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Nucleon Strangeness: What we know and what we are still missing. Jacques Arvieux IPN-Orsay. Hadron Structure at J-PARC, Tsukuba, 1 December 2005. DIFFERENT TYPES OF POSSIBLE STRANGE CONTRIBUTIONS. SCALAR. and magnetic moment. AXIAL. VECTOR. (current and magnetization).
Nucleon Strangeness: What we know and what we are still missing JacquesArvieux IPN-Orsay Hadron Structure at J-PARC, Tsukuba, 1 December 2005
WHAT ROLE DO STRANGE QUARKS PLAY? proton u valence quarks u d u gluon “non-strange” sea (u, u ,d, d ) u s “strange” sea (s, s) quarks s Mass: (scalar) Momentum: (scalar) Spin: (axial) Charge and current: (vector)
NUCLEON FORM-FACTORS IN ELASTIC SCATTERING (vector term) neutral weak form factors • Nucleon form factors • well defined experimental observables • provide an important benchmark for testing non-perturbative QCD structure of the nucleon electromagnetic form factors Precision of EM form factors in 0.1 - 1 GeV2 Q2 range ~ 2 - 4% Weak amplitude = 10-5 x Electromagnetic Amplitude
PARITY VIOLATING ELECTRON SCATTERING polarized electrons, unpolarized target At tree level: Strange electric and magnetic form factors + axial form factor • At a given Q2 decomposition of GsE, GsM, GeA • Requires 3 measurements: • Forward angle e + p (elastic) • Backward angle e + p (elastic) • Backward angle e + d (quasi-elastic) 4. e+ He4 elastic scattering (only GsE)
PARITY VIOLATING ASYMMETRY forward angles HAPPEX, Mainz,G0: sensitive to backward angles SAMPLE, G0: sensitive to and and Overall goal of parity-violating electron scattering programs: axial form factor! Determine and separately over a wide range (0.1 – 1.0) (GeV/c)2 of Q2
CORRECTIONS TO TREE LEVEL CALCULATIONS To determine the strange form factors we must measure the PV asymmetry and compare it to the non-strange asymmetry A0 where strange form factors GES and GMS are set to zero. BUTWHAT IS REALLY A0? To the tree level calculations one should apply the following corrections: 1) One-quark electroweak corrections (Standard Model) 2) Multiquark radiative corrections (Anapole Moment) and make the best choice for the following parameters: 3)Choice of electromagnetic form-factors 5) Axial form-factor, includingDs (next talk)
ELECTROWEAK RADIATIVE CORRECTIONS . 1) One quark corrections: electroweak radiative corrections to e-N scattering . . . 2) Multi-quark corrections: nucleon anapole moment (parity-violating coupling between quarks) . . . . Z,W Anapole moment
PROTON FORM-FACTORS Comparison of Friedrich- Walcher (blue) andKelly (green)fits for GEp and GMp • Rosenbluth separation • Recoil polarization
NEUTRON FORM FACTORS The uncertainties are much larger than for protons and GEn data do not extend to high Q2 data so that this effect is not visible: GEn GMn
REVIEW OF EXISTING EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS • 1) SAMPLE (MIT-Bates): 3 experiments • 1 exp on hydrogen in 1998 atQ2 = 0.1 (GeV/c)2 • 1 exp on deuterium in 1999 atQ2 = 0.1 (GeV/c)2 • 1 exp in 2001 atQ2 = 0.03 (GeV/c) • 2) HAPPEX (Jefferson-Lab): 4experiments • 1 exp in 1998 atQ2 = 0.45 (GeV/c)2 • 2 experiments on He and H atQ2 = 0.1 (GeV/c)2 • 3) PV-A4 (MAMI-Mainz): 2 experiments • 1 exp at on HQ2 = 0.23 (GeV/c)2published in Jan 2004 • 1 exp on H atQ2 = 0.1 (GeV/c)2published in Dec 2004 • G0 (Jefferson Lab): Q2 = 0.1-1 (GeV/c)2 • forward angles on H target in 2004 • backward angles on H and D target in 2006
GENERAL EXPERIMENTAL REQUIREMENTS Want to measure APV ~ -3/-40 ppm with precision dAPV /APV ~ 5% • Statistics (need 1013 - 1014 events): • Reliable high polarization, high current polarized source • High power H/D target • Large acceptance detector • High count rate capability detectors/electronics • Systematics (needed to reduce false asymmetries, accurately measure dilution factors): • Small helicity-correlated beam properties • Capability to isolate elastic scattering from other processes
D2 H2 Zhu, et al. SUMMARY OF SAMPLE 200 MeV DATA Q2=0.1 (GeV/c)2 Using Zhu et al. for GAe(T=1) Combined D2/H2 at 200 MeV
2004 HAPPEX-II Results HAPPEX-4He: Q2 = 0.091 (GeV/c)2 APV = +6.72 0.84 (stat) 0.21 (syst) ppm A(Gs=0) = +7.507 ppm 0.075 ppm GsE = -0.039 0.041(stat) 0.010(syst) 0.004(FF) Q2 = 0.099 (GeV/c)2 APV = -1.14 0.24 (stat) 0.06 (syst) ppm HAPPEX-H: A(Gs=0) = -1.440 ppm 0.105 ppm GsE + 0.08 GsM = 0.032 0.026(stat) 0.007(syst) 0.011(FF)
RESULTS FROM PV-A4 (MAMI-MAINZ) Note the Negative sign
PRESENT RESULTS BEFORE G0 GES~ 0 GMS ~ +0.5 mP GEs + a(Q2) GMs GMs GEs Q2 [GeV2]
THE G0 EXPERIMENT AT JLAB Caltech, Carnegie-Mellon, W&M, Hampton, IPN-Orsay, ISN-Grenoble, Kentucky, La.Tech, NMSU, Jlab, TRIUMF, Uconn, UIUC, UMan, UMd, UMass, UNBC, VPI, Yerevan Goal: Determine contributions of strange quarks to charge and magnetization distributions of the nucleon within a few percent of Gdipolefor Q2 = 0.12-1.0 (GeV/c)2 • Forward and backwardangle parity-violating e-p elasticand e-d quasielastic in Jefferson Lab Hall C • Kinematics • Forward mode: detect recoil protons • Backward mode: detect electrons • Note that G0= (Gu + Gd + Gs) / 3 is the singlet form-factor
G0 in Hall C at JLAB superconducting magnet (SMS) cryogenic supply beam monitoring girder scintillation detectors cryogenic target ‘service module’ electron beamline
Parity Quality Beam Total of 744 hours (103 Coulombs)of parity quality beam with a 4 cut on parity quality. All parity quality specs have been achieved!!
F&W Arr HAPPEX G0 DATA: GEs + h GMs • lines show Friedrich & Walcher, Arrington/Kelly form factors (Kelly = 0) • HAPPEX points adjusted to G0 incident energy (DA = 0.03 ppb, 0.13 ppm) DHB 15 May 05
s GE s GM World Data @ Q2 = 0.1 GeV2 = -0.013 0.028 = +0.62 0.31 0.62 2s • Contours • 1s, 2s • 68.3, 95.5% CL • Theories • Leinweber, et al. PRL 94 (05) 212001 • Lyubovitskij, et al.PRC 66 (02) 055204 • Lewis, et al.PRD 67 (03) 013003 • Silva, et al.PRD 65 (01) 014016 http://www.npl.uiuc.edu/exp/G0/Forward
WORLD DATA: Q2 = 0.23 GeV2 • Good agreement between G0 and PV-A4 • Need backward angle data for separating GEs and GMs DHB 15 May 05
HAPPEX H G0 World data: Q2 = 0.477 GeV2 Good agreement between G0 and HAPPEX Need backward angle data for separating GES and GMS DHB 15 May 05
CONCLUSIONS • Fist measurement of strange form factors at high momentum transfer by G0 • Contribution of strange quarks to nucleon form factors is small but definitely non-zero • Backward angle data from PVA4 and G0 , combined with new forward HAPPEX point will allow a clean GES / GMSseparation • Final precision hampered by uncertainties in some parameters: • - neutron electric form factor • - Ds • - Axial form factor (next talk…….)