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Die Deutsche Politik. October 3, 1990 – Day of German Reunification (Deutsche Wiedervereinigung ). Incorporation of the DDR into the BRD (East into the West) Thus, it largely represented the political and economic system of Western Germany. EAST WEST.
October 3, 1990 – Day of German Reunification (Deutsche Wiedervereinigung)
Incorporation of the DDR into the BRD (East into the West) Thus, it largely represented the political and economic system of Western Germany. EAST WEST
DIE BUNDESREGIERUNG und DER BUNDESKANZLER Der Bundeskanzler ischosenbytheBundestag. Der Bundeskanzler appointsMinisters, whichhelphimbuild die Bundesregierung. The Federal Government and the Federal Chancellor
Aufgaben Die Bundesminister areresponsibleforindividualBereiche (groupsorregions): Es gibt einen Gesundheitsminister, einen Verkehrsminister, einen Justizminister usw. TheChancellorisnotallowed to regulatewhat his Ministers decide, but he maygivethem a politicaldirection to follow. Bundeskanzlerin Duties/Responsibilities
DER BUNDESPRÄSIDENT DerBundespräsident is the head of the country. ErrepräsentiertDeutschland and therefore has the highest position in the country. Federal President
Die Wahl Every fünfJahreeinBundespräsident is chosen at the Bundesversammlung. Die Bundesversammlung is made up of Mitgliedernof the Bundestag and Mitgliedernof the Landtage. DerPräsident muss mindestensvierzigJahre alt sein. KeinVizepräsident Nonpartisan after assuming office
Aufgaben As the "ErsterRepräsentant des Staates" he represents Germany when meeting with Ausland. z.B. He can sign Verträgewith other countries. Within Germany he announces Gesetze, and he appoints the Bundesregierungand the Bundeskanzler. Bundespräsident
Der Bundestag One can also call the Bundestag "das Parlament”. The members of the Bundestag are also called Abgeordnetesince they have been chosen by the Bevölkerung.
Aufgaben • A very important duty of the Bundestags-Mitglieder is the election of the Bundeskanzler. • The Chancellor is chosen by the Vorschlagof the President of the Bundestag and subsequently appointed by the Bundespräsident.
Reichstag Berlin
Gesetze (laws) -- Bundestag und Bundesratzusammen • The delegates of the Bundestag often have discussions about Gesetze. Because if something should change in the country, that affects our laws. • If a delegate makes a Vorschlag, then the suggestion is made into a Gesetzesentwurf. Specific groups are responsible for formulating the suggestion into a more specifically written bill.
Now it is time for the Bundesrat: the Bundesrat says what they think about the bill and sends it back. • Then it is discussed again together in the Bundestag, fought over, and voted on. If enough delegates agree with the law, then it is beschlossen. • Next, the law is again showed to the Bundesrat for the second time. It depends on their Entscheidung whether or not the law will be seen in the future. • Der Bundestag im Internet
17th Bundestag (Since 2009) FDP SPD CDU Die Grünen Die Linke CSU
18th Bundestag (election in September 2013) Die Grünen SPD CDU Die Linke CSU
DerBundesrat Here, all the Vertreterof the State Governments sit together. Therefore a Landesregierung has say not only in its own State, but rather it may take part in decision making on a federal level; only, in the Bundesrat.
The Bundesrat is the federal body in which the sixteen Land governments are directly represented. • Members of the Bundesrat are not popularly elected but are appointed by their respective Landesregierungen. • Members tend to be Land government ministers. • The Bundesrat has sixty-nine members. • The Länder with more than 7 million inhabitants have six seats • The Länder with 6 million inhabitants have five seats • The Länder with between 2 million and 5 million have four seats • The least populous Länder, with fewer than 2 million inhabitants, receive three seats each
Aufgaben • The Bundesrat meets for two reasons, if it is about neueGesetze or Gesetzesänderungen . • Therefore, the members of the Bundesrat have a lot of power, because in the end, they must entscheiden, whether a new law or a change in a law will be adopted.