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Integer Programming

Integer Programming. ECE 665 Professor Maciej Ciesielski By DFG. Outline. Mathematical programming paradigm Linear Programming Integer Programming Integer Programming Example Unimodularity LP -> IP Theorem Conclusion Special Linear Programming with Integer Solutions

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Integer Programming

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  1. Integer Programming ECE 665 Professor Maciej Ciesielski By DFG

  2. Outline • Mathematical programming paradigm • Linear Programming • Integer Programming • Integer Programming • Example • Unimodularity LP -> IP • Theorem • Conclusion • Special Linear Programming with Integer Solutions • Assignment Problem • Network Flow Problem • Review • Conclusions

  3. Mathematical Programming paradigm Mathematical Programming Paradigm A mathematical program is an optimization problem of the form: • Maximize (or Minimize) f(x) subject to: • g(x) = 0 • h(x) ≥ 0 where x = [x1,...xn] is a subset of Rn, the functions g and h are called constraints, and f is called the objective function.

  4. Linear Programming (LP) • The goal of Linear programming is to: (Max)Minimize: CTx Subject to: Ax ≥ b x ≥ 0 Where CT is a coefficient vector for f, A is a constraint matrix, and b es a constraint vector. • The constraint set: {x | Ax ≥ b} is a convex polyhedron, and f is linear so it is convex. Therefore, LP has convexity, and the local min/max is the global min/max

  5. Integer Programming (IP) • The goal of Integer programming is to: (Max)Minimize: CTx Subject to: Ax  b xiinteger • Typically, xi = 0,1 • (0,1 Integer Programming)

  6. 2 e1 e2 1 3 e3 IP Example (Matching Problem) Given a graph G , find maximal set of edges in G, such that no two edges are adjacent to the same vertex. • Maximum matching: matching of maximum cardinality. • Weighted matching: matching with

  7. 2 e1 e2 1 3 e3 IP Example (Matching Problem)

  8. IP Example (Matching Problem) In matrix form: Where b = [ 1,…1]T , A = incidence matrix of G 1 2 3

  9. IP Example (Matching Problem) max 1x1 + 1x2 + 1x3 x1 , x2 , x3 = 0, 1 One solution to this IP problem: x1= 1 , x2= 0 , x3= 0 Other possible solutions: x1= 0 , x2= 1 , x3= 0, or x1= 0 , x2= 0 , x3= 1

  10. Question… Can the solution to this IP problem be obtained by dropping the integrality constraint: xi = 0, 1 And solving the LP problem instead? In our example, solution to the IP is not obtainable from LP. Reason: matrix A does not have certain property (total unimodularity) needed to guarantee integer solutions.

  11. Question… If xi = 0, 1 is relaxed, such that xi 0 , then the solution to the associated LP problem is non – integer: Reason: the A matrix Is not totally unimodular: |A| = - 2

  12. Unimodularity: LP -> IP Given a constraint set in standard form where A, b are integer Partition A = [B/N ]; x = [xB, xN ] B is nonsingular m x m basis, N is non-basic

  13. Unimodularity: LP -> IP Basic solution is In particular, when B = I and B -1 = I then XB= b a solution can be obtained by inspection (as in the initial step of Simplex method).

  14. Unimodularity: LP -> IP Since xB = B –1 b with xN = 0, b integer A sufficient condition for a basic solution xBto be integer is that B –1 be an integer matrix

  15. Unimodularity A square matrix B is called unimodular if D = |det B| = 1 An integer matrix A is totally unimodular if every square, nonsingular submatrix of A is unimodular. Equivalently: A is totally unimodular if every subdeterminant of A is 0, +1, or –1.

  16. Unimodularity Recall that for B nonsingular: Where B + , adjoint matrix = [ i j cofactor of element a i jin det A ]T B +and det B are integer if B –1 is integer

  17. Unimodularity Cofactor of ai j : Determinant obtained by omitting the ith row and the jth column of A and then multiplying by (-1) i + j .

  18. Unimodularity For B unimodular, B –1integer: If A is totally unimodular, every basis matrix B is unimodular and every basic solution ( xB , yN) = ( B –1 b, 0 ) Is integer. In particular, the optimal solution is integer

  19. Theorem 1: If A is totally unimodular then every basic solution of Ax = b is integer. For LP’s with equality constraints total unimodularity is sufficient but not necessary. For LP with inequality constraints, Ax  b, total unimodularity of A is both necessary and sufficient for all extreme points of s = {x : Ax  b , x  0 } to be integer for every integer vector b.

  20. Conclusion: Any IP with totally unimodular constraint matrix can be solved as an LP. Totally unimodular matrix : a i j = 0 , +1, -1 Also, every determinant of A must be 0, +1 or -1

  21. Special Linear Programs with Integer Solutions Network flow problems: • max flow • min – cost flow • assignment problem • shortest path • transportation problem are LP with the property that they possess optimal solutions in integers.

  22. Some Totally Unimodular Linear Programs Assignment problem (special case of min – cost capacitated flow problems) [ m jobs x m men ] c i j =cost of assigning man i to job j

  23. Some Totally Unimodular Linear Programs s. to.

  24. Some Totally Unimodular Linear Programs X11 X12 X13 X21 X22 X23 X31 X32 X33

  25. Some Totally Unimodular Linear Programs In matrix notation: Ax = 1 where m2 m 2m ... Exactly m 1’s in each row Exactly 2 1’s in each column

  26. Network Flow Problems Given: • a set of originsV1 ; each origin i  V1 ; supplies a1 of commodity. • a set of destinationsV2 ; each destination j  V2 ; has a demand biof commodity. • costper unit commodity; cijassociated with sending commodity through (i, j ).

  27. Network Flow Problems Constraint Set: (Totally unimodular)

  28. Network Flow Problems Special case: for single source, single destination, max flow problem in any case: Ax  b

  29. Review No matter which problem it is: the general format is A’x  b It can be shown that • If A is totally unimodular then [A/I ] is also totally unimodular • The transpose of totally unimodular matrix is also totally unimodular • . where A = incidence matrix of the corresponding digraph, totally unimodular. I = identity matrix, A’ is totally unimodular.

  30. Review No efficient algorithms exist for general Integer Programming problems • Exploit a special structure of the problem (total unimodularity, etc.) to obtain integer solutions by solving simpler problems. • Transform the problem to another problem for which an approximate solution is easier to find. • Once the structure of the problem is well understood, use heuristic, but… stay away from brute force approach.

  31. Conclusions A large number of CAD problems can be cast in analytical form: • Graph Theory • Mathematical Optimization For some problems – efficient algorithms exist. For others – need to resort to heuristic, suboptimal solutions. Some known successful heuristic approaches • Simulated annealing • LP rounding

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