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DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid “The Blueprint of Life”

DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid “The Blueprint of Life”. A. What is DNA?. 1. Organic molecule 2. Nucleic acid. B.Where is it located ?. 1. Nucleus 2. In the Chromosomes. X. DNA. Chromosomes in Nucleus. C . Structure of DNA. Nucleotides a. Phosphate b. Deoxyribose sugar

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DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid “The Blueprint of Life”

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  1. DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid“The Blueprint of Life”

  2. A. What is DNA? 1. Organic molecule 2. Nucleic acid

  3. B.Where is itlocated? 1. Nucleus 2. In the Chromosomes X DNA

  4. Chromosomes in Nucleus

  5. C. Structure of DNA • Nucleotides a. Phosphate b. Deoxyribose sugar c. Nitrogenous bases: Adenine-Thymine Guanine-Cytosine 2. Ladder Shape 3. Double strand, helix twist

  6. Ladder Shape (Sides & Rungs) Sides: • Phosphate • Sugar • Phosphate Rungs: • A-T • T-A • G-C • C-G

  7. Watson & Crick’s Double helix:

  8. D. What is DNA’s Function? • Hereditary Instructions • Chemical code for every trait • “Blueprint” for making Proteins

  9. Chromosome DNA Code: Hair Color Genes = • Segments of DNA • Code for a trait X Eye Color

  10. DNA Chromosome Code: Acid Acid Sugar-T-A-Sugar Acid Acid Sugar-G-C-Sugar Acid Acid Sugar-C-G-Sugar X • A triplet of bases code for an amino acid • A series of amino acids code for a protein • The protein codes for a Trait

  11. DNA Chromosome Code: *** *- ** *-* Like Morse Code: Hair = Or DNA A-T A-T G-C C-G T-A C-G

  12. DNA Replication • Chromosomes double • Interphase • S or Synthesis stage 1N 2N

  13. E. Steps for DNA Replication: • DNA untwists • DNA unzips-hydrogen bonds are broken by enzyme • Corresponding nucleotides line up and hydrogen bonds form between nitrogen bases • 2 strands twist into helix • Result is 2 chromosomes- part old and part new Identical Strand

  14. A. What is RNA? • Organic Molecule • Nucleic Acid • Types: mRNA=messenger tRNA=transfer rRNA=ribosomal Ribonucleic Acid

  15. B. Where is RNA located? • mRNA innucleus & cytoplasm • tRNA only in cytoplasm • rRNA at the ribosomes

  16. Phosphate Sugar-Base Phosphate Sugar-Base Phosphate Sugar-Base Phosphate Sugar-Base Nucleotides= a. Phosphate b. Ribose sugar c. Nitrogenous Bases: Adenine-Uracil Guanine-Cytocine 2. Single Strand 3. No Twisted helix B. What is RNA’s structure?

  17. Comparison of RNA & DNA: Single Stranded Double Stranded • Phosphate • Sugar-Base • Phosphate • Sugar-Base • Phosphate • Sugar-Base • Phosphate • Sugar-Base Phosphate Phosphate Sugar----Bases----Sugar Phosphate Phosphate Sugar----Bases----Sugar Phosphate Phosphate Sugar----Bases----Sugar Phosphate Phosphate Ribose Deoxy-ribose RNA DNA Ladder Uracil replaced thymine

  18. D. What are RNA’s functions: • mRNA= • Copies the DNA code • Deliveries message to Ribosome • Ribosomes-Protein Factories

  19. Why not send the original DNA code out? Original DNA • DNA might be damaged! • mRNA components are reused • To copy more messages mRNA copy

  20. RNA function cont. Amino acid • tRNA: • in cytoplasm • Picks up an amino acid • “Taxis” the aa to the Ribosome protein factories tRNA

  21. III. Protein Synthesis Assembling Proteins from the DNA Instructions

  22. A. Transcription: • mRNA is copied off of DNA • In nucleus • Steps: • DNA untwists • DNA unzips • RNA codons line up

  23. Transcription: mRNA mRNA has: • Ribose sugar • Uracil instead of thymine bases • Nuclear membrane allows it to leave! A T C G U A G C I I I DNA Code

  24. Transcription in The nucleus DNA mRNA copy

  25. B. Translation = • Conversion of the message (mRNA Code) • Into a protein • By the ribosome factories

  26. B.Translation tRNA taxi A • mRNA arrives at the Ribosome • tRNA picks up an amino acid • tRNA delivers the aa to the ribosome • aa are assembled into polypeptide proteins U C G U A G C mRNA code

  27. 4. Polypeptide Chain of amino acids grows 2. Peptide bond forms 3. tRNA leaves ribosome • tRNA delivers • amino acid

  28. DNA Replication: Make duplicate DNA In nucleus Copy the chromosomes For Mitosis Protein Synthesis: Transcrition: Make mRNA From DNA Translation: Make protein Off mRNA code Using amino acids Summary:

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