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Unity Through Community

Discover the significance of student service learning (SSL) as a state graduation requirement that integrates real-world community service with curriculum-based learning. High-quality SSL promotes civic engagement, academic success, and character development. The Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) SSL program requires students to complete 75 SSL hours by participating in academic courses, school clubs, or pre-approved community organizations. SSL opportunities must be with nonprofit organizations, except for specific cases. Three essential phases of SSL include preparation, action, and reflection. Organizations must adhere to guidelines and provide a meaningful experience for students. Explore the impact of SSL on students' growth and responsibilities towards community service and civic engagement.

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Unity Through Community

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  1. Unity Through Community • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4z7gDsSKUmU

  2. What is Student Service Learning? • A state graduation requirement. • An experiential teaching method that addresses real • community need through meaningful service and curriculum-based learning. Unity Through Community

  3. High quality service learning promotes civic knowledge, civic engagement, academic success, character and social development in students. SSL neither substitutes for, nor replaces service to families, neighbors, and/or fellow religious organization members.

  4. Meets a recognized need in the community. Achieves curricular objectives. Gains necessary knowledge and skills. Plans ahead. Works with existing service organizations. Develops a sense of responsibility. Reflects throughout the experience. A student involved in high quality Service Learning activities:

  5. Supports high quality service-learning experiences for all students. Promotes habits of civic participation, responsibility, and service. Encourages full participation in American democratic life. • The MCPS SSL Program:

  6. MCPS students will complete 75 SSL hours for graduation. MCPS students may begin to work on this graduation requirement the summer after completing grade 5. They continue to accrue hours throughout high school. The requirement is prorated according to first time enrollment in MCPS after grade 6. Student Requirements for SSL

  7. Specific academic courses. grade 6 Science grade 7 English grade 8 Social Studies some high school electives 2. School-sponsored clubs and organizations with service activities. 3. Pre-approved community organizations. How can students earn SSL hours?

  8. All SSL must be completed under the supervision of nonprofit, tax-exempt community organizations. For profit nursing homes, and assisted living facilities are the only exceptions to the nonprofit rule. All SSL activities must directly contact the patients/residents of these facilities. Participation with Approved Community Organizations

  9. SSL opportunities may not be used to increase the revenue for a private, for profit business. SSL opportunities may not replace a paid staff worker of the participating organization. SSL organizations may not compensate students with money, goods or services such that the service-learning opportunity is performed in expectation of both the SSL credit and the money, goods or services. For profit nursing homes, and assisted living facilities are the only exceptions to the nonprofit rule. All SSL activities must directly contact the patients/residents of these facilities. Business Relationships

  10. All Community SSL Participation Must be Preapproved Listed as Preapproved on the Montgomery CountyVolunteer Center website, montgomeryserves.org OR All preapproved SSL activities in the community:

  11. The Volunteer Center website links to all the Organizations that are SSL Preapproved. Preapproved opportunities with those organizations are identified with a graduation cap icon.

  12. Organizations identified as SSL Preapproved have done the following: • Registered with MCVC • Sent a representative to an orientation where the MCPS SSL guidelines were explained (every three years) • Signed an Organization Responsibility and Assurance document • Obtained official tax-exempt status from the IRS • Provided proof of general liability insurance coverage (annual update expected) • Provided a description of the work of student volunteers for review and approval by MCPS.

  13. Organizations agree to: -Provide activities that are secular in nature -Advise students of the need that will be addressed, overall expectations, and safety information -Cover the SSL phases of preparation, action, and reflection -Superviseall activities in public places (NOT private residences) -Prohibit door-to-door neighborhood canvassing opportunities or telephone solicitation -Evaluate student performance at regular intervals and share results with the student -Maintain log and verify service on MCPS Form 560-51: Student Service Learning Activity Verification, according to program timelines -Award 1 SSL hour for every hour of service (maximum of 8 hours per day) -Comply with all federal, state, and local laws that forbid discrimination based on race, creed, sex, age, disability, or natural origin -Prohibit verbal abuse, threats, physical violence, or sexual harassment directed at others

  14. Organizations that are SSL Preapproved: • Do not include site visits or background check by MCPS or MCVC personnel • Parents and guardians may contact individual organizations to verify safety and background-check information • Parents and guardians are responsible for determining if an organization or service opportunity is appropriate and safe for their children

  15. Three Phases of SSL: • Preparation • 2. Action • 3. Reflection

  16. 1. Preparation Provides students with the knowledge and skills needed for service.

  17. 2. Action Direct serviceprovides face-to-face contact with the service recipients. These activities include tutoring young children; serving meals at homeless shelters; working with the elderly in nursing homes. Indirect Servicemeets a need with no direct contact. These activities include food & clothing collections and environmental projects. Advocacyshares viewpoints on issues of interest. These activities include letter writing, public comment, and participating in community activities.

  18. 3. Reflection Encourages students to rethink: the need they have addressed. the service they have performed. the impact of their service on the community. what they learned about themselves.

  19. If the student intends to do service with a project that isNOT pre-approved, this form must be sent by students to the coordinator for preapproval PRIOR to the service. YOUR ORGANIZATION may be asked to complete this if you do not complete the MCVC/MCPS process.

  20. If the student does service with a project that IS pre-approved, this form must be completed by the student. YOUR ORGANIZATION MUSTcomplete this in order for the student to receive their hours. Please give specific descriptions of the activities performed.

  21. Sign the Organization Responsibility and Assurance Document and return to Shella Cherry or Jennifer Herman before you leave today. Send a copy of your organization’s proof of liability insurance to: Jennifer_L_Herman@mcpsmd.org. Communicate any questions or concerns to either Shella Cherry or Jennifer Herman at 301-279-3454 or via email: Shella_B_Cherry@mcpsmd.orgorJennifer_L_Herman@mcpsmd.org

  22. Unity Through Community

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