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Gemal Abdul Nesser

Taylor Jordan Bianca McGill IB 20 th Century History Mr. Noblitt 3/14/11. Gemal Abdul Nesser. June 23, 2956-September 28, 1970. Rise to Power. Kicked the British out. Nasser organized a coup d'état to overthrow the Khedive. Got tired of the monarchy and wanted more of a republic.

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Gemal Abdul Nesser

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  1. Taylor Jordan Bianca McGill IB 20th Century History Mr. Noblitt 3/14/11 Gemal Abdul Nesser June 23, 2956-September 28, 1970

  2. Rise to Power Kicked the British out. Nasser organized a coup d'état to overthrow the Khedive. Got tired of the monarchy and wanted more of a republic.

  3. Foreign Policies • The new relationship Soviets agreed to provide approximately one-third of the cost of the Aswan High Dam and provided four hundred technicians to aid in the construction. (Suez Canal) • Good close relationship with the Soviet Union.

  4. Domestic Policies • He made a new Constitution. Kind of like that of the United States. • Egypt was more of a better place to live

  5. Domestic Political Policies Political party Arab Socialist Union Maintained good foreign and domestic relationships. He was as a Socialist, which means he wanted more power towards the state and government. But he was also funded by the United States.

  6. Domestic Social Policies • Land Reform: dramatic reduction of agricultural rents expropriation of all landed property-holdings above 200 feddâns (1 feddân = 1.038 acres) 5

  7. Domestic Religious Policies • Religion Sunni Islam • However he did not inflict his religion on the people of Egypt. • Islam • Christianity • Judaism

  8. Domestic Economic Policies • Nasser was along the lines of a socialist and giving the state the majority of the power and limiting the rights of the people. • He was funded by the US and got a lot of money and weapons from the United States.

  9. Ideologies Left Wing or Right Wing??? • Left Wing, because he was a socialist • His ideas were centered towards a more governmental society

  10. Totalitarianism? He was not a totalitarianism mainly because he still allowed the different religions to operate throughout the country. He wanted a lot…well more governmental control, but not to the point of ENTIRE and FULL and ALL (and every other synonym for a lot) government control.

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