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2010 년 정리

2010 년 정리. 미토콘드리아 연구실 ( mtDNA research lab). 2010. 12. 28 ( 화 ). 정리 내용. 연구원 동정 학술대회 참가 및 연제발표 Accepted manuscript 준비중인 SCI 논문 연구과제 수행. 2010 년 MTDNA 연구팀 연구원 동정. 현재 신명근 교수님 , 김혜란 , 김환영 , 김민영연구원 : 엄하영 ( 석사과정 ), 안애자 ( 석사과정 ) 2010. 01. 02 오지연 연구원 화순전남대병원 시간제 입사

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2010 년 정리

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  1. 2010년 정리 미토콘드리아 연구실 (mtDNA research lab) 2010. 12. 28 (화)

  2. 정리 내용 • 연구원 동정 • 학술대회 참가 및 연제발표 • Accepted manuscript • 준비중인 SCI논문 • 연구과제 수행

  3. 2010년 MTDNA연구팀연구원 동정 현재 신명근 교수님, 김혜란, 김환영, 김민영연구원: 엄하영(석사과정), 안애자(석사과정) • 2010. 01. 02 오지연 연구원 화순전남대병원 시간제 입사 • 2010. 02.23 mtDNA 제 4회 BK21 전남대학교 의생명인력사업단 심포지움 참가 • 2010. 02. 25 화순전남대학교 병원 진단분자유전검사 WORKSHOP 발표 • 2010. 03.23- 25 신명근 교수님, 김혜란 박사님 규슈대학교병원 방문 • 2010. 03. 26 2010 mtDNA 연구실 1분기 모임 • 2010. 05.27~29 신명근 교수님, 김혜란 박사님 혈액학 종합학술대회참가 • 2010. 06. 19~21 전남의대 큐슈대 강동천교수 초청 (우리 실험실 방문, 공동연구계획) • 2010. 06. 25 2010 임상의학연구소 워크샵-김혜란박사 우수연구원상 수상 • 2010. 07. 12 2010 mtDNA 연구실 2분기 모임 • 2010. 08. 01 김민영 연구원 실험실 합류 • 2010. 10. 08 2010 mtDNA 연구실 3분기 모임 • 2010. 11. 17 안애자, 엄하영 선생님 논문 심사: 우수한 논문내용으로 통과 • 2010. 12. 01 오지연 연구원 여수전남병원 입사 • 2010. 12. 02~09 신명근 교수님, 미국 혈액학회 (올랜도, 미국) 참석 및 연제발표( 혈액학회 지원) • 2010. 12. 16~18 김혜란 박사, 아시아미토콘드리아 학회 (큐슈, 일본)참석 및 연제발표 (BK21 사업단 지원)

  4. 2010 학술대회 참가 및 연제발표-국내 13개, 국외 9개 1) 화순백신포럼: 2010.12.18 화순전남대학교 병원 대강당 ‘Presentation of patents in the field of cancer diagnostics and targeted cancer therapy at CNUHH mitochondrial research laboratory’ 2) 2010 미국혈액학회(ASH): 2010. 12.04-07 미국 올랜도 - The Spectra of Chromosomal Aberrations in Acute Leukemia and Implications for the Development of Optimal Profiles of Leukemic Fusion Genes in Multiplex RT-PCR System (accepted abstract) - Prohibitin serves as a novel target mitochondrial protein of phenyl-chloroethyl ureas involved in their antiproliferative effect on multiple myeloma cells (accepted abstract) - Distinctive Hematological Abnormalities and GATA1 Mutation Spectra in East Asian Neonates and Children with Down Syndrome (listed only) - Metformin selectively suppressed the proliferation of AML stem cells through increased phosphorylation of AMP-activated protein kinase (listed only)

  5. 3) 대한진단검사의학회 제 51차 학술대회: 2010. 10. 28~29 그랜드힐튼 서울 호텔 1. 한국인 폐암 환자를 대상으로 한 ARCHITECT ProGRP 임상평가(신명근)-구연 2. Aging of Blood Cells and Hematopoietic Tissue (신명근)- 워크숍 강의 3. Distinctive Hematological Abnormalities and GATA1 Mutation Spectra in East Asian Neonates and Children with Down Syndrome Da-Woon Kim, Hye-Ran Kim,Myung-Geun Shin-포스터 4. Prohibitin Serves as a Novel Target Mitochondrial Protein of Phenyl-Chloroethyl Ureas Involved in their Antiproliferative Effect on Multiple Myeloma Cells Myung-Geun Shin, Hye-Ran Kim, Hyun-Jung Choi-포스터 5. Serum Fibrin Degradation Product is a Valuable Tumor Marker for Multiple Myeloma Ae-Ja Ahn, Myung-Geun Shin, Hye-Ran Kim-포스터 6. Accuracy Improvement for Glucometer by Reducing the Hematocrit Dependency Using Informatics Technology Hyun -Jung Choi, Myung-Geun Shin,Duck Cho-포스터 7. Alteration of Mitochondrial DNA Copy Number and Mitochondria-Rich Plasma Proteins are Biomarkers for Benzene Exposure in Blood and Leukemia Cells’ Myung-Geun Shin, Min-Joong Chang, Hyun-Jung Choi-구연, 우수구연상

  6. 4) APCCB 2010 (The 12th Asian-Pacific Congress of Clinical Biochemistry) : 2010. 10. 3~7 서울 코엑스 컨벤션센터 1. Laboratory Test Utility of Blood proGRP in Patient with Small Cell Lung Cancer Da-Woon Kim, Myung-Geun Shin, Hye-Ran Kim-포스터 2. Acute myeloid leukemia stem cells possess lower dividing property and steady state of cell cycles Hye-Ran Kim, Myung-Geun Shin-포스터 3. Serum fibrin degradation products represent a biomarker capable of diagnosing multiple myeloma with a high degree of sensitivity and specificity Myung-Geun Shin, Hye-Ran Kim-포스터 4. Mitochondrial Aberrarions in Hematopoietic Diseases’ (신명근)- 워크숍 강의

  7. 5) 화순전남대학교병원 2010년 소아암 환경보건센터 심포지움(신명근) : 2010.7.2 화순전남대학교병원 지하 대강당 ‘Environmental risk factor and mitochondrial aberrations’ 6) AACC Annual Meeting 2010 : 2010.7.28 Anaheim, California ‘Specimen Type Comparison for Circulating ProGRP Concentration in Various Lung Diseases’ 7) 대한진단혈액학회 심포지엄 (신명근) : 2010.8.25 서울대병원 임상의강의실 ‘New insights into diagnosis and pathophysiology of PNH’ 8) ISES-ISEE 2010(엄하영) : 2010.8.28~9.1 서울 코엑스 ‘Alteration of mitochondrial DNA copy number and mitochondria-rich plasma proteins are biomarkers for benzene exposure in blood and leukemia cells’-포스터 9) 제7회 유전체 학회 : 2010.11.26 서울교육문화회관 ‘Frequent mitochondrial DNA genomic aberration with profound length heteropplasmic instability from primary AML cells: impaired mitochondrial biogenesis and evidence of 'vicious cycle' pathophysiology’ Hye-Ran Kim, Myung-Geun Shin, Hwan-young Kim, Min-Young Kim

  8. 10) 2010년 혈액학 종합 학술대회 : 2010.5.27~29 서울그랜드힐튼호텔 1. Hematological abnormalities and GATA1 mutations in Korean neonates and children with Down syndrome Da-Woon Kim, Hye-Ran Kim, Myung-Geun Shin-구연상 2. Chromosome alteration of Korean acute leukemia by analysis of cytogenetics, FISH, multiplex RT-PCR Hyun-Jung Choi, Hye-Ran Kim, Myung-Geun Shin-구연 3. Metformin selectively inhibits the growth of AMLcell lines and AML stem cells Myung-Geun Shin, Ha-Young Eom, Hye-Ran Kim-구연 4. Mitochondrial minisatellite alterations in single AML stem cells associated with vicious cycle hypothesis Myung-Geun Shin, Ae-Ja Ahn, Hye-Ran Kim, Hwan-Young Kim-포스터 5. Alkylation of prohibitin by phenyl-chloroethyl ureas kills multiple myeloma cells Hye-Ran Kim, Myung-Geun Shin-포스터 6. Donor cell origin of multiple myeloma occurring after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in a patient with refractory anemia with ring sideroblast Myung-Geun Shin,Young-Il Kim, Hye-Ran Kim, Eun-Sun Jung-포스터

  9. 11) 제 4회 BK21 전남대학교 의생명인력사업단 심포지움 (김혜란) : 2010. 2. 23 담양리조트 송강홀 ‘Alteration of mitochondrial DNA sequence and copy number in nasal polyp tissue’ 12) 2010년 화순전남대학교 병원 진단분자유전검사 WORKSHOP (김혜란) : 2010. 2. 25 화순전남대학교병원 지하 대강당 ‘자동염기서열분석기 원리 및 이용’ 13) 2010 대한 진단 혈액학회 학술대회 (신명근) : 2010.2.19 서울성모병원 의과학연구원 ‘Mitochondria and hematologic disorders’

  10. 2010 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT • 1) Donor cell origin of multiple myeloma occurring after allogeneic • haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in a patient with refractory anaemia with ring sideroblast. • J Clin Pathol. Dec 22, 2010[Epub ahead of print] • Distinctive Hematological Abnormalities in East Asian Neonates and Children with Down Syndrome. • Int J Lab Hematol. Nov 30, 2010 accepted (under publication) • 3) CD133 mRNA expression and microsatellite instability in colorectal carcinoma. J Surg Oncol. 2010 Dec 1;102(7):765-70 • 4) Investigation of toxin gene diversity, molecular epidemiology, and antimicrobial resistance of Clostridium difficile isolated from 12 hospitals in South Korea. • Korean J Lab Med. 2010 Oct;30(5):491-7 • 5) Clinical significance of clonality and Epstein-Barr Virus infection in adult patients with hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. Am J Hematol. 2010 Sep;85(9):719-22

  11. 6) Comparison of the technical and clinical performance of the Elecsys HBsAg II assay with the Architect, AxSym, and Advia Centaur HBsAg screening assays. J Med Virol 2010;82(5):755-62 7) Prognostic significance of nucleophosmin mutations and FLT3 internal tandem duplication in adult patients with cytogenetically normal acute myeloid leukemia. Korean J Hematol. 2010 Mar;45(1):36-45. Epub 2010 Mar 31. 8) Analysis of fluorescence in situ hybridization, mtDNA quantification, and mtDNA sequence for the detection of early bladder cancer. Cancer Genet Cytogenet 2010;198:107-17 9) Coexisting with Clonal Evolution and BCR-ABL Mutant in CML Patients Treated with Second-generation Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors Predict the Discrepancy of in vitro Drug Sensitivity. Cancer Res Treat. 2010;42:37-41 10) Molecular cytogenetic analysis of Korean patients with Waldenström macroglobulinemia. Cancer Genet Cytogenet. 2010;197:117-21

  12. 11) Prognostic significance of nucleophosmin mutations and FLT3 internal tandem duplication in adult patients with cytogenetically normal acute myeloid leukemia. Korean J Hematol. 2010 Mar;45(1):36-45. Epub 2010 Mar 31. 12) ADAMTSThrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura with decreased level of ADAMTS-13 activity and increased level of ADAMTS-13 inhibitor in an adolescent Korean Journal of Pediatrics Vol. 53, No. 3, 2010

  13. SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT, UNDER REVIEW • Spectra of Chromosomal Aberrations in 348 Leukemia Patients and Implications for the Development of Optimal Profiles of Leukemic Fusion Genes in Multiplex RT-PCR System. J Clin Pathol. Under review • Concentrations of Pro-Gastrin-Releasing Peptide in Different Types of Fresh Specimens and Various Clinical Conditions. JKMS. Under review • Alteration of mitochondrial DNA copy number and mitochondria-rich plasma proteins as biomarkers for benzene exposure in blood and leukemia cells Environmental toxicology and chemistry. Under review

  14. 2010 Manuscript preparation • Association of allelic expression imbalance of JAK2 V617F mutation and • phenotypic diversity in MPN: 신명근 • 2) Prohibitin as a new biomarkers of leukemia for diagnosis, predicting prognosis, • MRD monitoring and molecular therapeutics: 김혜란/신명근 3) mtDNA instability in BE esophagus: 김환영/신명근 • 4) The spectrum of mitochondrial genome instability in acute myeloid leukemia • and leukemia stem cells: 안애자/신명근

  15. 2010 연구과제 수행 1) 단독연구과제 i) 2010 과학재단 특정기초 2) 세부연구과제 i) 환경성 질환연구센터 세부과제

  16. 모두의 앞날에 무궁한 발전이 있도록 우리 모두 화이팅!!! 감사합니다~

  17. 불광불급 (不狂不及) • 미치지 않으면 도달하지 못한다 • “빨리 가려면 혼자 가라. 오래 가려면 함께 가라” • 3月 11日 입적 법정스님 • “ 그 동안 풀어 놓은 말 빚을 다음 생에 가져가지 않으려 한다. • 잘했어요, 고맙습니다, 아름다워요, • 사랑하고 존경하면 세상은 더 아름다워집니다.

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