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Three Level of Emergency Preparedness. ObservatoryAdjustment. Earthquake Readiness Workshop. 2. EarthquakeRisk Reduction. Level 1. Level 2. Level 3. Status. . Earthquake Strike Control. . Breakdown Control. Daily Operation. EarthquakeRelated. Ex post-breakdown. Major consequences Injury to employees, contractors and visitors Damage to property, infrastructure and emergency response Disruption of observation operations.
1. ESO Documentationand Considerationsfor Major Emergencies
– Michael Böcker, ESO Safety Engineer –
ph. + 49 89 3200 6491 or mboecker@eso.org
2. Three Level of Emergency Preparedness Observatory
Adjustment Earthquake Readiness Workshop 2
3. ESO Safety Documentation- daily operation – The basic ESO Earthquake Preparedness Documentation comprises –
ESO Safety Policy (SAF-POL-ESO-00000-0002);
ESO Safety Manual (SAF-POL-ESO-00000-0001)
Other documents are drawn up to support these documents. Consequently, they are named ‘General Tools’ and comprise Notes, Records, Checklists, Safety Instructions, Forms, etc.
Regular Maintenance Plan;
Shift Plan;
Attendance Lists;
Operation Procedures;
4. Management of an Earthquake Strikeit basically means: Meeting of different interests
Following restrictions set by law and ESO rules and regulations
Attending the employer´s duty of care
Considering the organisation´s operational interests
Systematic Analysis of earthquake risks and preparedness
Preparation and provision of an earthquake risk prevention, reaction and recovery documentation. Earthquake Readiness Workshop 4
5. TOP-Earthquake Preparedness Documentation Earthquake Readiness Workshop 5
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7. Earthquake Risk Documentation- Before Earthquake Strikes –Design – Operation - Inspection Documentation Related to Engineering Design to Protect from Earthquake Forces
Technical documentation about the structural integrity of existing buildings, telescope enclosures and other structures: “Review of mirror maintenance building structural design”, “Structural Analysis of the LTA with modified interface plates”
New instruments and similar equipment: “Instructions to perform earthquake analysis“
8. Earthquake Risk Documentation- Before Earthquake Strikes –Design – Operation - Inspection Specific engineering policies (Hazard Control Plan) for earthquake-related risks:
anchorage/ bracing policy for installation and relocation of equipment,
policy on flexibility and clearance of piping, especially high-pressure flammable and oxidizing gas cylinders,
electrical arcing near combustibles,
prevention against overbalance,
engineered restraint for tanks and equipment utilizing flammable liquid,
Earthquake Readiness Workshop 8
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10. Earthquake Risk Documentation - Earthquake Strike –Level 2
Documentation Related to General Organisation
Documentation about external emergency response agreements: Use and maintenance of private landing strip and private heliport (plan is coordinated with the Chilean General Civil Aviation Authority), cooperation with Chilean authorities, health insurance agreements, etc.
“Emergency Action Plan” to control hazards by setting rules and defining preventive and emergency response procedures
11. Emergency Action Plan- Rules -1/2 Rules concerning:
General Emergency Policy (life saving vs. property loss, life at risk policy)
Regular awareness trainings for specific groups (staff, response team)
Regular inspection of emergency equipment and detection systems (Emergency Brigade Instructor, Paramedic, Maintenance)
Regular risk assessment (Emergency Brigade Instructor)
Presence of Emergency Response Team Members
Before/ During/ After
Duties and responsibilities of Emergency Response Team, staff, contractors
Emergency organisation (emergency coordinator vs. emergency committee)
Coordination of communication (channel 3 use, coordinator, emergency operation centre, transport)
Earthquake Readiness Workshop 11
12. Emergency Alert Procedure for staff (1st: Site Safety Engineer), Alert for example, according to “Escape and Rescue Plan”
Notification procedure of the Site Safety Engineer (paramedic, communication coordinator, Emergency Brigade Action)
Evacuation Procedures (proceeding to designated Safety Zones, missing persons)
Emergency Brigade Actions (Brigade Captain, priorities in case of risks)
Injured personnel (duties, responsibilities, transport, coordination with ACHS)
Mass Evacuation (Emergency Committee, vehicle use, stockpiling, evacuation route)
Post-emergency Action and reporting
Earthquake Readiness Workshop 12 Emergency Action Plan- Procedures -2/2
13. Earthquake Risk Documentation General Information for staff, visitors and contractors - Earthquake Strike –- detailed information -
Emergency Coordinator: “Emergency Coordinators Procedure”
First actions in case of Earthquake, Fire, general Electrical Outage.
Communication procedures (internal/ external)
Security Personnel: “Manual for Surveillance/ Security Personnel” (Access control, Access/ use of landing strip and emergency information chain, reporting/ information lines, behaviour)
Staff: Safety and Emergency Information, Summary Information/ leaflet for Staff and visitors on how to behave
Earthquake Readiness Workshop 13
14. ESO Safety Management 14
15. Earthquake Readiness Workshop 15
16. Emergency Response Team Documentation - Before Earthquake Strikes –Secondary Level Documentation Operation procedures for emergency equipment and automatic alarm systems
Response plan (access, adequacy) for emergency gear such as tools, fire fighting equipment and electrical generators
Inspection and test plan, as appropriate, of all seismic protection devices and measures
List of stockpile of emergency supplies that may be needed to support the emergency response team
List of stockpiling for catering and supply of staff in case of mass evacuation
Any other list supporting emergency response (list of important phone numbers, List of emergency coordinator on duty, etc.)
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18. Preventive Earthquake DocumentationBefore/ During/ After an Earthquake Strike
Emergency Response Procedures
“Earthquake Inspection Procedures Camp and Residence Area“
“Earthquake Inspection Procedures Telescope Area“
“Instruments Earthquake Procedures“
Tasks to be performed by staff/ teams before during and immediately after an earthquake occurred. They will be dictated by the magnitude of the earthquake and the availability of personnel and other resources.
but also
Specific Engineering Policies (Hazard Control Plan)
Recovery Plan
19. Summary of Earthquake Related Measures(major examples) Earthquake Readiness Workshop 19 Technical / Constructional
Instructions to perform earthquake analysis for Instruments and similar equipment
Engineering policies for earthquake related risks (achorage, bracing, piping, etc.)
Analysis Concept for Large Telescope Structures under Earthquake Load (EC 8)
Emergency Action Plan
Standardised Tools: report format, checklists, inspection procedures, budget approval, etc.
Appointments, etc.
Person/ Individual-related
Emergency Coordinators Procedure
Evacuation and Rescue Plan
Trainings, (Earthquake Preparedness Workshop, walk-through inspections), etc.
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21. 21 Let´s be prepared!
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