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FLSP, CIALs and….

FLSP, CIALs and….

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FLSP, CIALs and….

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  1. FLSP, CIALs and…. Agroecosystems Analysis (AEA), Beneficiary Assessment, Development Education Leadership Teams (DELTA), Diagnosis and Design (D&D), Diagnostico Rural Participativo (DRP), Farmer Participatory Research (FPR), Groupe de Recherche et d’Appui pour l’Auto-promotion Paysanne (GRAAP), Methode Active de Recherche et de Planification Participative (MARP), Participatory Analysis and Learning Methods (PALM), Participatory Action Research (PAR), Participatory Research Methodology (PRM), Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), Participatory Rural Appraisal and Planning (PRAP), Participatory Technology Development (PTD), Participatory Urban Appraisal (PUA), Planning for Real, Process Documentation, Rapid Appraisal (RA), Rapid Assessment for Agricultural Knowledge Systems (RAAKS), Rapid Assessment Procedure (RAP), Rapid Assessment Techniques (RAT), Rapid Catchment Analysis (RCA), Rapid Ethnographic Assessment (REA), Rapid Food Security Assessment (RFSA), Rapid Multi-perspective Appraisal (RMA), Rapid Organisational Assessment (ROA), Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA), Samuhik Brahman (Joint Trek), Soft Systems Methodology (SSM), Story Methodology (SM), Theatre for Development, Training for Transformation, Visualisation in Participatory Programmes (VIPP), ZOPP… A great diversity of methods, but all share a few basic principles

  2. Farmers are involved in decision-making at every stage Site selection Diagnosis Planning Experimentation Evaluation Analysis Feedback Monitoring and evaluation Socialise lessons learned Principles of good practice in PR

  3. The research is based on a clear common agenda or set of priorities defined jointly by farmers and researchers and based on principles of social equity Principles of good practice in PR

  4. The research draws on multiple sources of information and methods and links together various knowledge worlds Principles of good practice in PR

  5. The research process is based on cyclical learning and feedback loops and there is two-way sharing of information among farmers and researchers Selecta focus-group Selecting villages Searching for options to test Testing and evaluating options Focus group Meeting Sharing with other villages Reaching other farmers in the village Agreeing on issues Village Planning Integrating solutions on farms Principles of good practice in PR FLSP

  6. The research process is based on cyclical learning and feedback loops and there is two-way sharing of information among farmers and researchers Principles of good practice in PR Experimenting Evaluation CIAL Planning Analysis Diagnosis Election Feedback Motivation Select region Train facilitators

  7. The research process is based on cyclical learning and feedback loops and there is two-way sharing of information among farmers and researchers Principles of good practice in PR Social equity Integral elements of PR Processes M & E Capacity-building Facilitation

  8. Click the back button on your browser to return to the main menu Sources: Braun, Horne, Vernooy & McDougall, Ashby, CIAT-IPRA

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