, support, performance feedback, coaching, informal networks, and professional development. Effectively respond to conflict that arises out of differences. Increase awareness and pursue skill development activities to increase your personal capacity to be effective. Understand and adhere to relevant laws and regulations that govern behavior in the workplace. Admin/Prof Faculty Training Admin/Prof Faculty Training Slide 12.
Institutional Priority Appraisal ElementsProfessional and Ethical Conduct Act in ways that consistently demonstrate your commitment to professional honesty, trustworthiness, integrity, and respect as well as adherence to the UMW Statement of Community Values and Honor Code. Demonstrate the values and ethical behaviors that are aligned with the UMW Statement of Community Values and Honor Code by setting an example for others. Demonstrate awareness of and adherence to codes and/or ethical standards governing your profession. Operate within boundaries that most others will agree with. Be worthy of trust for guidance on standards and norms. Maintain integrity through crises involving close ethical calls. Keep appropriate confidences related to workplace issues. Be truthful, admit mistakes, and assume responsibility for your behavior. Be reliable by following through on commitments in a timely manner. Admin/Prof Faculty Training Admin/Prof Faculty Training Slide 13.
Institutional Priority Appraisal ElementsCustomer Service The manner in which you determine the requirements, needs, expectations, and preferences of internal and external customers, i.e., those who rely on your products and/or services to accomplish their goals. Customer service also addresses how you build, maintain, and sustain relationships with customers that contributes to satisfaction, loyalty, and retention. Engender trust, confidence, and respect for customers. Work effectively to anticipate, identify, and exceed the expectations of those who rely on your work products and/or services. Respond to requests for assistance or service in an accurate and timely manner; aid customers in distinguishing wants from needs. Take initiative to solicit customer feedback to make improvements in work products, processes, or services; respond to feedback in a non-defensive manner. Properly balance customer desires with operational needs and resources. Admin/Prof Faculty Training Admin/Prof Faculty Training Slide 14.
Institutional Priority Appraisal ElementsManaging for Continuous Business Process Improvement The identification, implementation, and documented assessment of activities, resources, and innovations to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of assigned functions. Focus work and resources on the activities that add value. Take time to assess the effectiveness of current ways of performing functions through internal/ external feedback and results. Examine how human, financial, and capital resources can best be utilized and shared within and across departments. Collaborate with those touched by a particular function or process to gather input and ideas for efficiency and effectiveness. Seek innovative methods to replace inefficient processes. Challenge others to look for ways to continuously improve individual functions. Take initiative to make necessary changes. Document process assessments and implementation of improvements. Engage others in process improvement through partnering and knowledge sharing . Admin/Prof Faculty Training Admin/Prof Faculty Training Slide 15.
Other Annual University Requirements All employees are asked to indicate their review and understanding of key institution-wide policies and guidance, including • University’s Mission Statement • University’s Statement of Community Values and Honor Code. • University’s Statement of Ethical Responsibility • University’s Return to Work policies. • University’s Network and Computer Use policies. • Departmental, unit- or role-specific additional requirements. • Department Work Plan. Admin/Prof Faculty Training Admin/Prof Faculty Training Slide 16.
Plan Act Do Check Mid-Cycle Developmental Review • Required mid-cycle performance review for developmental purposes. • Provides an opportunity for feedback and dialog for purposes of performance improvement, typically in January. • Includes a self-assessment component. • Supervisor’s feedback and opportunities for development. • Supervisor provides instructions and timeframes for annual performance appraisal near the end of the cycle. • Supervisor provides confirmation to reviewer. Admin/Prof Faculty Training Admin/Prof Faculty Training Slide 17.
Overall Annual Performance Appraisalin a Nutshell • Employee conducts self-assessment on each responsibility and the institutional priorities. • Supervisor assesses performance of each responsibility, institutional priorities, and does overall appraisal assessment. • Supervisor presents performance appraisal and developmental comments to reviewer BEFORE discussing with employee. • Supervisor schedules meeting with employee to discuss year’s performance. Admin/Prof Faculty Training Admin/Prof Faculty Training Slide 18.
Annual Performance AppraisalNew Rating Schemes • Process ratings assess the manner in which you’ve accomplished your Individual Work Plan Results, i.e., how you’ve done it. • Rating scheme for process: • Generally superior/frequently exceeds expectations. • Fully meets standard/makes positive contribution. • Demonstrates room for growth and/or improvement. • Unsatisfactory. • Results ratings assess the degree to which you’ve accomplished your Individual Work Plan, i.e. what you’ve done. • Rating scheme for results: • Exceeded expectations. • Achieved. • Partially achieved. • Inadequate. Admin/Prof Faculty Training Admin/Prof Faculty Training Slide 19. Slide 19.
Annual Performance AppraisalEmployee’s Role and Responsibility • Obtain an electronic copy of your work planning and performance appraisal form from your supervisor. • Conduct self-assessment: • Delineate development needs. • Insert /paste self-assessment into work planning and performance appraisal form. • Rate your self on results and process for each responsibility. • Comment on performance of Institutional Priority Appraisal Elements (your form, Part II). • Confirm your participation in the mid-cycle review (your form, Part II). • Send your supervisor the completed electronic self-assessment of your work planning and performance appraisal form. • Actively participate in annual performance appraisal review discussion with your supervisor. Admin/Prof Faculty Training Admin/Prof Faculty Training Slide 20.
Tips for Self-Assessment • Review the department and individual work plans. • Consider : • Your achievements and challenges over the entire cycle. • What worked, what did not work, feedback , coaching. • Supporting documentation. • What you need to professionally grow and improve. • Any revised priorities and/or unforeseen circumstances. • This is an opportunity to provide your supervisor and reviewer with information – don’t assume that they know all that you’ve accomplished. • Be concise and representative – 250 words is reasonable. Admin/Prof Faculty Training Admin/Prof Faculty Training Slide 21.
Annual Performance AppraisalSupervisor’s Role and Responsibility • Complete the annual appraisal between March 10 and June 1 of each year. • Receive electronic copy of work planning and performance appraisal form that includes the employee’s self- assessments per the mid-cycle development review discussion. • Follow up with employee with questions about self assessment, if needed. • Paste self assessment for each responsibility into the form, if received separately. • Review the department and employee’s work plans. • Consider: • What was accomplished (the results) under each responsibility and how it was accomplished (the process). • Performance for the entire cycle. • Coaching and performance documentation and outcomes from the mid-cycle review. • Revised expectations and circumstances beyond employee’s control. • Previous year’s development plan. • Rate results and process for each responsibility. Admin/Prof Faculty Training Admin/Prof Faculty Training Slide 22.
Annual Performance AppraisalSupervisor’s Role and Responsibility • Comment on employee’s developmental needs for each responsibility. • Consider the employee’s statement of development needs. • Rate employee’s performance on the achievement of the Institutional Priority Appraisal Elements noting comments. • Consider the employee’s self-assessment. • Determine an overall appraisal rating for the performance cycle. There should be NO SURPRISES! • Present the employee’s appraisal and development comments to the reviewer BEFORE presenting it to employee. • Obtain reviewer signature and sign the appraisal form. • Schedule a time to meet with the employee to discuss the annual appraisal. Admin/Prof Faculty Training Admin/Prof Faculty Training Slide 23.
Annual Performance AppraisalReviewer’s Role and Responsibility • Review supervisor’s annual appraisal of employee performance. • Consider: • Department work plan. • Individual work plan. • Mid-cycle development review. • Employees self-assessment. • Equity across your division. • Agree? Approve the appraisal for presentation with signature. • Disagree? Discuss with the supervisor. • The reviewer may change the supervisor’s rating. • If necessary or requested, meet with the employee to discuss the appraisal and related issues. Admin/Prof Faculty Training Admin/Prof Faculty Training Slide 24.
Overall Annual Performance AppraisalRecap • Employee conducts self-assessment on each responsibility and the institutional priorities. • Supervisor assesses performance of each responsibility, institutional priorities, and does overall appraisal assessment. • Supervisor presents performance appraisal and developmental comments to reviewer BEFORE discussing with employee. • Supervisor schedules meeting with employee to discuss year’s performance. Admin/Prof Faculty Training Admin/Prof Faculty Training Slide 25.
Work Planning and Performance Appraisal Form • The Administrative and Professional Faculty Work Planning and Performance Appraisal Form has 5 main sections • Part I – Job Profile • Part II – Individual Work Plan and Appraisal for each Responsibility • Part III – The Annual Requirements • Part IV – Mid Cycle Review • Part V- The Annual Appraisal Admin/Prof Faculty Training